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  1. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from Salty Sea Dog in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Augie, Augie, Augie - HOLY COW!!
    I agree with Edmay,  but let's see if I can help here.
    Your masterful build shows your methodical and apt attention to detail which comes through in your skillful work!
    In otherwords..
    DAMN sir, that is ONE fine looking ship!!!!!
  2. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from Sjors in HMS Agamemnon by Sjors - FINISHED - Caldercraft/Jotika - 1:64   
    Sjors that is an amazingly good looking vessel.  Such an awesome job you have done on it!
  3. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from riverboat in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Augie, Augie, Augie - HOLY COW!!
    I agree with Edmay,  but let's see if I can help here.
    Your masterful build shows your methodical and apt attention to detail which comes through in your skillful work!
    In otherwords..
    DAMN sir, that is ONE fine looking ship!!!!!
  4. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from mtaylor in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Augie, Augie, Augie - HOLY COW!!
    I agree with Edmay,  but let's see if I can help here.
    Your masterful build shows your methodical and apt attention to detail which comes through in your skillful work!
    In otherwords..
    DAMN sir, that is ONE fine looking ship!!!!!
  5. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from src in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Augie, Augie, Augie - HOLY COW!!
    I agree with Edmay,  but let's see if I can help here.
    Your masterful build shows your methodical and apt attention to detail which comes through in your skillful work!
    In otherwords..
    DAMN sir, that is ONE fine looking ship!!!!!
  6. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from HIPEXEC in USS Constitution by Hipexec - FINISHED - Constructo - 1:82   
    Went back through and looked over the evolution of your build and you really did an outstanding job - can't wait to see where you go next =)
  7. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from Canute in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Augie, Augie, Augie - HOLY COW!!
    I agree with Edmay,  but let's see if I can help here.
    Your masterful build shows your methodical and apt attention to detail which comes through in your skillful work!
    In otherwords..
    DAMN sir, that is ONE fine looking ship!!!!!
  8. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from mtaylor in Licorne 1755 by mtaylor - 3/16" scale - French Frigate - from Hahn plans - Version 2.0 - TERMINATED   
    Version 2.0 is certainly coming along incredibly well, nicly done!
  9. Like
    SkerryAmp reacted to augie in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Framing of the stern has begun.
    The uprights are installed in pre-cut slots in the aftmost bulkhead which establishes the appropriate angle preliminarily.  The final adjustment is carried out during the installation of the lintels and sills which frame the stern windows.  I'm trying to be very cautious with alignment here as tolerances are tight.
    The lintels and sills are laser cut from 3/16" ply, 2 layers laminated together to form 3/8" fillers.  In the first photo, the lintels have been installed and faired to the stern.  I have taped a template of the windows to the stern for illustrative purposes:

    The lintels need to be faired inboard as well because of their thickness:

    Normally this inside fairing would be a chore around here.  But I used a 'pencil sander' (?) I got from Microlux to do the job:

    I'm not certain this tool is the best thing since sliced bread but it just saved my butt.  I foresee more uses in future.
    Tomorrow we'll start to get the sills installed and faired in a similar fashion.  I'll post some long range shots then.
    Did I mention this is a lot of fun ???  
    50 hours into the build.
  10. Like
    SkerryAmp reacted to mtaylor in Licorne 1755 by mtaylor - 3/16" scale - French Frigate - from Hahn plans - Version 2.0 - TERMINATED   
    Ah.. update sooner than I thought.  Got the anchor planking done on the starboard side.  I've ripped off the wales and redid them.  Have one small area I'm not thrilled with in the pearwood part.  But I think I can fix that with some more sanding.  I'll sort it out when I go to plank that area.   Next in line is to continue up the rail (cutline).  I won't be cutting her free though for quite a while as like the security of the jig. 

