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Mike Collier

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Everything posted by Mike Collier

  1. Sorry guys for not finishing this post. I did finish the boat.To Ed eagle good on your model, I’ll be interested in seeing your model. Here are some pictures :
  2. That’s a good looking canoe! Great job! I’m currently building the Indian Girl canoe myself and I hope it comes out as nice as yours.
  3. The only difference that I know about is the round stern can backup better, I’m sure there must be more reasons for the difference I’ll have to look up more about them.
  4. Jay , google Calvert Marine Museum in Solomons Md. They haves plans and materials to build arc skipjack. Also look at Chesapeake Martime Museum in St. Michaels Md. The model club there builds and races skipjacks. They is a schedule on the museum website.
  5. I did finish the boats. I didn’t finish the build logs because it just didn’t seem like any was following or looking at them since they not big four mast sailing ships. It just seems like that all everyone wants. But I should’ve finished them, sorry. Here’s pictures of the finished boats
  6. Finished plank the canoe today. I think I’ll sand it while it’s still on the building board.
  7. Started the Indian Girl Canoe . I first built the building board, then installed the keel. I started to plank the sides got four rows on each side done. I needed to take a break after because the fumes we’re getting to me.
  8. Nice job, looks great! I like to build one myself. I just got the Indian Girl Canoe yesterday and will start on it today.
  9. It is a very interesting model, I got to see the Hunley when I was in Charleston in 2014. It was still in the water soaking, but they had a couple of the top panels off and you can see inside, even see the hand crank.
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