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Lucius Molchany

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Everything posted by Lucius Molchany

  1. Now you are having fun.Planking the hull is one of the best parts of the build process.
  2. Thanks!I used the original die cast part on the Ersatzia so I made a new tower.Came out well.
  3. ...and got her mounted up after 4 coats of satin Polyacrylic..
  4. Fir sale:Minicraft 1/600 Titanic,has pre painted lower hull.25.00 dollars plus shipping.conus only.
  5. Yeah Frank,when I made my old Billings Wasa/Ersatzia the wood was very dry and prone to shattering even when soaked overnight.When I applied Polyacrylic to the hull it took 3 coats!The wood just absorbed it all on the first and part if the second coats!
  6. Construction was delayed while I purchased,routed,inlayed the bases,countersunk,sanded,stained and sealed tbe base board.I did get the cat heads on though.
  7. Stained it with Minwax Cherry and just laid down the first coat of Polyacrylic.
  8. Worked out well!now I have to sand,stain and seal the base board!
  9. Yes that is the best way but I dont have one! (Have to get to Harbor Freight and pick one up when they are on sale). ANYHOW,my drill has a buikt in level that will hopefully allow me to drill the hole perpendicular. Ok tried it on scrap and it should work just fine!
  10. Yes that is the best way but I dont have one! (Have to get to Harbor Freight and pick one up when they are on sale). ANYHOW,my drill has a buikt in level that will hopefully allow me to drill the hole perpendicular.
  11. Yes I went today because my wife wanted to go shopping and we needed a new propane cylinder for the grille.No Forstner bits came in 9/16 in the store but I did find an Irwin spade bit in the correct size.I will try it on a piece of scrap to see if it will work.If not I will order the bitt online and wait until it arrives.
  12. Nice Frank!you really achieved a nice finish on the hull with a brush no less!Old school model ship building at its finest!
  13. Yes I checked it out and a 9/16th Forstner bitt should do the trick.I will go to Lowe's tomrrow and see if I can buy one.
  14. I wonder if I should get a forstner bit and inlay the brackets into the surface.
  15. Not sure if this is the right section,but I purchased abd routed the display base for my AL Herminoe.
  16. Yep that would work well too as long as the fit is good to ensure proper alignment of the cylinders.
  17. Hey Wulf,it would be really cool to thread the ends of the cylinders so that they would screw into the engine block.Heck of a challenge to your machinng skills!
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