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About Tony28

  • Birthday 11/06/1973

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    Worcestershire, England.

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  1. Okay, not much more done but wanted to see what it all looked like. Deck items not all completed or stuck down yet, hull not painted. I decided to do things like this, despite the instructions. 1) Complete hull and prime to get as perfect as possible. Not glued on the gunwales as I want to paint inside of the rail on ship before gluing. (Not sure what this is called) 2) Complete all deck items. This is because I want to then finish the deck before painting the inside of gunwales as mentioned above. And to finish the deck, I want to mask off the deck items..so I need them done. I decided to do a fair bit of extra work to the dory boats. The instructions are to create a very basic boat and add a couple of seats. I haven’t finished them yet but had a look on here for larger scale models of bluenose (scale 1:64 I think) and try to emulate these. Not easy at all at 1:100 scale but I’ve had a go. They are better than what was given in the kit I think anyway. Will finish these next. 3) I then plan to (as I then haven’t done it yet) to mask deck where items will be glued and give 3 coats of Danish oil. 4) Paint inner wall Deck (not sure of the name still) 5) Glue on gunwales. 6) Paint the hull. So easy to just say like that! 7) Attach all deck parts. Some gluing and some with slight mechanical fixing like 1mm brass dowel. Hull will then be done. It’s taking time!
  2. Thank you Jaager. Danish oil is my usual choice but like I say, never done this before. Getting hold of shellac seems not as straightforward in the UK. I do have some sanding sealer. yes, I was talking about polyurethane, horrible stuff I think. will experiment with some ideas and see if owt sticks to it! Thanks again, Tony.
  3. Thank you Allan. Got part of a winch that is 1.5mm thick. About 4 mm long. Have just do it carefully I guess?? Got at least two other parts like this. As for oil. I’ve always used oil for all my woodwork. (Not models as I’ve never made one before). Varnish is just horrible in my opinion so not sure about that. I guess I could try by thinning some out. I think perhaps like you said, stick everything down then maybe oil around it. Not ideal but probably best. Maybe oil the majority of the deck where it’s easily masked with the large deck pieces. I usually oil with a cloth. I went to this finish for all woodwork after years of trying and hating varnish. I just don’t like the look of it I guess. Thank you again Allan.
  4. Hi all. First build. Amati Bluenose scale 1:100. I’ve got to stage where I need to oil the deck then paint inner gunwales, then attach all the deck items. Not sure about this. Some items have a 1/2mm footing to glue and it’s going to get messy. Also, do you mask off where such items are going before oiling? Not a problem for some things but others are so tiny. Any advice appreciated! Some items in photos, some smaller yet to be made!
  5. Thanks Gary, appreciate your thoughts. It’s a whole new level of detail for me. Bits of wood 1 and 2mm thick and whole deck parts made of several pieces smaller than a ring. Huge learning curve..and I have rigging and sail making to look forward to. Thank you.
  6. A quick update on deck stuff. Largely finished except for a winch wheel. The finish is okay unless you look real close. I’ve got in a nasty habit of photographing, zooming in and despairing at the results. I really have no idea if what I’ve done is any good. The scale is 1:100 so I’m finding it very tough.
  7. Bit more done. Sorted rudder and part of winch. Tiny little posts made also. Get some painting done tomorrow I think as lots of parts are black and white together. Hull has had 4th coat of primer. Needs one more.
  8. Thank you all!!!! Fantastic responses and very helpful. will crack on with this tomorrow now I know what I’m doing!
  9. Yes! I think that’ll do it. will try this tomorrow and let you know how it goes! Thanks John!
  10. Yes, I’m making bluenose, not bluenose 2. It’s my first model. They are 1:100 scale. Tiny! the blocks have one hole. I need to do exactly as in the diagram, I just don’t know how. A single rope with two ends so not sure how to make it a loop to go over the brass rod on the deck. (The photo shows this but it’s not my build) I can sieze the rope fine, just can’t get to that stage. How do you make this little loop? Not sure I’m being very clear tbh. don’t see a possibility to start splicing. The thread is so small. Dunno, guess anything is possible but I’m not sure how.
  11. Can’t find out how to do this. Siezing rope fine, but how do you make the loop to attach to the brass deck rods? I know how you make full scale strops but you’d make a continuous loop by splicing the rope. Not possible at this scale. What trickery is this!
  12. Quick update. More spray n filler on hull. Also made some custom parts for bits I didn’t like. Walnut very thin and delicate but should be okay when glued.
  13. Not painted yet but decided to do some deck building stuff. Got to this stage and was going to attach wheel with a brass pin….no sign of said pin?? Any ideas? EDIT. The pin is basically a brass nail. Not great but I ended up using it as the small scale didn’t show up any issues, especially as it’s painted black. (Not that the instructions tell you this).
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