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    Nr Peterborough UK
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    Too varied for my own good!

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  1. Okay, here I am again! Nearly a year later and hoping to rekindle my interest in this little beauty. All came to a stop when I realised that the fairing lines printed on the forward bulkheads are wrong? It appears that by taking them back to these lines can't be right, or is it and I just can't see it? Perhaps I was just not too well at the time, or just couldn't be bothered to resolve the problem. But, I'm intending to have another go. Watch this space 😊.
  2. Sorry for late response, it's been unusually hectic, but thanks Belco!
  3. So here are those small parts messily fitted, they've got till Wednesday to cure.
  4. Wow, you're going like a steam train Glenn! You're clearly going to be finished way before me, so I'll be keeping an eye on your progress. Great work so far. Max
  5. Hi Pat Im curious to know in what way your 800 died? I have one of these. Max
  6. Are these still available anywhere Dave? Max
  7. Okay folks, next stage stern framework supports fitted. I was tempted to carry on with the pieces that go beneath, but decided I'd be happier leaving this stage to dry. The whole structure is now feeling a lot more solid and the sub-deck certainly makes me feel as though I'm getting somewhere 😊. Max
  8. Yes, I suspect that this little beauty will be considerably more straightforward than the Billings FD10 Arnanes that I have in waiting 🤔. Max
  9. Thanks James! I'm enjoying this a lot more than I thought I would. A great little kit, the emphasis being on 'little', she's a smaller than I expected, and if anything it makes it harder with the small pieces. But, I'm really looking forward to continuing, so watch this space! Max
  10. Hi folks! Today I fitted the sub-deck. Having made sure there were no little nibs or such i as quickly as I could brushed some PVA over the upper structures then the slightly nervous bit of springing in the deck. I did a dry run on one side before I started the fixing but it was still a slightly worrying operation. Once it was in and I'd checked proper seating all round, I again quickly brushed PVA along as many points as I could easily get to. Then a few cramps to help matters and now rest until tomorrow.. Max
  11. Okay folks, removed clamps and moved on a couple more stages. The biggest job was painting glue around all the joints, this took a lot longer than I'd envisaged. The biggest problem was getting in between small gaps. If I was to make this again I'd consider checking for fit and then gluing all the stern members as I went. The problem though with doing that is that you really would need to wait then for the glue to dry before proceeding. But although my gluing up doesn't look very pretty, none of it will be seen when the hull is planked. I'll now giv it at least a day to dry out sufficiently
  12. Hi all Well a bit more progress to report with a couple more piccies. It was nice and warm here today, so I sat outside with a file, and bevelled off stern and prow support pieces. The previous lot I did with the Dremel and grinding stone, but the dust was horrendous even with a spraying mask on. Not as bad as sanding iroko but bad enough. Anyway, I'm really enjoying this little beauty so far, with further instalments to follow. MaxC
  13. Fabulous build Jason. As a beginner I'm hugely impressed. I came looking at this because I bought this kit off of eBay last week, with a view to having a go once I've completed the Saucy Jack (my first build) which I'm working on now. I have no doubt that I'll be back again to look at your log once I eventually finish Saucy Jack. Max
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