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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. After fine fine trimming and painting, added hinges and name table Final product temporary on place
  2. This year We`ll see about wheel, Gerhard ... it seems it has to be a bit over-scaled ... we`ll see it ... This year Catholic and Orthodox Easter are separated almost a month. The exact date of the celebration was the reason for many discussion since the time when Christianity outgrow from Judaism (first time at 154 year b.c), then at 325. ( first Nicene Council) etc etc until establishment a difference between Solar year and lunar Year and Gregorian and Iulian Calendar. In Wikipedia it is elaborated very well. I have read a lot of books about religion development, and formed my own opinion, considering I am atheist And now we are here we are, in my opinion, artificially separated to Catholic and Orthodox long time ago by religious or "religious" leaders wishful of power. But, this is ancient history, and some events in history followed with a particular course of conduct repeated through centuries becomes national custom and a part of national identity, national and religious holiday, anyhow nice time for family and friends to get together and to spend a good time. This year Orthodox Easter is dated to may 1th, and considering there are five connected days of both holidays, my twin brother and his wife, my cousin and his wife, my niece and her husband and me, plan to travel couple o days and to visit famous locality Đavolja Varoš ( Devil`s town) 350 km from Belgrade to South, if zou can remember, a candidate for "seven wonders of world" couple of years ago. It will be a really great time, and I need it, desperately If I did not explain well name of thos locality, here are some pics from last time I was there nine years go traveling to Bulgaria, and I am sure you will recognize this place. I am sorry for bad pictures, they were made with bad camera many years ago I wish to all of my Catholic MSW friends to spend a good time during Easter !!!!
  3. Jusy testing proportions and trying to simulate steering mechanism under Maybe to thin wheel a bit?
  4. I`d prefer more to chat about some progress and to post finished wheel box, but ... ah that life ... Sweet clumsy bear !!!! Also neckerchief, "Pearls in the hair" (Omega) ... bobtail has a hair, yes? Also me Gerhard. But just to mention my taste - Deep Purple was not the same after Ian Gillan left. I still sometimes let the music of Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Led zeppelin do the boards (?) ... volume to max ... until kids scream to shut it My worm ... where is my sand worm ? Helo and wellcome Angarfather. Two days after my back hurts, every muscle in pain, and job is not done jet. Office works and rain #$%$ I have seen some photos of you playing on your old FB pages, Denis. I envy you for that. My last time ... seven years ago, when Hothead have got his drum set for 18th birthday, I was playing with drums also, and we decide to make session in attic of my house: My nephew come with electric guitar and a bass guitar with strong amplifier, he played bass, my twin brother solo, and I played drums ... Paranoid, Smoke on the water ... I think everybody in circle of 500m around house hear that ... later I heard rummors as " ... that crazy attorney ... he is fifty, what he is doing ? ... ". I did not care, still do not care what people talk ... who know me well do not have any complains, who do not - this is his problem, not mine. Life goes on it`s way, and when I try my guitar couple of months ago (after many many years) it just do not listen to me. Forgot to play, forgot to sing ... i remember with sadness that long ago my repertoire was : etc etc
  5. Do you worked by old Tehnodidakta blueprints or by revised from Bašić ?
  6. I suppose, Michael, on the same way we did, 40-50 years ago, when we had hair during Hippy movement Can you imagine me trying to be wild, playing electric guitar imitating Jimmy Page, Ritchie Blackmoor etc etc with hair under shoulder and hair bangs until my nose ? That phase lasts only 2 years (16-18) until I come to my mind. And believe me, you can see everything you want to see
  7. You are right Patrick ! Pics will follow ! I can`t wait it, Denis ! As I read, you are right, Mark. I am not intend to grown dog for exhibitions and shows ... as a Princess Persian cat which has genealogy papers better than all members of MSW together ... Adrian the Cat is, as a Bobtail will be, our friend and, on some way, a member of family. Admiral is gone, Hothead (25) is in another city plans to find his fortune somewhere in Europe or in the world right away when finish study and master of architecture, Princess (27) finished her study of medicine and has steady job, and this days she said that she is thinking about her independence, which is quite all right and I support her in that direction (she works, has empty flat), and I do not want to be alone until life eventually comes with some solution Thank you Denis for nice word. Eh ... if I had this passion and patience at the beginning ... life must go on, and a "Show must go on" . we live today, we can not live in the past, and we will live tomorrow. So, use a time you have today and tomorrow to fulfill your life with nice things
