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Lucius Molchany

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Everything posted by Lucius Molchany

  1. Yes outstanding work for sure!Do you know of the origin and history behind such a fine ship model?
  2. Fantastic work!I wonder if that ship was originally built as a display piece for the Toy Fair.Cannot imagine it was regular production item due to all of the fine detail work.
  3. Yes I soak them in water for a few hours before bending them around the cans.
  4. Looks like the experiment was a success.Thinner planks will be usec from now on.
  5. Following Bobstrakes lead I decided to use the paint cns to bend the upper planking.I will try the wide planks included in the Steinberger Admiral Vernon kit.
  6. I use Tamiya and Model Master paints mostly . achieve great results with both airbrush and paint brush so I do not feel the need to change.
  7. Yes tge Vallejo paints are good paints.Please do send the zfS numbers.
  8. For example,on this Lindberg Le Fleur I painted it Tamiya Flat Whie,Desert Yellow and semi gloss black.For the red,I would go with Model Master Guards Red.
  9. No you have to supply your own paint but thst is normal.Finished decking but ran out of mahogany abd used the white wood in the kit to finish.Used stain to even it out but the mahogany darkened more than expected.I may sand it or use a gray wash to represent weathered wood.
  10. I got the two piece sub deck on and will apply the mahogany deck strips.
  11. Oops!I made a bad mistake!I mislabeled bulkheads 6 and 9!I had to cut down 9 and cut 2 new bulkheads to the correct profile for #9!I had to cut the #9 bulkheads out if plastic because the only thick wood I had was 1/8th plywood that shattered when I tried to cut them out with my coping saw.I will plate them with thin wood after they dry.Not a mistake I wish to repeat!
  12. Decided to build the hull because the winter is boring.Basic construction started.
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