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Don Jane

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Everything posted by Don Jane

  1. Looking good - I am building this exact same kit - im enjoying it a lot. Very good product - I had too do quite a bit of alteration to the false deck in order to get it to fit.'Looking forward too following your build. Take care and happy modeling Don
  2. I think im leaning to the Mantua kit
  3. I am planning my next build and I am leaning to the Amerigo Vespucci - can anyone give me info on the Mantua ans Mamoli Kits Thank you Don
  4. I am considering the AmarigoVespucci for my next project - I see there are 3 choices of kits - Mantua - Lowest price.

  5. Very nice build - a very classy older warship I will be staring to build my Amati Xebec in the next few months - I still have a lot left too do on my Occre Riverboat, but ,I am wondering if there are any English construction plans available and also, templates for the sail planfor the Xebec Thank you Don dpjane@shaw.ca
  6. My email addy is - **deleted by moderator** (Please see site rules. Posting your email address publicly is an invitation for spammers.)
  7. Glad I found your post - I am getting ready to start construction on my Amati Xebec. Of course, there are very few English instructions - does anyone one know if there are English instructions available ! Also, there are no templates for the sail layouts. Can anyone help me ? Thank you Don
  8. I quess I should post some pics of the finished project - I received my glass case yesterday so now I have to build the base and get it on display
  9. You mite not believe this but I am now working on the Occre Jupiter locomotive - It has been a fun project and I am nearly finished - im in a bit of a hurry to finish it as, I have the Occre Mississippi River boat on my shelf
  10. Got a few pics today - I have all the rigging lines ready to connect to the dead eyes !
  11. Got some of the standing rigging done yesterday, so it is coming along nicely - Sorry no pics but I will post some next week !
  12. Thanks for all the compllments on my build - I had a lot of fun and many many hours on this build - I got my glass for my display case yesterday, so next week I will build the base and have it on display !!!!
  13. I will be getting back to finishing the Bluenose - I now have my Gorch Fock completed so I will now have time for the Bluenose !!
  14. This has been a very satisfying build for more - overall, I found the Occre kit very good - I was only short one little piece of photo etch stantions, but I emailed Occre and they sent the part riteaway. There are a couple of things that I would do a little different but I like the finished product. There is lots of nice detail on this ship and a very large number of rigging lines ( lots of work ). I have ordered my display case so will have it on display very soon - the condo association were I live has asked me if I will display my model in the condo lobby, so a lot of people will see it !!!
  15. I put the finishing touches on today - finished the last bit of rigging - rigged the hoisting equipment for the life boats, and took a bunch of pictures !!
  16. Here we are - about 1 year of building - I now have all the sails on and mostly rigged - Sorry no pics - I will post some soon !!
  17. Hi Toni Nice to see another Gorch Fock underway - Im at the rigging stage with mine - fun ship to build - mine is an Occre Kit !!!
  18. Looking good - you are at about the same stage as my Bluenose - Nice work ! Are you going to leave the area above the water line as is - I like it that way !
  19. Welcome Christine What a cute little boat - Looking forward to following your adventure !!! Happy Building Don
  20. After quite some time away from my model - I have now had some time to spend on it - over the past 4-5 days I have the standing rigging completed - I am now ready for the sails !
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