  8. Decision was hard ... We like and want big dog, and haired dog, frendly to everyone. Siberian Husky was option, Serbian Sharplaninac, Samoied, but ... my office is settled in my house last two years and will be there until my retirement, and just imagine clients waiting in front of yard untill I run throught yard and arround house trying to catch and tie wild beast with weight of 50kg ... I don't need sharp quard dog On the other side, I hate to keep dog in cage or permanently tied. What's the point having dog in that way? My yard of 700m2 will be his realm. Flowers will survive, I hope. If not ... what to do, Bobtail is ... Bobtail
  9. Just echo last post. Take it easy and with patience, and think about next 3 steps forward with question - HOW? Answer about tools you need will come! Some tools you can easy make by yourself (needle in BBQ strip, file made with sandpaper glued to 2x2 mm strip...) Almost every tool except power tools you can bye or you can made. And almost any stage of build you can do it on easy or on a hard way. Your decission and choice. Ship model build is not Lego! Many parts can be/must be fitted/remaked for many reasons ( bad material, you do not like how it looks, you broke something, wrong cut on wrong place, you lost part or piece...) And make tests to learn how material reacts, and to see can you do it better? Learning curve wil rise And ... Even the easiest kit you can complicate with details and micro works if you want and like. As the time pass by, your apetite can grow! That happened to me Good luck, anyway you decide
  10. There is something in life beside hobby A new pet reserved Those days it is in making proces if ok, 60 days to delivery and 2 months to grow enough to be separated from mother, means ... have to wait until July My CS learned me patience
  11. Thanks for your comment, Samson. Ver 2 is better, and strong enough because it has bamboo legs
  12. Thanks Gerhard. Still a box to make, and to see how table, box and wheel match to each other
  13. I was so tired, Mark, that I missed my swimming excersize today. As you already know, this beast has roots to another side of planet, and it is almost imposible to kill it forever. God "bless" friend who gives it as present to my Admiral. When grows, totaly out of control. Wild thing
  14. Holly tooth-picks and bamboo again, and new constructuion approach Main problem was how to fix table legs to be strong. I drilled holes for toothpicks all throught, cut and glue toothpick's pieces with CA, add extra wood inside do get strong structure, and start sanding with self made micro pils to get squared profile of legs Also with micro pils thined width of understructure Slowly and easy, and desired form appears after a while At the end, put veneer strips arround, fill gasps with putty, thinned veneet and fine sanded all At the very end, sand (no cut!) leg's lenght to 5,5mm front and 4,5mm aft , and thined table surface to 0,5mm And this is it. Better, I suppose
  15. It is lime tree 2x2 mm thined, Gerhard, not balsa. Balsa is soft, and weak, and it is imposible to work with balsa with 2x2 strips thined to less than 1mm, making 18x8x5 mm table with lehs, supporting mouldings etc. I have tried with oak strips 1x1 mm, but on that dimensions, oak is just to much brittleness. Evening will be smarter than a noon ... First I have to finish "Yuka war". See beast in left part of picture? That is only half of jungle. 5 knights with 100 hands each holding sharp sword, with legs deeeeep in ground, ready to attack me even when I approach. (remember this, Mark?) I must call Daenerys Targaryen with Drogon to help me ... At the half time ... after Dance of Dragons and 2,5h of digging, digging digging... Final Drogon flame to light my cigarret, and ... Oh, boy, every bone and muscul are in pain ... Beer dpes not help ... going inside to make dinner (Cezar salad) for me and Princess, and to take a little rest before shipyard
  16. Not precize enough ... let's do it again And I found mistake in Campbell's plans: lenght of stearing box on sheet No 1 is not equial on both places where box is drawn
  17. Thanks Samson, the great builder of competitive sail ship. I am following your build with great interest Hey, Gerhard, please try to keep your bones attached to you , you`ll still need them ! And time for return to ship yard returns. Next is wheel box, so I use Adobe Illustrator to define all structural parts as well, and to prepare myself for another micro work Pretty small beast Hmmmm Back end of box is a bit lower than front end And there are some hinges upward .... And just discovered.... I am kind of idiot ... I did not saved old AI drawings I made in AI format ... maybe it could be useful for somebody ...
  18. Keep climbing Keep climbing Keep climbing Keep climbing Keep climbing Keep climbing !!!!!
  19. Hi Gerhard As I ( maybe) wrote earlier, there is a great life truth: There are not boys and girls, man and woman. There are only SMALL AND GROWN WOMAN and LITTLE AND BIG BOYS ... which means on some way ... we ( BIG BOYS) like to play all our lives. It is not important is it some kind of Game of Thrones, different kind of company, power, job or money "games", our endless hobby list, avoiding home-works, football, baseball or similar most important events, pub meetings etc etc Playing is common factor of almost all our activity So, order of "need to" "may need to" and "like to" is ... ok, just debatable ... Why are we from time to time on MSW during office time ? Just kidding ... but there is some truth in this, yes?
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