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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. that must be a Maine emblem on the side........nice picture so as mentioned, I started to toy with it. I was looking at the smokestack parts..........these pieces {plastic} lock together. I do have a strange urge to turn this into a double smoke stack. the sides that make up the boiler house......the measurements indicate the sides, the back and the front. I will have to pitch the roof, as well as cut out the windows and doors. I got out the pine board that I turned into a boat slip, and clamped it to the table. the templates were laid out and covered with plastic wrap. from here, the first volley of frames were cemented together. these parts came pre cut......but I did get shorted a couple of pieces {one was even the wrong size}. I always keep a supply of 1/8X1/8 strip handy. the frames on the left and center required two of them.......the one on the right does not. I used brass to act as a bumper for the base strips. when I knew they were sufficiently dry, the two were pulled off and the other pair was laid down. this morning I pulled them up and still need to clean them up a bit. I really don't want to cut the panel templates out of the sheet, but my first idea isn't working out too well. the sheet was laid out and the windows and door were cut out first. my initial idea was to simply slide the parts under the paper......but the first one I did looks a bit off. I first thought that there was something on the other side, but there isn't. so I will cut them out to get a better gauge on the cut outs. this is now done. I did make it over to Hobby Lobby today.....would have made it over yesterday after our hair cuts, but we got rear ended by a young fellow in a Mazda. we are ok........he is Ok. our car has a broken bumper {covering} and the trunk lid is somewhat sprung......still works though. his car.......well, he's gonna need a face lift they do have some stuff.......didn't have the brick, but they had the corrugated aluminum sheets! I showed them to the admiral.........and she decided to scratch on the surface on one of them I'm like.........."don't do that!!!" when she saw the scratches, she told me to grab another one from the rack.........the last one was even worse! to be honest, they all had minor dings and stuff.......she only added to it. I can scriber it out I think I can order other things if I need to........they also have a fair selection of scenery stuff here more proof that women love sales........she saw that all kits were 40% off.........so now SHE was looking! I looked but wasn't interested in buying one.........so she starts to point out some that must have caught her eye........yess, yess......very nice.......a 1:48 scale Black Widow.........she loved the purple color of the Joker mobile........and one that looked like my old olds Cutlass........ I was going to pick up a 1:800 U.S.S. Indianapolis {Academy}, but the 1:16 '57 Chevy Bel Air convertible won out. I should have picked up another Lindberg 'nose art' B 17 {it was only $9.00....marked down}, but I put it back {could have gotten two kits!} oh well.......I guess I do have SOME restraint she was even looking at helicopters and tanks........my grandson Chase asked me why I never build tanks. I'd better stop talking about it now........'cuz it's mak'in me feel like a first class fool...coulda walked out of there with more I still have one in the wind.......it won't ship till the beginning of October, because they are on holiday. can't tell you what it is, 'cept it pertains to this subject. what I can tell you is "yule love it!" count on me to bring you something wild and interesting more on this soon
  2. thought I'd show you all where I'm at with this project. I trimmed a sliver fron one side of the fuselage tail and cemented on the tail section...minus the tail turret {can't see them getting broken}. the nose bubble was added to the top of the nose, as well as the radar bulb that sits on top too. I still need to paint it. the last cowl was added too.......took a bit, but I finally got a handle on touching it up. I think the cowl design came out rather cool these were taken before the nose bubble was added. to be honest, I don't know whether to salute, or wind my watch I figured that I had better get the repair done so I can move on. the gear door was easy enough, since it wasn't totally broken off. with a small drill, the nose gear tube was hollowed out enough to accept a brass rod. I'll drill a hole in the stub that is still in the fuselage and cement it back in place. I think I figured out some sort of pattern for the stars....better I think, than to put them on willy nilly. more soon
  3. WOW! great paint job.........gonna look sweet when fully assembled