  11. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from texxn5 in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    John your ship continues to shape up and look fantastic!!
    Enjoy your trip!!
  12. Like
    SkerryAmp got a reaction from Piet in HMS Agamemnon by Sjors - FINISHED - Caldercraft/Jotika - 1:64   
    Sjors that is an amazingly good looking vessel.  Such an awesome job you have done on it!
  13. Like
    SkerryAmp reacted to popeye the sailor in Half Moon by popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:40 scale kit   
    JULY!!!!   wow.......I've been away for a while!   sorry Jerry......getting these builds caught up has been slower than I thought!   I really didn't count on building the Andrea Gail either.........it's been very hard to turn away from it.   that build is almost finished though,  and I may pick this build back up next.  I was going to continue on one of the other fishing boats,  but I may have to order stuff for them.
    to recap what needs to be done here,   I was unhappy with the bottom paint......it seems too low,  and there was some bleeds in the corners.   this needs to be corrected,  before I can continue.   once this is done though.......I have plenty of parts ready to go on the model,  and there will be some major progress to be seen.  I ask for your patience.........I will be back shortly     oh......yes flat red!......gotta get some of that!
  14. Like
    SkerryAmp reacted to popeye the sailor in Half Moon by popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:40 scale kit   
    here is a little progress I made yesterday. I have more parts to add to the bow, and I stained them in prep.

    in my pictures of the ship, I do not see these curved rails. I will put them in though, because of what I have planned for them. I'm making a couple more parts for the ship's boat....they need to be curved.

    I added the bow rails at this point and installed the bow spirit. I drilled a hole in the bulkhead {at the angle needed}, and drilled a hole in the end of the bow spirit, which I installed a piece of brass rod. the rod went into the hole in the bulkhead and the spirit rests on the bow stem.

    when the pieces of wood were dry, they were stained and seal coated. they will be installed along the interior to serve as seat supports

    then I finally bit the bullet........masking the hull for the bottom paint

    It looks ok.......but I think I thinned the paint too much. I got a couple of areas where the paint seeped in the corners at the stern. I need to get more flat red now......I used what I had left on this little venture.

  15. Like
    SkerryAmp reacted to popeye the sailor in Half Moon by popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:40 scale kit   
    pretty easy to make Bob.......perhaps yours will come out better........movable guards?
    I made some more progress with the boats........staining them was a big first step!   no paint on the outside for me,  John........I promised you......remember!       

    the last picture you will see of all three together.........the scratch built boat got the Half Moon color.   I gave it a shot of the mahogany stain.  the other two have gone to the trawler Syborn build.

    staining the hull of the boat.......I got a good idea where the bleed throughs were.  to remedy that,  I spread a thin coat of fill to the inside of the hull,  evening it off with a piece of wood.

    I was going to paint the gunwales with a brown paint........but I ended up staining them instead.  I figured that if the accents for the interior were going to be stained......it may as well too.   the interior is painted a flat red.


    the floor was created next.......made on the table and fitted in place.   it wasn't cemented in until after it was stained.



    I was curious how this would look aboard ship,  so I brought her out and set her up as a dry fit.  I might be a little off as far as where everything goes......don't hold me to the layout  


    just for you J...........I know!   I pined and cried for the Moon,  because I didn't have those tack line decorations.   ..........and what did I do when I got them........drilled them and left them lying around on my table,  for god and everyone to knock'em off!  happy to say that they are in the works!   I painted them with a flat red........but I'm beginning to wish I could sand blast them.....that finish doesn't hold paint for #&%@!

    I used the dark stain to give them a bit of weathering......but it caused the paint to become solvent and move around.  the finish showed through.   I brought out the red again,  and touched them up.  the stain mingled with the paint,  but they look a bit too red again.  after I took these pictures,  I took a q-tip and dabbed them a little......they look much better.   I'll give them a shot of flat coat before I even try to handle them.  it's fine.........I still have to map out their location anyway


  16. Like
    SkerryAmp reacted to popeye the sailor in Half Moon by popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:40 scale kit   
    OK........on with the mini armada!     I used some of the leftover thin Annegre that I had cut for the United States build, for planking the plastic boats.   for the interior of these two,  I will add in the keel,  the ribs,  and detail them out.   I think that will kill the plastic look.
    that jig I made has served me a few uses........cutting down the Annegre,  then the block of rib parts,  and for the latest bit of progress........cutting 1.8 x 3 mm strip stock,  in half,  to around 1 x 3 mm.  it's not quite 1 mm.........taking into account fore the thickness of the blade.........I'm glad I found the other blades I bought for the scroll saw.   I had to shim the jig on both sides to center the strip stock,  and then work very slowly,  to run them through.   to give you an idea of what this looks like, here are a couple of pictures.


