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About derekuk

  • Birthday 12/03/1945

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    Kent, uk

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  1. One Derek to another 🙂 ................ yes I can see photos on other peoples posts 🙂
  2. Many thanks guys for your replies .......... I thought it was a problem only I experienced. Jan, I don't think they were your photos......... they belonged to "Shipyard Sid" I have just checked and it's still the same result.................
  3. Hi folks Does anyone know why when looking at other peoples posts I only see little boxes with a question mark inside of them instead of the photos.............
  4. Hi Dan, is there any reason why I cannot find my Victory in the indexes? I have looked two or three times but cannot see it there. Cheers Derek
  5. Thank you 🙂 The decks were stain varnished then rubbed down then clear varnish.
  6. Hmmmm..... but if I turn them the other way then the leaves or fronds will be pointing down ! 😉
  7. No it's not the wiring OC. Seventynet - It is the camera angle - I hope ! Check out the scrolls adjacent to the top rear windows on the stern. Check them against HMS Victory at Portsmouth.
  8. "Can anyone spot the deliberate mistake on the stern ?!" I guess that's a no then !!! 😞 In fact not many comments either 😞 Maybe no one has seen the pics 😞
  9. A week later............ where does the time disappear to when you're retired?!! I took these pics earlier today - please excuse the model makers nightmare, DUST. During the course of construction I did keep the model covered as much as possible but, I forgot to cover it over completely when the heating engineer installed new heating pipes. It wasn't noticeable at the time but a layer of dust was everywhere!! Can anyone spot the deliberate mistake on the stern ?!
  10. Hello Robert, sadly I haven't completed Victory yet. It was always going to be a long term project as I have other hobbies and pastimes. However, I have come quite a long way since my last pictures posted. I will take a few more photos and post later today. Derek
  11. Many thanks B.E. for the info........ and to Grant. My apologies for asking the question when you gave the link in your original post.......... don't know how I missed it as I read all the review! I have bought from Satberlin before and received a good service so I might just go with them again. Thanks again Derek
  12. Hi B.E. A very nice review. Many thanks for taking the time to write it. I'm looking to buy this model and the cheapest deal I could find was from SATBERLIN at around £185 inc postage and vat. In your review you said "Costing around £134"........... I'm wondering where you found it at that price. Cheers Derek
  13. When you think about it, buying from Germany is no different from buying from the UK if you are buying off the net. Unless the dealer is within a reasonable distance you are unlikely to go to their premises. Also, if you pay via credit card then the card company are equally responsible as the dealer that you buy from if anything goes wrong. Proxxon appear to be a reputable company so I wouldn't think twice about buying from them. Derek
  14. Many thanks for your input John, it is much appreciated. I will definitely go the Proxxon route. Derek
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