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Everything posted by bcochran

  1. I just got a new Kindle book to read, “Black Lives on the Mississippi” by Thomas C Buchanan. it is about African Americans who lived and worked around and on the Mississippi River boats like the Robert E Lee. Without them these boats may as well have been stuck in the mud and going no where.
  2. This is a fun model to build especially if you research river boats and add to your knowledge about them. There are many knowledgeable river boat fans on this board. Read Cathead’s dedicated river boat log. Take your time and test fit, clean off flash and knock out pins, fill sink holes and joints, paint everything. Make sub assemblies to paint parts together. Paint the rest before assembly. Get the best fit you can. If you have warpage use hot water and clamps. Have fun. I am having fun building this old kit. Read the instructions for each step and understand them before attempting them. Any questions PM me.
  3. One thing I did but didn't show is the modification of the lower part of the smokestacks. I removed the lower ring around the bottom of the smokestacks and covered the area with white decal stripe material. In pictures of the Robert E Lee and other boats, the lower portion of the stacks look white, as in this picture of the Lee coming into St Louis at the end of it's race with the Natchez.
  4. I have that book. I have gotten many of my ideas from it. One idea that I plan to use on this boat from the book is the way to make rope loops to hang on pins representing coiled line.
  5. Building up the stages' rigging. I am using Amati rigging thread and plastic strip. I added small eyelets to the sides of the stages.
  6. I am glad you are sticking with me. I read your dedicated steamboat log. There's lots of steamboat knowledge there. My little plastic kit doesn't actually fit there, I guess. I don't scratch build, rather I build these plastic kits and this was my deep dive into Mississippi River boats. So far I have read 4 books on the subject and have Frederick Way's Packet Directory on order from Amazon. I'm hoping that I might have inspired others to get into river boats through this kit, people who would otherwise take the advice of those who say to pass it by, it is not worth building. Those reviewers do a disservice, I think. If you build a kit like this and go beyond the instructions, (like not tying the top of a side chain or a hog chain to the railing, having learned what a side chain or hog chain is) by studying the how and why of the structures of the boat, it is time well spent I think.
  7. The flags were mounted to the flag staffs by drilling holes in the staff to take the line that the flag is glued to. These string parts are the lines that will be used to rig the stages. The spot of glue represents a block.
  8. I added the flags to the port side. I wasn't sure I wanted the flags, but they add a bit more confusion, pomp and gaiety like a celebrated winner of a Mississippi River boat race would wear in my imagination. They give the boat a sense of movement as they wave. (My pain medication is making me a bit loopy.) Also, I might use them to rig the yawl.
  9. I love your Arabia. I'm pausing my build to learn more from you. I have been having pain from my surgery and the medication makes me too drowsy to work on my boat. So I'm ready your log.
  10. I am using information from the "Steamboat Cyclopedium" to rig the stages. The booms are mounted to the main deck and boiler deck with brass rod.
  11. Thank you Cathead. I should complete it this week. Next week I'll be back to the Cutty Sark.
  12. The deck fittings are complete. The rigging of the stages, yawls, lifeboat and flags remains to be completed.
  13. The Lee sitting on the night stand for the evening, hopefully to be completed soon.
  14. This is a trick I learned to make blocks for boats and ships of small scale. Here are two pieces of line tied together with white glue, covering the knot. The knot covered with glue represents the block. This one is going to be used to mount the main flag to the jack staff.
  15. The smoke stacks are in place. Entering into the home stretch. Rigging is next.
  16. This boat was built around the same time as the Cutty Sark. It, too, was built for one main purpose, to ship cotton to New Orleans. From there it went to England like the Cutty Sark's wool went to England. In the U.S. there is this big ditch called the Mississippi River that cuts the country in half. After the civil war and before the railroads took over, it paid a boat owner to buy cotton from farms along the river and sell it in New Orleans. A boat owner could pay $200,000 to build a packet like the Robt E Lee and, within one cotton season, earn enough to recoup the money for the boat. Like the clipper ships, the famous river boats and their captains were all about setting speed records. Cuttty Sark raised the Thermopile and the Robert E Lee raised the Natchez. The Robt. E. Lee was a 6,000 bale boat. It was built to haul 6,000 bales of cotton. In the off season it carried around 300 passengers up and down the river.
  17. Shipman, I am 76, if I end up doing all that I may try out for the Olympics next. The Cutty Sark is much more fragile and with my all thumbs hands, I kept breaking parts off. It was two steps forward and three backward. But I intend to finish it for sure. I am still taking pain medication, wearing a back brace, and so I am working on this boat sort of on a high which helps.
  18. Some tricky things to make with this boat are the spreaders that are between the smoke stacks. The instructions say to use thread, but I used thin plastic rod. Oh look, a cow found its way onto the lower deck.
  19. The railing is attached reasonably well using superglue and a hand clamp to hold warped parts in correct position.
  20. Time to stop and take an assessment of where she stands before the railings, smoke stacks and the stages with their lifting, and moving gear. Also, all the rigging, those are things that make it look like a steam boat to me. I am at step 44. I like to photograph while I build because you can see things in the pics that you don't see otherwise. She looks a little rough in places, but that is somewhat the fault of the kit and a fault of mine. Again, when all the parts and rigging is complete, the confusion blends everything together and all is forgiven. A funny thing I found while going over the build so far, taking a line down the center from bow to stern, the cabin sits about 1/16 off center to starboard. I noticed this also when adding the side chains. The port side chains are a bit longer than the starboard. I guessing it is the kit and not me. I used Micro Soft Word to make the name boards on the pilot house. I wanted to add people behind the railings before I glued the railings on, but they are not here today. They are coming from China and are a mail stop away. Well, when she is finished and in her case she will look good I think. I am mostly pleased at my Robt. E. Lee so far.
  21. The pilot house, texas and hurricane deck are temporarily placed together to see how things will look later. The skylights above the hurricane deck were colored in black. Doing temporary set-ups helps to get a feel of how things are going, and is inspiration to keep plugging away.
  22. These are the turnbuckles for the side chains. A paper guide was used for uniform positioning.
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