    I began to plank the frame,  sanding it as I went along.



    soon,  I had one side done

    I had started to plank the other side......a couple of rows,  to keep it from warping...and so nothing else would break off.



    it's finally done

    here is the relation to size of these boats.........the plastic one would be out of scale

    I added the keel to one of the plastic boats.

    ....and a shot of the interior,  of the wood boat  

  17. Like
    SkerryAmp reacted to popeye the sailor in Half Moon by popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:40 scale kit   
    since I got a head start on the scratch built boat,  I thought I'd get started on the plastic one.    I got an idea to compare this boat with the one from the trawler build.   there is a slight difference at the bow stem, but otherwise,  the two look very close.


    a small impression at the skeg,  is the only difference .   the third pair of ribs were added to the scratch build.


    the fourth pair were set up......being careful that both sides are done the same way

    planking the plastic boat was just as I remembered it................there were times where my fingers were fused to the boat.........but I sanded it as I went along,  so you'd never know it  

    the last ribs were added to the scratch built one.......adding an extra one to control the planking's turn at the bow.


    time to finish up on the planking........and then plank the other plastic boat,  while I was at it.   how many other ship's boats are going to come out of the closet?

    soon........both plastic boats were done


    the scratch built one was removed from the jig.  it needs to be fared now......I need to see if I have any more of that thin planking.   I want to use basswood......but I might use the Annegre

    I also tried to cut the wider ribs in half........this met with limited results.   I can still cement the pieces back together,   once I figure out which ones go where ?!?!

  18. Like
    SkerryAmp reacted to popeye the sailor in Half Moon by popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:40 scale kit   
    well folks......this was a very interesting couple of days.   I got a good head start on these boats.  the one thing I noticed,  is that there is no real curve to the gunwale {cap rails},  so i really don't need any type of jig to make the frame.   to do the scratch built one,  I will use the gunwale {cap rails].....I traced out the keel,  and cemented it on it.   I checked the gunwale to the diagram and found that it's the same size.

    no pictures of the tracings...I'm afraid,   I was too far under the spell

    in punching the parts out of the block,  I saw that they are too thick

    so,  with the other parts block,  I thought to cut it in half.   it worked OK for the most part,  a chunk did break out of the halves........but the pieces can be glued back on

    I did it with the scroll saw......I went out there and located the broken piece.  I was able to do this using the jig,  that I made to cut the Annegre.  made the perfect guide   the transom halves were made by tracing the stern of the plastic boat.......after cementing them in place,  I saw that they were too big and later trimmed them down.

    punching out the 'adjusted' ribs......these look much better

    some of the cast off wood was used to make the stern rabbits.....the first pair of ribs were cemented in place.  I made up a jig to measure out where the ribs were to go.

    ....and then the second pair

    for the third and fourth pairs of ribs,  the larger ones will be needed.   to be sure that the widest part of the hull is achieved,  these ribs will be reversed,  to use the long end to the best advantage.

  19. Like
    SkerryAmp reacted to popeye the sailor in Half Moon by popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:40 scale kit   
    now that I have these little baubles........I guess I better figure out a good way to drill the holes in 'em.  I made up a block of wood,  with a tape across the span,  to stick them on.


    I first tried to use a prick punch to center the holes in the mouths.  all that did was make an impression in the wood.   I then thought that if I drilled a shallow well for them to lay in,  I might be able to drill the holes from the back.

    that had only limited success..........I was in the center......in line with the mouth,  but would tip causing me to go off course.   lucky for me I have ten of them to work with   a drill press would be good to have for this......but I don't have one,  so I needed to come up with another plan.  I took my triangular file, and made a flat spot in the mouth area........I have some dental bits,  and I used the smallest one to drill a well in the mouth,  as a guide for the drill.   drilling the holes was as far as I got with 'em at the moment.  I'm hoping I can get her back out and do a bit more ...........still need to do the paint and clear coat before I can continue on.
  20. Like
    SkerryAmp reacted to popeye the sailor in Half Moon by popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:40 scale kit   
    well.......I seem to have a renewed sense of direction on this build.   true.....the weather hasn't been my friend.......but it seems to have turned for the better!   I have to do my painting in the garage...the temp and the rain has done a nice job of hampering me.......until now     there was also another factor that dogged me...a key piece of detail that I was determined to find.
    it all starts with a build of the Half Moon,  done by jct......here on the site.   I am enjoying his build,  and since it is a Corel kit,  we have had a great time exploring all the differences with the two kits.   he got to the point of prepping out the sheave rope decorations that line the hull,  and I took a step back.  the Billing's kit doesn't have them!  they are not listed in the parts list.......and not even shown on the plans.