  4. nice looking plow Jim........I've found a few pictures when I was doing some research on it. mine came with the aluminum, but he had already cut it to shape.......tried to fit it, but I think he might have done it wrong or something. other ones I've seen, it appears that the aluminum was not used and they did something else. I'll get mine out and pop a few pictures......the camera I was using at the time wasn't too good.....might even be my camera savvy I painted mine in kind of a brick red color...I was in the process of assembling the wings when I put it away. same as you, ships took over my world. I did notice that whoever owned the Keystone kit tried to start it..........found a bead of glue on one of the brick parts. I have started on it......assembling the framework for the power house. the brick sheets are for the boiler house........there is a slip of paper outlining the shortcomings with the parts. they will need to be trimmed. also shows that the roof is pitched, so I will have to cut the sheets anyway, as outlined in the description, the boiler house was made of brick, rather than wood, in the event of explosions and fires. hard to see that this was a two story building..... the instructions are a bit scant on measurements, which does make thing a little confusing, but I'm sure I can figure it out there are pictures........I'll get some to you when I have more. gotta be the angle of the shot Craig.......it looks like there's no back end on the plow . I remember your trip
  5. thanks gents....the major assembly has begun there was a bit of a mishap........the starboard wing fit a little loose, and in getting it to seat, the plane slipped and the nose gear broke off. one of the gear doors got put out of joint.....but that's a minor thing. the one grace is that since this model is tail heavy, there won't be much weight on the nose gear when mounted on a stand { I plan on doing like I did with the B 25}. so I'll get that fixed and continue........pictures soon! thanks again for all the super kind comments!
  6. book marked! I'll do a browse later.....thanks for the link I did notice a huge ganglia of tracks there, and two groups of buildings. I'll check them out in further research. oldmodelkits has a large assortment of train kits........a few structures. some are reasonably priced. one did catch my eye....but it's not HO. I'll see it in October........ I hope to get started on this soon.....
  7. nice job on the wheels Kevin........shame the bug bite was severe we'll wait for the stage to come back............errrrr..........it did have a driver on it, didn't it
  8. thanks Ken.......I'm impressed with it too. definitely temps me to do another, but of an actual plane. I've been doing more touch ups.......I'm hoping to finish up the last cowl and get it on there. I already made the fit adjustments......for some reason, the inboard cowls are different, and makes me wonder if I got the pairs backwards. this looks to be the case, because the inboard cowls are # 49A, and the outboard are # 49B. hopefully the next update will show the plane together. I do know one thing........I will not do a blue and white combination again thanks to all who hit the like button..........
  9. as mentioned.....more has been done. the frames are barely visible on the tail turret glass, so I didn't bother with them. it is assembled and ready to be added when the time comes. questionable about the open spaces, but this is it. the fuselage is together now........the tape still on, but is now removed. the dorsal turret was trapped in the fuselage.......it's free to move, but it's very tight {no matter}. the nose and blue field has been touched up.....I'm working my way around the fuselage to clean it up. one of the blue cowls is ready to be added to the wing. it didn't fit very well though.......I cut out the 'flatted' sides inside, to make them rounded. it was cemented in place when the fit was good. I tried to touch up the other one from all the bleeds, but it is too soon. this one here dried for a couple of days before I touched it up. I will just have to wait till the paint is totally dry before I attempt it again. still other things I can do though
  10. you dio is coming along nicely.......looks even better now that you starting to fill it out also glad to hear your enjoying the airbrush......your gonna love how much further you can stretch the paint supply not to mention the uniform coat your able to put down. I grew up on a small farm as well.....we had a window to throw it out of. but.......someone had to knock the pile down when it got up to the window. hell bud........I did it bare foot! where do you think I got my big feet! keep up the good work.......really looking good!
