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Everything posted by HIPEXEC

  1. Frank, It's very good to see you back in action. Sounds like your wife is taking all that crap in stride. Good for her. I'm in the middle of moving. Next stop setting up the new shop. My love to your wife. Rich
  2. I packed all my Connie plans since I'm moving but if you look closley at the pic you send me, you can see how I screwed up. I measured all the shroud downhauls and many were incorrectly marked so that after I cut the gunports, properly installed shroud downhauls would block a canon port. It was way too late to fix such a blunder so I installed the shrouds with no downhauls!!  step back and make suer each shroud can have a downhaul and not block a gunport

    1. achuck49


      Enjoy your move (bad joke).


      I believe that I have a battle plan. 


      Will it survive first contact?




    2. HIPEXEC
  3. I'm closing down my shipyard so I can move. At my age it's time to downsize. I haven't touch my boat in a month while selling my house. I miss everybody but some things are necessary
  4. After the stand was finished, I looked at the whole thing from all angles and realized the ship was on a port tack instead of straight up! So I did some shimming and sanding and straightened the whole thing. The lesson here is, check everything from all angles every time.
  5. The ship's stand is now ready for some touch up staining and several coats of varnish.
  6. I've sanded away the stain in the areas to be glued. I've installed pins in each cradle and drilled holes to receive them in the base. The long strip you see is trim molding when it is all glued together. Then I will varnish whole thing.
  7. The cradles and base are finally set so the ship sits firmly on the stand. Next I will pin but not glue the cradles. Then I will sand and varnish all pieces. Then permanently glue everything together. By the way where that big knot is I will place a brass plaque with the ship's name
  8. I'm doing the final fitting and positioning of the ship's stand. Next will be mounting and finishing
  9. Still working on the ship's stand. I cut out one cradle and now I have to finish sanding it and staining it.
  10. I'm starting to build a stand for my boat since none comes with this kit.
  11. I'll make my own out of wood. It's hard to believe they did not provide for a stand?
  12. I just rummaged through my kit and Syren plans and can not find anything to make a ship's stand? Am I missing something?
  13. I finished the rudder chains and because the Argus has superstructures in the stern and pictures I have of an old model of the Argus makes me believe that the chains run through the hull into the superstructures just like on the USS Constitution where they run through the hull into the gun room for emergency steering.
  14. I started to install the rudder chains or pendants. I'm not sure how detailed I'll be. Run the lines all the way to the deck or just clip them to the hull?
  15. I basically installed the hammock nets. Now I just have to clean them up and trim. This was like dealing with spider webs the netting is so fine. Worse than putting toothpaste back in the tube
  16. I fixed the sharp edges on the longboat tiller, but as usual, the crappy wood from this kit just crumbled when I tried to sand it. I had to "graft" on a repair.
  17. Starboard side nets are finally finished. Now I'll start on the port side
  18. I finished installing the hammock cranes.Very tedious and time consuming because the parts are so small and fragile. The holes on the cranes are so small I could only get a very small gauge wire instead of string through the holes. Next I'll work on installing the nets which in the past is like putting toothpaste back in the tube.
  19. I'm working on the hammock cranes, etc. If the eyebolts were any smaller I'd need x-ray vision to install them
  20. Here we go again! The boarding panel slit the minute I made a tiny starter hole for the eyebolt. Boy the wood in this kit is sub standard. I'll make my own out of sturdier stuff
  21. I needed a few days off for health issues but now I'm beginning the boarding panels and hammock cranes
  22. Dave Thanks for the instructive comment. I figured a much. I'll probably change out the elastic later but until I'm finished I might want to easily remove the boat etc.
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