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Mike Collier

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Everything posted by Mike Collier

  1. I just bought Mirco Marks small drill press with a drill press vise all under $300. I set it up and drilled 2 holes in 1/4 “ square wood stock and it worked very nice. So far I like it.
  2. Yes, it’s really looking great! Where did you get the long black clamps?
  3. Painted the inside of the boat, glued on the decks , built engine box, transmission box and fuel tank. Installed the propeller and rudder.
  4. Today’s work, I have all of the decking supports in and the motor mounts in. I sanded and sprayed shellac inside of boat to seal it. Tomorrow I’ll spray the interior light green and build the motor and transmission boxes.
  5. This build is going nicely, I like it. The long blue clamps where did you buy them?
  6. Looks great! I’m going to have brake out my daughters sewing machine and learn how to use it.
  7. Still working on the bottom planking, slow progress but will get it done. Some of the areas near the front and back the planks need to be slightly twist, so I cut the planks to length soaked in hot water until the planks could be twisted then I used CA glue and held the planks down until the CA sets. Seems to work ok.
  8. I think everything is here , I should have looked closer to material list . I do like the kit, the hard part was getting the sides on right, the spreader bar I think is to low so I raise the bar up higher and got the sides on better.
  9. Yes, I like their kits, I will build more. I started to glue the two keel parts together when it wouldn’t line up, I looked at the precut keel and it was a little warped. I soaked the keel in hot water for 15 minutes,then clamped down tight to my rod building lathe. Then I traced out the side with the plans and graphite paper, then cut out with sharp carving knife.
  10. The Wye River Models Crab Scraper boat looks like a pretty good model. It very good plans and a great instruction book with a lot of good pictures of the different steps. I think it’s short some of the wood need to build the model, but that’s ok I’ll go to hobby shop and buy some. I’m looking forward to build this model because these are the kind of models that I want to build.
  11. I do about the same thing with my clamps, I hold a strip of wood against the plank ,then push the clamp down tight on the bulkhead and push up tight to the plank. I like your planking it looks great. Hey CiscoH, I live in Newport, any wooden model clubs in Delaware?
  12. I use a single stage Pasche airbrush and a portable air compressor on wheels that I bought at Home Depot for $150 . Then I use a regulator with quick disconnect fittings on the regulator and airbrush. That way I can connect the compressor to the regulator and connect the airbrush.
  13. I always use a acrylic thinner for Model Expo paints , but they need 3 coats to get good coverage. I don’t have a problem with their paints, but will try AK Interactive paints or Tamaya paint. I use laundry detergent to clean my brushes and airbrush. They come out nice and clean and soft. I put a little detergent in my hand and scrub my brush in it then water.
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