  11. not to mention, it's really an unknown at the moment when this kit was produced........I've yet to find any dates. there is a train yard, but it's not Keystone. I think I'm tracking down a place, rather than a model company
  12. thanks OC ....bit bit closer towards the big step. I went to put the gear doors on the main landing gears and found that I should have done this before the wing was assembled. a short part of the doors fit inside, and now there is no room to do this. there are two locator pins on the gear and two holes on the door.......seeing that the top pin is just inside the opening, I cut off part of the door and slid it in. I did the same with the other wing gear. I also painted the fourth nacelle cowl........the outboard cowls are done in red and white. this was done by cutting a strip of tape in half lengthwise, and then cut triangular pieces out of it. wondering what to use for a backing for the tape....I though about what might not stick badly, so I used parchment paper. this proved to be too poor of a sticking surface, but I used it anyway, clamping the tape down firmly so I could cut it. in the end it worked, but the combination of paints were another issue. the red and white came out good......but my decision to paint the inboard cowls blue, came out less than perfect. even with the final cowl, I will need to do some touching up. the outboard cowls are added to the wings. I've made more progress since this was done........I'm waiting for the last cowl to dry, before touching it up. more soon
  13. OK....back from shopping these are the instructions that came with the Keystone kit. they show the basic assembly, but leave out a lot of the detail. the first page is a mix of history and information, should one want to add more to their model. they give an outline with regard to how the facility was set up. frame layouts....... it ends out with the parts list. the text instructions may direct cutting out windows and doors.......I haven't fully read through them yet.
  14. so the other kit my son gave me is of a building........part of a set that spans several kits. it's called the Keystone Locomotive works......what I have is the power house and boiler house. research that I've done using google map, shows a single building in Pulteney. New York. they indicated that they moved from what must be their old location {on the box}, Northumberland, Pennsylvania. the strange thing here, is that where they are located in Pulteney, there are no rail tracks. for a chuckle, I looked up Northumberland, Pa......and there looks to be a rail yard there. Wheatley Avenue {street name}, is not near the yard, but what could be four or so blocks away, more toward the interior of the city. I've got it up on my computer right now......I'll look into this more later. this is a multi media kit....and there is quite a bit to it. for a small box, it is crammed packed with parts.......it has some weight to it. this is kit #6 according to the information in the beginning of the instructions. the frame pieces all appear to be precut. the boiler is comprised with plastic parts. generically, only one boiler is supplied, but in the descriptive story that come with the instructions, there were three boilers in the building. they were located on the second floor, with ash chutes that dump down to the first floor, for ease of removal and cleaning. the instructions gives you the option to scratch build them and detail the interior. the trusses and eaves that base the roof, are made of metal. the windows and doors are also made of metal. I've been meaning to order some plastic HO scale windows from Micro Mark for a future project....I may raise the scope of my order, and do away with these metal parts. we'll see about this when the need arises. there are four sheets of wood with brick detail.......a supplemental added to the instructions, indicates a problem with them, and a solution to remedy the problem. there are many smaller parts.......different sizes, of scribed wood panels. as I recall, scribed wood like this still can be purchased from the old Ambroid company. Northeastern Scale Lumber Co. architectural model trim ho scale Laser-cut kits for model railroading and dollhouse miniatures - Website of nesm1! Valley Model Trains -HO- Precision Lasercraft Products - Decals & Graphics - Woodland Scenics - Model Layouts, Scenery, Buildings and Figures I may have a few others..........my book mark list is very long here are the parts..... the instructions are somewhat extensive...but a bit vague at the same time. I'll get into this in the next post.
  15. hi all.......glad to see that there is some interest. as a side note here.........I saw a plastic kit that I'd like to get. it's hopeful that I might be able to get it, but it depends on the budget director. I last checked and it's still available.......and for some reason, since checking, the budget director has been bringing it up. an omen from the model god?........we shall see let's all join hands and recite the Mantra........"build it and they will come..........build it and they will come........STOP!!!!!! holy crap!,......I got a baseball team here! OK...OK...new Mantra.........."please?" but anyway.......it is good. I checked to see if I had enough of that stuff.......what I'm referring to, is corrugated aluminum siding.......I had a couple sheets of it. I found it in the clearance aisle at Hobby Lobby...had some minor damage, but good enough to use for other things. after finding that I either misplaced it or don't have enough, it will be fairly easy to get more. my only thought stumper at the moment is the apron around the base of the body itself......looking at the instructions, you can see what I mean. another was figuring out the placement of the cross members for the trucks, but if the drawing is 1:1 with the model, I can measure it and solve that small dilemma. I'll continue to work on some sort of game plan in the meantime. I'm glad you liked the article Richard.......some articles I've read in the past were total B.S. nor does it exclude the rail modeler's medium. I can also relate to it, even though I was one of those folks that built my models, clueless to what was going on in the modeler's world around me. yea.....I used to go to my favorite hobby shop and chat shop with them, but I never really got the sense of how the medium was evolving. I joined those old modeler's clubs and stuff......but never really liked them. the sad part was that they were only aimed at those who were still in their little rabbit holes, only aiming to make money off you. then you had the individual clubs....they would be useful, but I didn't know anybody or any groups, living in the country, as I did. it wasn't till the internet scene, that I really started to see thing in a different light........and not to blow the horn {on second thought....I will}, till I found sites like this one, that brought modeling for me to a new light and level. around this time though, I had just resumed modeling, taking time away for life and family. life got even more interesting, when I was introduced into the wood medium......... ....but I digress yet again...... so.......if anyone has a special project going on, or a link to a really cool place.........by all means...post it here. oh.......and BTW.......the god smiled!
