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Lucius Molchany

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Everything posted by Lucius Molchany

  1. He probably means tge Model Shipways Flying Fish kit,a Donald Mckay built clipper.
  2. I got really lucky thanks to this forum.I got the old Billings Wasa as well as the Steingreber Admiral Vernon for 40 bucks.Ebay supplied an incomplete Billings Lila Dan with a large quantity of nice mahogany planks and complete set of fittings.Amazon supplied an AL Hermine that allowed me to complete both ships.I designed my own bow and stern treatments for the inaccurate Wasa so I dubbed it the Ersatzia.Total cash outlay was about 400 bucks but the hundreds of hours I put in was the best bang for the buck I ever had.Learned a lot and have two large ships I am very proud of!
  3. I have a sheet with the rigging plan and deck fittings.I can have them copied and send them to you upon request.
  4. Yes this should be an interesting one.Always liked the Thermop!
  5. Yes that is true,I originally planned to use the Air Force decals but changed my mind and went with the airliner decals.Did not remove the jets fir fear of damage.
  6. I built that kit and tge box had no metal fittings but the kit may have been incomplete.
  7. Yeah the decals are lame and that balsa stern piece, even if colored in would not be acceptable.
  8. Well the cannon look just fine to me well done!
  9. Looks great!can you post more close ups?
  10. I did not tlhrow anything away,but Gi did raid the AL Hermione for most of its blocks,fittings and mahogany planking to allow me to complete my Ersatzia And Admiral Vernon.The good part is,I can replace the missing components and build it if I so desire in the future.
  11. Fairing in the side wheel covers with sheet styrene and wood decking for that "built in "look.Very cool indeed!
  12. Mounted up the sidewheel covers.I had to have tge motor running when I cemented them to avoid binds.The aluminum braces really do stabilize them.
  13. Installed the dolphin striker and painted and stained the jibbom/bowsprit unit.Now I have to file down the white metal parts and drill out the cannon barrels.
  14. Masked and painted the black topsides.The blue 3M maskingvtape is greatvfir producing a clean line.
  15. Thanjs for the likes guys,nothing much happening but waiting for the paint to cure enough so that I can mask off the waterline and paint the black top sides.
  16. Starting to lay down the finish with my air brush after a coat of gray primer.2 more coats and I will mask off the waterline and paint the top sides semi gloss black.
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