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Everything posted by ndeconte

  1. This was built specifically for my step-son, who's a huge Jaws fan!
  2. So, I finally had time to finish the acrylic case and get the Orca delivered to it's new home! It felt like I was taking one of the kids off to college! I know it will be well taken care of......And I have visitation rights!? On to the next!
  3. I took this to the Classic Plastic Model Contest in MA this past weekend.....Took first place in the Miscellaneous Category, their "Best Detail" award and their "Best of Show" award. Kind of amazing for a model car contest to give the best of award to something other than a car.
  4. Xken: Tried copying & pasting, not working.
  5. Well, I got the Orca finished enough to enter it into the Jerseyfest Model competition this past weekend....... To my surprise, it took a gold in the vehicle category, AND it also took Best of show vehicle!? Here are some photos of it at the show........ Hope you like!
  6. Getting the fighting chair painted up. Acrylics, enamels, pastels and clearcoat
  7. Been busy with Summer things...... Working on the house and rebuilding my 66 Plymouth Valiant wagon, finally got some time to get back to the boat! Got the fighting chair all molded up. Now I'm painting and assembling the chair for the boat. Have a bunch of small detail work to finish up the next few days, then her & I are taking the trek down to Jerseyfest for her first competition! I'll get updated photos soon! Here are a couple cool lighting shots!
  8. AMAZING build!? The detail and quality of your work is outstanding! Hats off to you sir!
  9. I think you're going to ignore this particular problem until it swims up and bites you on the ***
  10. Quick update..... Finally got the small Rock Away logo cast, that was a chore!? Had to find a material that would be strong enough but pliable to get a quality casting. I ended up using a dab of Magic Sculp to get it. Now that's done I'll get it adhered to the foot rest and get the molds made. Hopefully I can get those done this weekend. Happy 4th of July to all our USA members!
  11. Looks GREAT! Beautiful, clean work!
  12. Emblem sculpt done, will do final clean up on it once i have a urethane casting of it.
  13. Beautiful work Ken! This Conny is coming along wonderful, well done!
  14. Hey Mark, Thanks for the kind words! This boat is for my stepson who's a huge Jaws fan....... I'm also doing one for myself and also a customer in CA, so I didn't want to have to re-create this from scratch for the other two.
  15. Not much of an update but I got the footrest done including the rubber mat and the adjustment stop bolts for the fighting chair. Working on the Rockaway name plate for it, then this will be molded along with all the other parts for the fighting chair. The rubber mat was created from gluing some thin solder to some thin styrene plastic, side by side and cut to length. then this was set into a slot that was carved into the footrest to get the correct height.
  16. My only concern (and I'm not sure if it even should be) is he would be cutting the Apple while I wait, so it won't be Kiln dried. And he said he would rather not Kiln dry it since he says it's a lengthy process for that particular wood. Told me for smaller pieces I could dry in a microwave. So, should it be a concern its not dried?
  17. Definitely some options out there for me! Thanks everyone for the wealth of information! Jaager; Called RI Sawmill, he has the hard maple and the apple in stock, going down within the next week or two to gather some up. He quoted me $6 lin ft over the phone for both. Guess it's time to invest in a surface planer!
  18. Thanks for taking the time on the tutorial for the shackles and the info on the thimbles, BOTH very helpful and informative!?
  19. Hello All! So being new to the whole scratch built wood ship modeling (The Orca I'm working on, being my first), I'm planning on starting my next...... I'm planning on doing the Mayflower 1620 version next. And I'm contemplating doing the whole inner beam structure and one half of it as a cutaway. So my question is, what wood to use for what parts. I assume there are woods that would work better for the inner structure beams, planking and such. Any recommendations for books on the subject also? Thanks in advance!
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