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About BrochBoating

  • Birthday 12/10/1973

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  • Location
    Fraserburgh, Scotland
  • Interests
    Horse riding, photography, wooden ship modelling (very novice)

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  1. Apologies that this build log didn't get completed properly. However I've completed (for me) Trial today. Compared to many of you it's amateurish but I've enjoyed what I've done and I'm pleased with my improvement over the last kit. Summer brings more swimming, snorkelling and horse riding but Nisha should be along shortly and I'm sure another log of one length or another. Thanks for all your comments along the way, always appreciated.
  2. Thanks Andrew, much appreciated compared to your work. We seem to be suffering a similar pattern of a furry loss and health problems but I'm hoping to be back at the bench shortly too. Good luck
  3. Sorry for your loss Andrew but very glad you're on the way back to health. Maybe we'll both get our builds finished before long?
  4. In that case I'd say, if you can, try something else. You will have learnt from this one but it's not worked out and I think that will colour any attempt at salvage. Yes, it can be done, but maybe a bit further down your journey. Personally I think better to chalk it up to experience and try another. Please do though
  5. Hi Micha, How did you get on. I'd echo a comment above and ask if, from the outside of the hull are you happy with the flow and look of the planking? If you are then I'd shape those ribs to fit. If not the taking the planking off may be the way to go if you have enough stock to start from scratch. Depending on how much and which CA you used it may be quit brittle and able to be carefully pulled off from one end. Possibly with the help of a plastic spudger for some leverage? Good luck, Simon.
  6. It's definitely been a week for being outside up here. Garden work maybe not so much fun!
  7. Excuse the newbie ignorance but I assume that is another forum? Again as a newbie to the hobby I can't imagine (other than insecurity and jealousy( what folk can say negatively about your work. Having looked at a lot of kits before moving on from my first (admittedly online) the only kits I really wanted to try were yours and Vanguards. On all of the build logs here it comes across so strongly how high the quality of both your kits are to give any stage of modeller the very best chance of making something stunning. Yes they are expensive but you get what you pay for in most areas and this is definitely one. Good luck to you!
  8. A little more progress with the start of rigging. Slow and steady, trying to keep an eye on where both arms and hands are at all times! The liquid CA on the end of thread trick really comes into its own now. That and using clips to apply just a little weight to try and create the right, minimal, tension when needed.
  9. Not for everyone they're not. Micha I rapidly came to the conclusion that a great deal of kits are junk which haven't been invested in for years, often decades. Modern kits are entirely different but few and far between.
  10. So that's the starboard side finished too. No, not perfect but an improvement on the port side and a huge improvement over my last model so I'm happy with that.
  11. Excellent review, thanks. Are Mamod really that much now! Awful when they were cheapish!
  12. Absolutely no need. The Vanguard system makes jigs etc. superfluous.
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