  16. I had a train set when I was young........don't remember the manufacturer, don't recall the cars that came with it.......all I can recall is that it was a steam locomotive and the layout. the layout was a 4 X 4 foot square.......plywood covered by a huge vacuform scene, with a road through the middle and a tunnel. given the size of the layout, the track was simply a huge circle, and the train went 'round 'n 'round. it was awkward to set up every time we wanted to use it, and one day it got even more awkward. my brother in some fit or another, decided to turn up the voltage high enough, that the train crashed into the tunnel, breaking a chunk of it off. Dad was pretty angry.......he put it in the pump room part of the cellar, and we weren't to play with it anymore. time past, and the desire to play with it grew.......I figured I could set it up and get it back in the box before Dad came home from work. all went well, wrestling it out of the box in that cramped room....it was annexed off from the rest of the cellar. it was the only part of the cellar that had a cement floor, aside from where Mom did the laundry. I played with it for a while, losing track of time........my sister came down stairs. she knew....and told me I had better get it back in the box.....pronto! in the rush, I accidentally hit the regulator for the pump and broke it. yup!........warm fanny......you bet! I never had another one after that.........had a slot car track, but it just wasn't the same. ....probably why I got into models.......it was a lot safer in my early days, I didn't know much about the model train medium.......saw pictures, but never put two and two together. I'd guess it has been the last 20 or so years, that I began to see a lot more of the medium........it's a lot bigger than some realize. I know I've posted it before, but this article was very interesting to me..... A Brief History of Scale Modelling (As I Recall It) by John Loughman I thought to myself....as much as I sometimes loathe the internet, it has opened our eyes to thing we may never see. it gives us insight to the models that we are building, and the tools to build a better model. I would always build out of the box, and not outside the box........ now, I can see much more, than the field outside my window. but I digress........ in 2011, I received an Ambroid train kit from a past co worker at the shop...I was working at the Walmart DC. his ex-wife's grandfather past away, and while going through his effects, she stumbled onto the kit. she showed it to him, and he in turn gave it to me, rather than let her toss it out. it is the Ambroid B&M Snow Plow, partially started. some of the pictures are not that good........but yup......I had that purple / pink mechanical pencil even back then! a good portion of it is done.....the metal stuff and plow needs to be done. I'd have to sort through the pictures to see what is good enough to post. I even proposed to do it as a diorama...a small layout of a place where they might keep such a car. it's been in the closet since then. my older son is into real estate........uses a drone to take pictures of the properties he looks at, and then posts them on line as sort of a short video, complete with music of some form of commentary. recently, he did a property.....the previous owner was still in the process of packing up. he told me how it went down, but the gent literally gave him a trunk load of train stuff.......locos, cars, tracks and all that goes with it, and a number of kits for buildings and train cars. he showed them to me.....shocked me how old some of the kits looked. he drives a Mini Cooper.......and the trunk space was totally full.......even a bit more in the back seat! my first suggestion was to have the stuff appraised to see if any of it was worth selling. he did find a place that sells stuff on consignment. he did save a couple kits for dear 'ole dad....what a good son the first kit is a 40 foot refrigerator car kit, produced by Findex Systems LTD. Milwaukee. I tried to look up the company, but so far, I haven't been able to find anything on it. I did see another refrigerator car kit on E Bay. the price extension on the kit box is $1.00. working on this car will be a game changer, after my experience with the Ambroid kit........it starts out as a wooden plug. that's all there is for wood parts. according to the instructions, there is a covering that goes on the wooden plug. it was not in the kit. you see the fold out on the end....the yoke for the coupler. they are included in the bag with the ladders, staples for grab irons, nails, and the two cross bars for the trucks. this is it........ there are options......Hobby Lobby and Hobby Town sells stuff for HO train and layouts. here is a list of the places I have book marked. www.walthers.com -- main page Model Train Scale and Gauge - Railroad Model Craftsman Model Train Stuff - HO Scale Microscale Decals Northeastern Scale Lumber Co. architectural model trim ho scale I may have a couple more somewhere. heck......I use some of the sheeting stuff for model ships. I may even have enough to cover it. another option is this model can also be done as a box car, with very little modification. we'll see when I start it
