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Lucius Molchany

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Everything posted by Lucius Molchany

  1. i Use Franklin Titebond ll wood glue.grabs fast and holds well.
  2. when i did my sWift I used a large sanding drum in my cordless drill.Avoids all of the divots in your bow blocks.
  3. Well if anyone can turn a sow's ear unto a silk purse.Dan is the man for the job!
  4. Can one of you guys cast me a single cannon to use as a master for resin casting?The scale is 1/150 for my ersatz billings Wasa!
  5. i am open to the curling iron idea and will use it if the other methods prove to be ineffective on a particular plank. Now would be the best time to purchase one without getting odd looks.
  6. I tell you what,guys;Most of the time only 2 to 3 inches have to make the extreme bend.So I heated a coffee cup full of water in the microwave and in conjunc tion with the plank bender had successful results.
  7. Yes I was considering that.I have resin cast in the past and the results were good.
  8. I have an older kit that did not come with cannon.I have a good quantity of lead bird shot and would like to try to cast my own.Any tips as to how to go about this?
  9. Tell you what!I used a plank bending tool that came with the Swift and it worked very well on the Mahogany planks!Did not even have to wet them!
  10. Really shaping up!I bet this one will be better than the one they have in the museum!
  11. Well I have the lid of one of my clear storage containers that have shallow channels that are perfect for soaking long planks.I fill the channels with water and use plastic clamps to keep the plank submerged.
  12. Wow!That is one extreme bend!We have 3 women in the house so curling irons are plentiful!
  13. Just wondering if you wet the mahogany planks and put them in the microwave for a minute would it make bending planks easier?
  14. Did you notice that the top photo is almost orange?Great work !Sure is a lot of ornate carvings and paint work..I wonder how long the ornamentation would last given the harsh conditions of the ocean environment?
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