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Everything posted by diablo0007

  1. What is the proper way to make the side windows for Hms Victory
  2. Hi Tim, Nice start Im doing the same ship and we are in same stage till now, I hop that we can help each other in the future Good luck
  3. Great One , Superb , Amazing ))) i loved theway you work , i'm building same as your model and u gave me a great advise with your model, i bought mine at 2008 while my visit to Italy and i carry it home taking it al the time by my hand like a child i strted at 2010 as i rember but now i back to work and really your model gave me a lot of advise and i want to ask you if the wood strip and rigging line are enough to finish the model or you will need to buy some of that things cause thats is my nightmare incase i did something wrong and i need to rebuild it .
  4. it should be better but i used very hard to deal with coper thats was a mistake, but because the Mamoli kit didnt came with copers so i had to get the coper plate from a locale place they were not well cut and arround 0.5 thicknes.. i soak the complet hull lath in water waiting so i can work on uper waterline second plank i hope wont take time as it did with the coper dressing as it tooks me from 12/04/2012 i stoped working many times in that period
  5. Great work Robert Really with thos picture you gave me a great help for my model
  6. hello Robert what an amzing work i loved the log and the way you are working i wished if i had a look before finishing the coper plate on my model and really you are so fast working as mine tooks me long time working on thos small coper i got nightmare from them . good luck and enjoy it Thats the one i build but the pic are not in the exact order http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/10251-hms-victory-by-george-mamoli-scale-190/
  7. i start this ship at January 18, 2010 still in progress of Building i belive it took time more than the real on i restart working after year and half of stoping it i just finish all the cooper things and next week i will start to finish all the plank and gun port hope not taking long time to finish
  8. It tooks me arround 2 years just tiling the hull with real cooper If you want i have nice books Georgenassan (At) gmail
  9. Im doing the same ship but different scale You can check my work on http://shipmodeling.net/photopost/showgallery.php?cat=1556
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