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Jim Lad

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Posts posted by Jim Lad

  1. Pat - It'll be a while before she's finished - we'll be going on holiday ourselves soon.


    Druxey - thanks, mate - as I was working yesteday I was thinking how long it would take at the museum to do a ship rigged model.


    Popeye - cheers, mate!  See my comment above to Pat


    Sherry - I often think that the rigging is the most enjoyable part of the build.


    Rafine - Thanks, mate!


    Augie - Thanks for the support - those running backstays are really interesting, aren't they?


    Russ - thank you, mate - I think the sag is more luck than management.


    Mario - Me?  Forget?  Who wer eyou again? :P


    Bob - The more I look at the Stag's sail plan, the more I wonder how on earth they ever managed to sail her.


    Juergen - Thanks for your support!



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