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Everything posted by Anja

  1. Hello Wayne, I'm really emotionally touched by your words. You brought a tear to my eyes. Be sure to say thank you to the crew and give them my warm regards. Thank you very much and take care, Anja
  2. Wim, Sherry, Jean-Pierre, Grant, Mark, Aldo, Alex, Augie, Frank, Mobbsie, Wayne, Piet, Sarah, Buck ..... Dear friends, There are times in life when a simple 'thank you' is so insufficiënt to express ones gratitude. For me this is one of those days. Your invaluable support, understanding, encouragement, patience, confidence and your good luck wishes and the laughter have meant a lot to me during this period. It added a bright spot to my life. Thank you again so much and take care, Anja 'Friends are never apart. maybe in distance, but not in the heart'.
  3. Hello Guy, Welcome to my buildlog! It was my pleasure. And thank you for the compliment. It is most appreciated. Take care, Anja
  4. Hello Alex, Congratulations are in order. She is a real beauty. You did a great job. Will you put her in the gallery? Take care, Anja
  5. Hello Bill, It's a pleasure seeing you here. Thank you very much for your compliment and the good luck wish. It is most appreciated. Thank you again for looking in and take care, Anja
  6. Hello Doris, Thank you very much for looking in at my build. Your kind words and the compliments are most appreciated. And thank you for the good luck wishes. Take care, Anja
  7. Hello Augie and Frank, Thank you both for your good luck wishes. It means a lot to me. I hope you both are having a wonderful Easter weekend too. Thanks again and take care, Anja
  8. Hello Aldo, Good to see you back in the shipyard. Nice work. I'm glad you found the time to do a little building. And what is that ..... Going over to the 'dark side' with the HMS Triton? Good on you! I wish you good luck with the Triton. Thanks for looking in at my build. Take care, Anja
  9. Hello Aldo, It is good to hear from you my friend. How have you been doing? Yes, this whole transition to Sodexo takes more energy than I would like and had expected. Not because of the transition itself. But the atmosphere at work is currently, to say the least, not very good. My second interview is on monday, April 8th. Thanks for looking in and take care, Anja
  10. Hello Grant, Sorry for this very late reply. Thank you for your confidence. Take care, Anja
  11. Hello Patrick, Rule number 4 in the game says: If the player whose turn it is has not replied in a fortnight, then the previous winner gets to post again. So It's not a problem, you won't hold up the game. Just go and enjoy the Easter weekend. We will see you when you get back. Maybe Spyglass is already enjoying his weekend as well. Take care, Anja
  12. Hello (Pryvit) Garward, Congratulations on reaching a 1000 posts and a salute on your promotion to Captain. Take care, Anja
  13. Hello Frank, Finally you got the ok for next wednesday. You've waited long enough, too long. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. I hope to get a chance to talk to you on Skype before wednesday. Take care my friend, Anja
  14. Patrick, I'm afraid we have to wait for Spyglass to confirm your 'hit'. Anja
  15. Hello Børge, Welcome back to the shipyard. And before anyone else will ask ....... Pictures please? Take care, Anja
  16. Hello Doris, Here is my I love the interior and the base is looking fantastic. The sculptures are so beautiful and lifelike. Take care, Anja
  17. Hello St George, Jan was just replying to the name Wayne gave. We think Wayne is right, but we have to wait untill Pav (Maasll) gives the oke. Take care, Anja
  18. Hello Mati, Fantastic! This is an awesome build. Beautiful work. I love the pear wood and the way you planked your decks. Your carvings are looking great too. Although I had to look up what pau farnim was ..... Now I know, In Dutch it is called ivory wood. What plans are you using for this build? I will follow this build with great interest. Take care, Anja
  19. Well Wayne, You are really on a roll here. What's next? Anja
  20. Pav, just a wild guess here, Is it the 1877 Tall Ship Elissa?
  21. Wayne, you are right. Congratulations. It is indeed the Aquidaban in 1885. This picture is from 1897. It's your turn again .....
  22. Thanks Wayne, The title of the picture gave it away. Here is mine. She was named, renamed and underwent modernization. Enjoy the search. Anja
  23. Hello Wayne, This one was easy. It's the steamer Tremont. Hope you feel better soon! Take care, Anja
  24. Hello Bill, Welcome back, you have been misssed. Yes, it is indeed sad that all the beautiful input was lost from this site. But together we have been working hard an already rebuild lots of our work. Thank you for posting this beautiful picture of your Souvereign. If it is in any way possible to revive your log, and you have the time, please do re-post it. I know it will make a lot of us very happy. I am really looking forward to your progress. Take care, Anja
  25. Looking good Augie, Very neatly done. Take care, Anja
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