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Everything posted by SUBaron

  1. @Oldsalt1950 I read your post and agree - especially with your summation to use whatever you want because it all evens out in the end (paraphrasing). I agree - and logically, beeswax just doesn’t scream “Acidic” to me. I found it interesting that with such in depth discussion on acidity, reactions, etc, nobody brought up that the content of the rope/lines/thread will play a big part in how they may or may not react. Another plus to your summation. I had actually considered for a moment putting one of my staff Toxicologists (US EPA) on this issue, but decided it wasn’t a good use of taxpayer dollars 💵 😆. In the end, I suspect I’ll be long gone before the beeswax eats through my bobstay lines. Cheers!
  2. …found an interesting discussion on https://modelshipworld.com/topic/28407-waxing-modell-rope-thread/ wax.
  3. When positioned on the port and starboard, are these still referred to as bobstays? Also, am I using too much wax on the lines? How many passes through the wax bar is typical?
  4. Money well spent on a glass chair mat. My previous chair mat split, cracked and had to be patched with gorilla (duct) tape. It was filled with little pits and valleys that caught my chair wheels.
  5. Bobstay complete (lunch project, between MS Teams calls). I lost two links to the chain before I successfully attached the bobstay to the U-bolt/bow eye on the hull. My first rigging 😃
  6. @Keith Black Much appreciated. It’s a neater look than the AL instructions offered. As these are my first strops, I’m not unhappy with the results, but shall employ your method next time.
  7. Thanks @Keith Black Still working on it - I bite whatever I can chew throughout my workday 😂 I thought the chain was interesting- I suspected that was what it was for, but don’t recall seeing a chain on other ships.
  8. Finally - the Bowsprit! Heading into uncharted waters now with rigging. Looking forward to it having been inspired by some true artists here.
  9. @Paul Le Wol Thanks - Odd, but sounds about right 😛 I’ll look into it. I have a hybrid process of posting text from my work laptop because I don’t like typing too much from my phone, then accessing the site from my phone and uploading the pics. …Updated: it worked. I went back and reorientated several. Thanks again 😀
  10. @Keith Black Thanks - I hadn’t thought of reducing the stain with thinner. I was going to try that this morning and got wrapped up with work. I just went to check; the combination of rolling in wax paper and extra time has done the trick. They are dry. I used Minwax Deep Penetrating Wood Stain. I chose red Mahogany because the instructions said to use Sapele, and this was the closest I could find.
  11. I over stained my masts, spars, etc. They look fine but won’t dry - 24 hours later and they are tacky to the touch. I’ve tried rolling them in parchment paper and it helped a little. I’m wondering if it’s okay to apply varnish and not wait for them to fully dry? The longer I leave them unvarnished in this tacky state, I feel they’ll collect dust dog hair, etc…
  12. I had a lot of fun shaping the dowels into masts, spars, bowsprit, etc. It was my first effort using a lathe since wood shop in 9th grade (do they even offer that anymore?). It wasn't like riding a bike, but it was fun and I didn't break anything, though I did manage to wallop my fingers and knuckles a few times on the 3 jaw chuck whilst trying to shape.
  13. I finally got a chance to use my new Proxxon Micro Lathe to do some paint work. I used a toothpick for the Barrel stoppers.
  14. I've found that I didn't have any other primer than the one I used for the wood. It worked for the anchor, but it didn't hold well and I can tell there's probably a better solution. Does anyone have any recommendations for primer to use on metal? Thanks!
  15. Some more progress. Not much commentary as it was fairly straight forward. I did have some issues with the tiller. I split the wood when inserting the nail. I'll post the pictures in batches of about 5 or so.
  16. That is some darn good modelling right there. I've just completed shaping my masts, spars, etc., and will soon be ready for rigging. This is truly inspirational!
  17. Thanks @Oldsalt1950! I spent a lot of time reading this, books, publications, other sites, and YouTube, about ship building. So much so that most of the problems I've encountered had a familiar feel. It feels like I've created an internal notebook already of issues to expect. However, it all comes down to execution. I still tend to get impatient, and that's when I make mistakes. For example, I was cutting and shaping about 20 tie-down cleats. About halfway through, I found my finished product was becoming less "polished". So I stopped working on those and walked away. Thanks for checking out my blog 🙂
  18. Ron, beautiful build! Absolutely motivating to complete my Swift and move on to the Connie 🙂 Cheers! -Andre
  19. I'm a little more cocky than I've probably a right to be, so no worries! My dad is also a pessimist, but I try to encourage him by overshadowing his pessimism, with my realism 🙂 I tried to get him to engage in this hobby, but he just wouldn't have it. He said his hands shake a bit too much now for detail work and he said that he doesn't have the patience that he used to. However, he is enjoying watching my progress. I'd be happy if I could inspire you - my Swift build log is here - 1805 Swift --> https://modelshipworld.com/topic/31399-swift-1805-by-subaron-artesania-latina-150-2016-kit-version/ Cheers, and hope to see a build log soon! 🙂
  20. Agreed! I'm enjoying it. The material was all in great shape and with enough extra wood to feel comfortable - fortunately, not needed yet, but much appreciated. @Artesania Latina
  21. Thanks! @Tomasz B
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