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Everything posted by klimi

  1. Garward, very effective and fast working method, yesterday i improved deck by this method. It looks better and naturaly. Thank you for upload
  2. very realistic looking model, work on deadeyes is inspirational
  3. my first steps with carving, it go overall good, but slowly. I´m using a scalpel and sand paper. What can do, i do with scalpel and for finish i use sand paper.
  4. so i finished with treenails. Now i´m gonna do beams around the hull. And slowly start with decoration, windows etc. I got a piece of lime wood so i´ll try carve details, if it no can do, i gonna use clay or something similar.
  5. nice progress David I´d like to know how did you curve the black beam on bow? On the picture. I have two ideas how to do this. First one is that i take togehter some parts and than cut it to right shape. Or curve planks with iron. Thanks Pavel
  6. thank you everyone for tips I did just try sand the wood and than glue and it hold enough. If I break the plank away I need use quite strong. So i think that it is good and i´ll put treenails in to those planks for sure. And to biggest planks maybe nails, beacause i think that on ship it used be. Like here ( i used flipperphils pic) in the black beams, if can be a nails with half round head?
  7. Hello, have someone experience with gluing on the oiled wood? Because i have oiled hull already. And i forgot, that i can be problem with gluing. Tomorrow i´m going to try on a small board and i´ll see.
  8. Hi Popeye, if i see your work on the rigging and on sails, so i´m looking forward until i´m going working on it too. This ship is great inspiration. Pavel
  9. so the hull is oiled already and now i´m working on treenails and i´m using hypodermic needle technique. It works fast and easy. I think that it looks not so bad. The needle was drilled inside and grinded from outside and it made ''blade''. The best way how to do is first time oiled the hull. Man have to dip the tip of needle in color and than with pushing and it makes treenails. Is better make it in oiled wood, because the color going in the pushed place. Here is only one half done and i´m gonna make next columns with 2 treenails between those columns which are there now.
  10. Hi Mathew you work so quickly. Will you do thinner beams on the stern?
  11. I´m so sorry David that I forgot to answer. Hull was for you kinda connect with yours work. But how you said, the rig and the details are the things, which giving model the beauty. I looking forward for next photos Bounty. Pavel
  12. I think so, but i´m not sure yet what technique i will use. I have to try both techniques and than i´ll see.
  13. Hello, i´m back with some news. I have lots duties to school and so my progress on the model slowed down. I made beams on the bow and stern. On the bow i worked this way. First time i drawed lines like a beams, than i made templates, fit it together and than i made this parts out of wood.
  14. Frank, thank you for answer and also for that you like it, with documentation is it for me harder, because i don´t know what is important to stress, but i´ll try share more information. Maybe will be easier make a photos and with them short comment. Nice inspiration for next work, i think that it gonna forced me to more enjoy building. Pavel
  15. Hello Frank nicely done model, is fine to see the model, which looking, that it was on sea Pavel
  16. Hello Ilhan Gokcay really nice looking model and you are mastercrafter! Good used techniques, is pleasure to watch. Pavel
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