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Everything posted by cristikc

  1. Very interesting, and well done. Hope not to late to say also Happy birthday! Cristi
  2. Hi Denis. As i saw all your work is very accurate. I still have to learn a lot from you. All the best Cristi
  3. The result of the display case can be seen here http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/303-san-john-the-baptist-by-cristikc-deagostini-wood-scale-150/page-7 And how i used. Cristi
  4. Finaly the display case. In Sovereign log, i put some pictures of the building Here the display case, prepared to put on wall, without the front glas. And with SIB in final position "Small" enough to have some problems with my wife. She knows the next year (maybe) i have to build a display case for SOVEREIGN ( 1.2 meter long..)
  5. I have to make a "small brake" to finish the display case for San John the Baptist the work area working the result, without plexyglas (that i'll install today) I like the natural color, and at the end i will use transparent varnish
  6. I have to repair my old "steamer" and start the bending some results (sorry for the quality of the picture) and how it looks at the end
  7. The problem with the plywood. It is very sensible, and the problem with the bending ...
  8. Jack, she is excellent. I like the pictures, and also the ageing of the ship
  9. Thank's all for the nice words. Hope to make a good job, but is far away the end. I have to be very careful with such a nice ship Hope to be patient till the end. Cristi
  10. Start to add deck parts made the first ladder (bettrer and easer, and nice looking, compare to other kits)
  11. The two castles in position (and ready to be "populated") Hope to have time this week to continue. In the instruction they say to varnish the wood before the glueing But i first want to glue and lock all in position, and after these to varnish with a mat wood varnish
  12. I made some small jigs, also used with steam maker, to prepare the curved parts
  13. Prepare the chock I painted the supports for the half cannons (Denis sugested this, but i also thought for these) I also made a "paper model) to see where the half guns will be placed, in conjuction with the supports. there are some differencs, and i have to put some extra supports I heard about this from Denis Pink and Vince. So for everyone, that will work on SOS it is a good advice
  14. Hi Vince, i know, because i am member from the fist MSW, but i know that i have to thank's to the guys from whom i take ideas. Al the best, Cristi
  15. Thank you Vince. I tray generaly very simple ideas. For the moment i look to all your pictures you made for the Log of Sovereign. I try to take ideas from you and from Denis, and i will try ideas from everywhere. Hope that you don't mind to take ideas from you. All the best from me Cristi
  16. Ideas for making the planking jig the second way, but a little harder, and with some problems
  17. Continue to glue (till my nice will come) details on making the corect 90 degree angle
  18. After 9 (nine) month of waiting, i start this veri nice kit. In this month i have to finish San John, and also to spent a lot of time with my nice (that i love very much). I also read all type of instrunctions, and i will pay attention to all the advices you told me. I look to the steps made by Garym (it looks ok the way he solves the problems). I thanks to all of you that gave me advices. These are the fist steps. Fist sanding and a small test of the way it will arrange, before glueing someware in the back, San John finished but without a display case (i need a litle time to prepare a display case for her) Hope to have time and make a good start
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