    I tried to look for these decorations in craft stores........but to no avail.  I even tried a few jewelry stores, and got the look........like I was some kind of nut!   with this scavenger hunt,  a complete bust,  I went with my last resort.   I contacted Corel........I downloaded parts of their catalog,  and I found the complete fitting kit for the Half Moon.   I told them that I was working on  Billing's kit and that I wanted to purchase the sheave decorations - part # D-228......if necessary,  I would be willing the purchase the entire fitting kit.
    they e-mailed me the next day,  asking for my address.........they were going to send me the sheave decorations....at no charge!   free!!  holy cow!.......you could have knocked me over with a feather!  I sent them my address,  and soon after,  another e-mail came saying that they were in the post.  they sent them on the 28th of May,  and I got them yesterday,  the 2nd of June  


    I should have put a coin by them to show you how small they are........about 5 mm x 4 mm.  I will need to drill the sheave holes in them,  in prep for paint..........but this is small effort,  if you take into consideration the added visible detail,  they will give to this build!  
    my thanks to you Corel!  you reaffirm my belief that once a kit is purchased,  it becomes the builder's kit,  and it is his {or her} interpretation,  that guides the outcome of the model.  even though the kit isn't one of your design,  I am grateful that you chose to help the modeler achieve,  what the kit could not. 
  21. Like
    SkerryAmp reacted to popeye the sailor in Half Moon by popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:40 scale kit   
    now that the decal work is done......time to move back to the transom.   the gun port lids were painted and stained......then the edges were painted flat black.   hemp thread was used to make the water shed gaskets,  and stained with the mahogany.   they were the first parts cemented in place.


    these are the parts that will fill in the upper and lower fields.  included are the stars that I bought  at Hobby Lobby.  I still haven't gotten those other stars yet.....as mentioned,  when I do,  I will show them to you.

    this fills out the lower field......I think I'm a bit off on the 'A'

    now I know I am!

    the moon was cemented in place.  in as the moon is a raised decoration......so were the stars.  what Billing's idea of the stars were,  was to paint the heads of a bunch of brads and insert them in the field around the moon........I like my idea better.
    drilling the hole for the first star......sorry for the extreme light,  it was the moon's fault!

    and with them all in place.......I was going to use six stars......but four were enough


    add the rudder,  which I will need to make the gungeons and pintles,  the stern will be complete.
  22. Like
    SkerryAmp reacted to popeye the sailor in Half Moon by popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:40 scale kit   
    one word of caution with this decal program......be sure to let the sheets sit for a while before you apply the bonder.  it's best to give the ink plenty of time to dry.  there was a bit of an issue with the circle sheet,  but not that bad,  that I couldn't use them.  they also need to lay as flat as possible,  or there will be some color bleed.  these are to go on the blue border.......I'm hoping that with new ink cartridges,  the transparency issue will not be a factor.  when cutting them out,  you must get as close to the image as possible.....remember,  the entire paper is embossed with film.

    this is clear decal paper........you will see no white,  when the decal is applied.  they do have a white decal paper.......it works to your advantage,  when the image your using has white in it,  or the decal is being applied to a white background.   there are many variables,  but it does have it's limitations.  this is actually two layers......the foreground and the background.  I did these to a white background......but the actual background color is blue.   I could have changed the background to blue......but trying to match color would drive me nuts!  it can be done.......but you'd have to know the spectral numbers that make up the color your looking for......too much for this simple mind to follow     I was so surprised,  when I applied the decal,  and it showed up as good as it did!

    it could use one more circle,  so I clipped one from one of the other images.

