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Lucius Molchany

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Everything posted by Lucius Molchany

  1. I got lucky and found some plastic that matches the yellow just about perfectly. I really like the diecast pieces that AL provides for the bow railing.Just glue on some mahogany, flip it over ,drill a hole and run a square section needle file though it to make the square holes.
  2. Use Franklin Titebond wood glue.Grabs fast and shoukd not cause the planks to buckle like that.
  3. Looking good Frank!I liked your latest Youtube vid.I guess I better heed your warning and start my Billings Touolonaise after the Hermione is done.I checked the kit and the wood does not seem too dry and the mahogany is not warped but it is over 30 years old so it should be built soon.
  4. THe deck grate is actually a heavy diecast piece.Looks pretty good if you paint it brown and plate it with mahogany.
  5. As you can see,the Dremel makes a nice clean cut and you simply plank up the top and paint it to form the gun port.
  6. Not really,part of the fun fir me is trying different techniques.I was not sure if the Dremel would work but with a steady hand it did a good job.
  7. I used a smaller diameter disc in the Dremel, and cut down from the top.I then restored the planking and painted the new wood black.neat trick that worked very well.
  8. Cut the openings for the aft deck guns,the Dremel with a cutting disc did well!
  9. mine came with full color plans and diagrams so I do not know if the DVD is complete with measurements.
  10. Cool Frank I will be watching this one as well s your Youtube vids.
  11. thanks guys.Good to see you on this forum Frank!Did you start a build log on the Billings Spanish Galleon you just started?
  12. Thanks!encouraging to see thst basswood is definitely suitable for hull construction.
  13. Been awhile since I posted an update. Installed the cannon inserts as well as a few closed gun ports for variety.
  14. How did you mess them up?
  15. I drill 4 holes at each of the corners and use a new xacto blade to carefully cut them out.A needle file is used to make them square.Takes some practice but you will soon get the hang of it.Accurate layout is essential of course.
  16. Thanks! What is really cool is that the button cells fit inside the stern galleys when I open the transom. I intend to buy a brass lantern for the stern light and do the same on the right.
  17. I will also have to come up with sime sort of unobtrusive catch or latch to hold it closed.Perhaps magnets are the answer.
  18. Since I intend to add lighting in the stern it occured to me that I will have to be able to gain access in case of a battery or bulb change.I found these tiny hinges in the doll house section of Hobby Lobby.Should work out well.
  19. I got the diecast pieces painted and epoxied on and have the bow pretty symmetrical.
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