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Everything posted by klimi

  1. hello David, is nice to watch your progress, will you do a sails? When you compare work on the hull and rigging what did you enjoy more? And i have to thank you for sharing it helped me a lot. I look forward to finish Pavel
  2. hypodermic needle technique what i saw on polish and czech forums
  3. i´m thinking, if i shlould do a treenails in the hull, but i´m not sure yet. I saw interesting technique, where is use a hypodermic needle to make a hole and also treenails together. If i´ll use this technique it could be quick and good looking. Or drill holes just in the light wood and there make treenails. I was thinking, that i will not make treenails in the hull, but i think that the model model can be moved on higher level.
  4. hello nice to see your next build, especially that it you are using an other technique is nice of that you are using new knowleges. I´m looking forward your next ship. Pavel
  5. hello, tkank you, it sounds really good, i´m delighted that, you like it. Now i wanna make a new stand for the ship, it will be more gentle. After that i going to finish planking and cover a keel wenner so that you can see beams on the bow.
  6. so I finally finished the second planking, there still have a few holes in the stern to Resolved. Then he put the final board on the back and drag the entire keel including veneer bow. And then hooray for grinding paint coloring, yet I'm not sure if I'll stain the side linden wood yellower tint to make it better and excel board ultimately about possibly fill the varnish or some oil to achieve a more realistic appearance.
  7. beautiful work, I would like to know how you reached yellow shade of wood on the trunk? is the original color of the wood with varnish? or did you use a stain?
  8. thanks, i´m using Sergal plans but it is inaccurate. I have also Anatomy of the ship. Helps me the most build by Navis Factorem. Because i made some part same like in the kit.
  9. Hallo again, this is my first build one year ago, i bought Bounty´s plans by sergal. The frame is made of gabon plywood ( 5mm) , than i put deck in the boiled water and fit to frame and leave it dry for two weeks. After that i plank a deck with lime planks. Distribution planks i made so i cut it and highlighted by pencil. Treenails are made out of walnut wood. I drilled 0.5 mm holes for this treenails. In the beginig of planking i put the planks in boiled water, bend aroud the hull and leave it dry, next day i glue it to the frame. I kinda worked, I'm planks soaked in boiled water for one minute and then stuck. Now working on the surface of the hull. Next Layer i´ll make with lime and mahagony planks. I´d like to start untill one week
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