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Everything posted by Anja

  1. No, not the Waingapoe.
  2. Close, but no, not the MS Waibalong.
  3. Hello everybody, My second interview is over. Today Sodexo presented me with additional information and my new contract, which I have to check before I sign it of course. I may stay in my current job and I am ready to start my new career with Sodexo. Thank you all for your wishes and positive thoughts. Take care, Anja
  4. Yes she is Dutch Jan ..... And yes again for your second question.
  5. Thanks Wayne, Well, here is mine.
  6. Hello Wayne, I just added the ship's name. Is that one correct?
  7. Is it the USS plunger? With in the background the USS Vestal?
  8. Børge, make sure that you keep playing with the idea inside your head. At least for the next two weeks. Otherwise ....... Take care, Anja
  9. Hello Piet, Thank you for the picture and for your Take care, Anja
  10. Hello Frank, Thank you for letting us know you're back home again. I'm very glad to hear that everything went well. Just take your time, we will wait. Take good care of yourself my friend, Anja
  11. Hello Joshukr, I'm sorry to be late by wishing you a Happy Birthday. I hope you had a great day! Take care, Anja
  12. Hello Alex, I'm sorry I'm late, but in time to wish you a Happy Birthday and Buon compleanno. I hope you had a great day! Take care, Anja
  13. Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regret. So, love the people who treat you right and forget about the ones who don't. And believe that everything happens for a reason ..... If you get a chance, take it! If it changes your life, let it! Nobody said it would be easy ..... They just promised it would be worth it.

    1. Cap'n Rat Fink

      Cap'n Rat Fink

      NICE ANJA.....REAL NICE.....



  14. Hello Buck, Thank you very much for taking the time to stop by. It is very kind of you and most appreciated. Take care, Anja
  15. Hello Børge, You did great on the brasswork, it looks fantastic. But I'm sorry to hear that your elbow is acting up again. Take the time to let your elbow heal. Say hello to the Admiral for me. Take good care of yourself my friend. Anja
  16. Hello Geoffrey, And welcome back to the shipyard. It's great you started this Korean Ship. Thanks for the history and the beautiful pictures. It will be interesting to follow this one. Good luck and happy modeling. Take care, Anja
  17. C.A. Thayer maybe?
  18. Second try ..... Is it the Schooner Sunset Glow?
  19. Is it the James Postlewaithe?
  20. Congratulations Barnacle Bill, Now it's your turn. Anja
  21. Here's mine ..... Good luck!
  22. A lot of hints.... Is it the HMS Calypso?
  23. Is it the Monongahela?
  24. Hello Tophog, I'm glad you rejoined MSW. It is good to see you back, but it's sad your buildlog was lost. Maybe you can restart your log where you left of? Or maybe when you have finished your Sampang kit, you can post it in the gallery? I'm looking forward to your next build. How is your mother doing? Is her health improving? Thank you for looking in and the compliment, it is appreciated. Take care, Anja
  25. Hello Piet, Thank you, I will. Take care, Anja
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