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Everything posted by klimi

  1. Hello, thank you for compliments, i slowly working on the model, there are any next pics
  2. Thank you Popeye, sure i have do some small details like anchnor, fitting cannons and wheel and i´m not sure in that if i will do a second safe boat. Nenad thanks for compliment, everythink what i did was such clear so i think that there is nothing new to show. And i am pretty sceptic in that way, that i could did some parts better, but i try to get it like that is my first model and many mistakes are on place. now i´m resting from this model and working on the chessboard cheers
  3. cool progress and details, go on Nenad cheers
  4. Canoe21, thank you i hope that you will make best as you can! do it slow and without many attempts it can not be a good model. Chidokan, if you could buy book Anatomy of the ship, lets do it, cos the book is much much better base than everything by Sergal. My opinion is, wait with making hole for rudder on the board if you will whole hull complete. After that you will start with rudder fitting, make mark and the hole. cheers, there is more pics, sorry in last time i am very lazy with upload
  5. Thank you Frank, it goes well now, slowly but my working tempo is rising up, cos somer is gone. But i have a lot of things to do like now i´m painting wall in room of my cousin, than my friend would like to have room paint by me. I´m still working and my longest and best project is the ship,so boredom has no chance.
  6. thank you very much, but i dont think that i´m artist, i just like play with paints, anyway its clear that i would like improve my skill. here are some pics of wheel
  7. nice progress, i think that quality of your photos is much better then use to be. it´s good Pavel
  8. Thank you all guys for pretty words and excuse my mute during the somer. Somer in Czech was really hot and sunny so i enjoyed as much it was possible. On the ship i made some new parts, but the biggest challenge now is the wheel. And also i would like show my play with paints what i did in sommer so here are different pics than normal. David: i hope that i gave you somy inspiration and so what about the drawings, its funny to do it and it helps me a lot.
  9. Thank you Frank, maybe yo´re right, that i got talent for handwork but i also like listen music and many times i tried play some music instruments, there is no way. And this is it i think that everyone has any talent, the hard part is to find him out and practise and practise the skill and no matter what kind of hobby is it.
  10. hello Frank, i didn't to see you new log, is nice to see yours improved of finishing and patina techniques on the hull it is kinda inspirative for my Bounty. good luck Pavel
  11. Thank you for all for kind word, is a little bit strange for me to show here pictures without many text around but i think that more importatnt are the pictures, because if i´m looking on any topic on the firt place are the pictures of model
  12. Thanks Nenad, now i got much more time for work so i really like for that. There is more pictures
  13. Hello guys, thank you for watching. I had lots work on the house, where i removed. I continued on the capsatan,
  14. I would like to see this model done, it is my favorite ship and i didnt see some topic here. Good luck with this beauty
  15. Nice sheating done, i had a lot work on house, where i removed. I really like your interval of uploading comets and photos especialy
  16. Popeye the sailor, thank you for compliments, i do what i can and within next month i will remove to the house of my friend and i could there use a workshop with many tools and he got there a lathe, so what a bless for me Mirabell, thank you, during the winter i will have much more time for work, so i hope that i will be you not neglect with uploading pictures.
  17. Nice progress Nenand, especially that you made a lot of nice parts and you tried to remake them to the better end. I´m curious how will be your beauty looks like on the end. And the circle around the rudder will be made out of metal? cheers Pavel
  18. To Nenad, if i build any ship in my earlier life, it i dont know, but in this life is it my first ship made in that way, I mean, if was a small kid i made some ships with i played on lake. Thank you kees de mol. here are other pics from my progress. Sommer was long and i traveled a lot, so i didnt have time for building, but do you know, long winters evenings are comming and im looking forward for that
  19. Hello Alex, yours model looks famous, is pleasure to watch your work and procedure. One of my dream is build ship like that you. cheers and good luck Pavel
  20. Next progress, it was not so hard, just painting the figurehead and fit her to the ship and work on post. I chossed this color for everything on the deck,
  21. It is not so hard, most of the things i did with scalpel, files and sand papers. I can spend approximately 20 hours work on it. It is my firtst figure carved ever, i can´t imagine work on Wasa or on the others ships with many figures.
  22. yes it same like a progress rise exponentialy. and figurehead is done, only thing what i gonna do, is painting.
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