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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Task was: Make casks to look real, just like casks, even from a "fast train passing" look, and let them have five ringa, and two of them, of course, to be equial Starting with 7x7 mm molding saved from old Tehnididakta kit, careful cutting to shape - 7mm dia to base, and 5mm dia to top. Fine sanding Planking with veneer strips 0,5-1mm arround, sanding Base and top made from veneer, sanding to shape And rings (rims) ... From laser printing paper 80gr. No other material in my ship yard agree to listen me !!!! Nice details on top, hinges (simulated) and handdle And after that all, painting. I used transparent acrylic to allow plank structure to be seen clearly, and to simulate weathering. Gold acrylic with drop of black, mixed with secret magic ingredient added to simulate metal shine, all covered with thin acrylic matt lacquer Very very very satisfied with result Cheers to you all, who pushing me over my limits !!!!
  2. How to hell you get those clean and perfect plain surfaces ? That surfaces become your signature
  3. Not serious working this days, which were filled with different activities out of workshop Spring comes, and everything, (including weeds) in homeyard is getting wild So, get down on your knees, Chief, and worship botany God ... before and after and that is only one of places where is jungle in yard. This Yuka stayed, because it is planted in top of old boiler, and limited to grow anywhere around At the evening, we visited my father (90) still very connected with his excellent brain and with reality. Three generations ... My father, as specialized engineer was first person who ride first former Yougoslavia nuclear reactor in Vincha Next is very old historical picture found in family archive, from opening of nuclear reactor, my father is sitting on a control desk, after him is President Tito with top-level leaders of Yugoslavia ( Aleksandar Rankovic, Edvard Kardelj, Mosha Piade, ... Just to mention, my father is author of famous (in that time) "Mostar appeal" about prohibition of bombing nuclear plants, which later developed to international Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (CPPNM). He had more than 150 scientific works in matter of nuclear energy, nuclear safety, and environment pollution protection. he is retired more than 25 years from now, and very very old But still live Nice family story
  4. Finding myself I have lost somewhere in space and time

  5. You are probably right, my friend. In this scale there is something interesting. Gluing vertical strips made ftrom 0,5mm strips of veneer were made with usual white wood glue, water based, and it was easy to wipe excess of glue with semi-wet, almost dry thin brush ( of course, sanding after). Rings from Cu foil can not be glued on such a way, and CA was entered to game. But ... on the thinned top of tooth-pick as a applying tool, I picked up the smallest drop of CA less than cca 0,5 mm dia, the smallest I can pick, but it is even too large against whole construction. This drop of glue was mainly absorbed under Cu Foil on both sides, but there are still microscopic remains and a thin layer over and on Cu foil, which gives matte effect I do not want. With card stock I think there will not be such a problem Hello Mark, fellow patient of our Doctor I visited him, and have got excellent advice and therapy ... more and more casks ... maybe he will have similar advice for you - more rudders ...
  6. Hello Mark. I am aware that anyone who even will notice casks, even who eventually wants to see planks on cask and rings must use magnifying glass. Problem is obviously in my head and brain ( eaten by worms ). I want 5 rings, and I want it more clean, clearly and neat, and to look as a cask on a first sight. Every day I become more and more idiot .... it was a long time since I visited Dr Per ... It really was just testing and playing, Patrick. Idea "how to" came, and I tried. Almost satisfied That and another test-pieces are reserved, my friend ... My brother`s wife collect a thousand pretty little things and spread them on every horizontal surface all around their flat, each one on exactly specific place ... so ... from time to time, I use test pieces ( as three "Star of India" and box-for-small-items made from test deck house item, earlier) and made something for her to help her to complete her dust-collecting-collection. Right now, there are several test pieces waiting for me to make another part for her exhibition ( pin-rail, wheel and this gask ) You are absolute right, my friend, but my building-brain is a bit bugged ... and I want to test my possibilities Rings are made from 1mm wide strips of Cu 0,5mm foil. Devil hard to cut so slim pieces, and them seems to be to much wide - there is no room for five of them. Considering I am not able with my tools to cut them 0,5mm wide, I have to find another solution ( thin wire, paper, .... ) Thank you Denis. I`d rather say - to make two new one I enlarged it a bit (cca 0,5 mm in dia). insensibly to eyes, but over all expectations helps a lot during making process
  7. Thanks everybody for likes and nice words Preparing for two very nice details ... Harness Cask
  8. Hand-hold rail done after two cracks and re-do works
  9. Many ears ago, I have done this model from original TEHNODIDAKTA kit, before cca 35 years. Bought in Pula when I was in Army. Unfortunately, model stayed with my ex wife after divorce 1984. ( it was my gift to her) and there is no saved photo or any track of it
  10. You read my mind Denis. You are right. My smallest drill is 0,5 mm, but I think there is no point to make details which can be seen only by microscope. 0,5 mm knot ? Don't think so. Even ants can not see them Another glass of red wine, and little pillars for hand-hold rail done. BBQ strips again I learned basic technique how to carve their shape, and it was easy to make using dremell
  11. Ok, Spice flows again, working ants also running on my bench, patience is ... hmmm ... almost here ... glass of fine red wine, nice music ... Basement for buckets done And buckets, this time in scale You can see that bucket I made yesterday is not in scale, even been made as miniature, and it is almost doubled against new one which is in scale Which leads to conclusion: New buckets are 2-2,5 mm dia, and it is so small to even try to make ring arround. Rope -maybe And which shows how hudge one milimeter can be. Old bucket has 3mm dia, only one mm more 1:100 is to much small scale for such a details to be more detailed. Some points have to be just signed Buckets are made from BBQ toothpicks 2,5-3mm dia, glued in hole, and drilled after carefull with Dremell. Bucket's holding rope will be mounted at the end, when I found adequate material for this (cca 1/4mm)
  12. I have been absent for a while from my workshop ... usual stuff - rush of jobs in office, and early spring in the home yard, first grass cutting, cleaning flower alleys and alpinetums, Yuka war etc etc At first I wan to say a big thank you to you all for your very nice words and supporting for my trip to the devil`s line of my micro work attempts Now,it seems to be a time for next challenge - fire buckets Some photos I could not find photo representing detail where front entrance of deck cabin meets handrail and base plate, so I have to improvise, considering in mind that mast is near, and it will mask eventually missing detail Preparing for work, as usual, in Adobe Ilustrator Outer/upper diameter of every single bucket is only 3mm. Height of single bucket is only 4mm Hmmm My spice worm, where is my spice worm ...
  13. It seems that "re-do MSW Club" keeps doors wide open this days, Mark Be careful inside my friend ... find your Dragon, Daenerys Targaryen, it is a house of Undying ("undying" in any mean) ... and keep in mind Daenerys quote " If I look back, I am lost" BTW, I gave to visit eye doctor - I can not see any mistake !!!
  14. Looks nice. I have to ask: is there ani reason to step of the regular coopering approach? I was thinking it is not important. But when lines started to narrow, I realised rule for coopering is not accidental! Still not to late to correct. You are doing fine, and it will not be hard for you
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