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Everything posted by cristikc

  1. For the moment, i have to make a chock. It is not the best, and not so nice... but have to make something and the result
  2. For one setup, it takes about 5-15 minutes (maximum) to make the configuration, from one tipe to other. For variable speed, you need to make some adjustments to the power. One solution is to put a variable resistor ( reostat) and to use a male - famele new conection. The second is to have a variable power supply with the output from 5 to 15 volts, and at least 2 to 3 Amp. I will come with some new ideas, but for the moment i have no time to finish my ideas. All the best to all Cristi
  3. A small pause for the end of the year, and week-ends with my nice Continue with the ratlines some adjustments to the serving machine for the size some details
  4. Excellent painting and i like the details you make. A Happy new year to you Cristi
  5. Thanks for the share. I use almost the same way, but is better to take some ideas, and for the new ones, it is very well to give ideas. Al the best and a Happy new year. Cristi
  6. I did not see till now this part, but it is very well build, and very interesting, even for old builders Thanks for share Cristi
  7. Thanks for all the explanations and pictures. All the best and a nice Christmas and Happy new year Cristi
  8. I use a lot, i can say there are some tenth, it depends of he size and shape. This are some tipes i use
  9. I used just as lathe for wood, i made just some tests making small barrels, and seems to work ok. I also make some belaying pins and it is ok. Maybe the RPM can be high, but i will make some adjusments after christmas. It is not an Unimat, it seem to be a copy (Unimat i saw don't produce this "toy") but for small things we make to the seeps it is OK. For Janos, it is also a table saw, but i had no time to try Hope to be ok in the future. All the best to all, and a Happy Christmas Cristi
  10. I had to "add" some aditional parts:
  11. The first TRY of assembling one of the 6 tools:
  12. Some other parts Nice ideas for the "lock" of the parts
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