    ...and added it to the existing decal

    I did the other side the same way


    now I can get back to the transom in peace........no more little voice in my head about these pfffffffff decals!  {you gotta teach me more word Sjors........I sound like a surfacing whale!}
    "Thar she Blows!!!! 
  23. Like
    SkerryAmp reacted to popeye the sailor in Half Moon by popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:40 scale kit   
    I'm glad your all enjoying this.......I'm having a good time with this as well.   I'm a bit off the mark with the Gothenborg.......so it's really neat that I have another shot at this.  I was going to carry on with the transom today,  but I had other ideas.   I couldn't get the circle thingies out of my head,  so I installed the paint shop 10 program,  and checked it out.  I had a couple of strikes against me........
    1:  it's already an image.....I couldn't alter it,  much less figure out all the new functions in the time I was giving myself.
    2:  I couldn't change the boldness of the image {see reason #1}
    3:  I couldn't change the color either!  {see reason #1}
    for that feeble reason........I went back to the decal maker.   I had scanned off single rows of the diamonds and the circle image I created,  and imported these back in.  then they were copied and pasted.......and then sized down yet again.  I was able to change the color of the circle image.....I did it in red,  like it is supposed to be,  according to the Half Moon picture.  after uttering that famous Dutch word a couple of times {the admiral thought I was having an attack},  I ran them off.  they got spray coated with the bonder to seal them up.



    notice the blotch on the diamonds sheet........never lay the sheet on wet bonder.  as I was spraying the other sheet,  the diamond sheet was creeping over to it,  so I moved it......not a good move.  now all the decals in that blotch will be adhered to the paper...rendered useless.   not a big deal though.......I think there are enough diamonds there for me to do the whole job.   while these were drying,  I did a bit more work on the gun port lids.


    the sand color that the diamonds are to be located, is a flat paint.   so,  I painted the areas with a semi gloss lacquer.   it sealed up the paint and gave it a good surface to work with.

    the fore deck outer bulwark has a larger surface,  so I left some large enough to fit it.


    the stern area was next.....


    of course,  making them this small,  meant that this area had to be done in sections.  I stated to do the same on the port side.



    then the fore deck outer bulwark was done.......that's it for the diamonds.   since I used the kit supplied trail boards,  I didn't do this to the bow.
  24. Like
    SkerryAmp reacted to popeye the sailor in Half Moon by popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:40 scale kit   
    I had begun on the transom this past Friday.   still some more to go before it will be complete.   I'm going to lean more toward the Billing diagram with it,  instead of the picture I've shown you......I like the added detail it brings to the build.   first,  I added the decorative molding that encases the transom......then the 'brim' at the top of it.


    on the back rail,  I added a piece of the striped stripping and the ornament on the top

    now,  as I mentioned,  I created the circles and lines on paint shop.   the one that is included in this computer is bare boned......can't do too much with it.   I have downloaded paint shop 10.....I just need to install it,  and I'll see how much more I can do.

    after importing the scanned copy of this design into the decal maker,  I ran off a sheet.......but I think the image needs to be beefed up a little.......it may be hard to see.

    if this was the decal itself,  you would not see all this white,  but it will fit something like this on the ship

    there are other parts that will adorn the transom.........two crests,  the moon,  the stars,   and the logo for the East India company.  the stars are going to be interesting.......they are the studs that I found in the paper craft dept, at Hobby Lobby.   I still want to go back and buy those other stars I saw......I will be sure to show them when I do.  for some of the folks that have ship star decorations.......they will find these quite useful.   anyway.......I painted all of these parts.

    the Billing diagram shows that there are four gun ports....two on the transom,  and two just below the counter.   these I have to make from scratch....they are missing in the kit.   they are 10 mm squares of basswood......for the hardware,  I'm using dark mahogany stripping......they are in the beginning phase.

    the mahogany was painted flat black........two of them will be painted blue,  and the other two will be stained the color of the hull.......there's still more to do to them 
  25. Like
    SkerryAmp reacted to popeye the sailor in Half Moon by popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:40 scale kit   
    thanks Bob and Ferit.   I got ink cartridges     I'm almost done with the starboard side....just have the trail boards to do.   I have a set of the diamonds printed.......and I find out that I'm out of bonder.....crap!   I'll have to go and get some tomorrow.....then perhaps,  i"ll be able to show you that bit of progress.
    so.....yes,  the starboard side is done.......started with the rails.....

    ...and then the striped trim

    I made one set of decals......still need the bonder to seal them up.  I might have to make an even smaller set......I think these are still too large.

    still need to make up the circles......I did the trail boards

    now.....both sides are finished.

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