  17. add another vehicle to my list to work on........just got back from looking at a 2007 Ford Explorer. gonna need some work but not a bad rig once it's caught up to date. the belly turret is assembled and painted. it won't have guns, so I might leave it in the retracted position. I'm not too keen on the gap that's all around it the nose gear doors have also been added. once they are dry I can paint them. the dorsal turret glass has been masked and painted. for this one, I decided to paint the frame flat white........the tail will be blue, since the turret body base has been painted blue. I felt that white would have ben a nightmare to paint. here's where it got funny........when I took off the tape, I saw a few bleeds, so I lightly scraped them off. this did mar the clear surface a little, so to fix it, I painted a little window maker over the scrapes. it dries clear and it will blend right in.....and it does I painted a few more parts, in prep for assembly. the dorsal turret was assembled after it dried.........really can't tell the difference! still need to paint the rest of the glass........I will paint the frames in the color that rules. I still have 1 more nacelle to paint......one needs some touchups and will look pretty good, given the scheme. the nose landing gear was assembled........tire on and such, and cemented in place on one half of the fuselage. it was joined together for alignment purposes. I should have waited.......I've done a couple other things while writing this. it will make it for the next update....perhaps the fuselage will be finally joined together permanently
  18. yea....I saw those color palettes.....but I didn't want to cloud the issue too much. taking into account that quite a few of the pictures were of models and R/C aircraft.......a lot of them were the modeler's choice. but that's what I do......I look at images and something will eventually catch my eye. shades of gray and bare aluminum are the more dominant choices. Egilman is correct in that assumption.......as far back as the early biplanes, they rolled them out of the factory with a given paint scheme. when they hit the field, whoever didn't like what they got, decided to personalize it at their discretion. there was a lot of field paint, and they used whatever they had available. the same went for any modifications they wanted to make...from thicker armor in places.....to even a cup holder we're only the 'devil's advocates' here........whatever you come up with will be super!
  19. I did a contents shoot of both kits Ken.......I'll have the log up soon. who knows.......it might even get me to continue with the Snow plow on the assembly plane front.........it's been a lot of paint. the tires and associated parts, and the turrets for the most part..........and I've been touching up the fuselage halves and adding the needed parts to them to close her up. I even found another use for the window maker. there are pictures, but I'm still in the process, so I'll have them up later. more soon
  20. getting rid of the mold lines would be my gripe.........some of the parts I've dealt with in the past on other projects very nice paint work on the earlier assembly Grant........looks very real-like very nice job!
  21. I have seen a few wearing camo.... most of what I've seen are silver with color around the nose and tail, be it red of blue. North Korea flies these birds as well. do as I did.......do a search for Mig 15 and look at the images...they might give you ideas. you will also see that some are at the builder's discretion...their own artistic license.
  22. I've see old kits on oldmodelkits.com that look interesting.........and they are relatively cheap. I've also seen some of the work Andy does, and I'm blown away I book marked the HOseeker site......also browsed through some of the fridge instructions.......Ambroid has a real nice one. the refrigerator car comes with a set of Bettendorf trucks.......to me, they look a bit clunky.........I'll start the log very soon thanks again Ken
  23. I'll look into that site Ken......thanks for the head's up. so they are defunct.........I would imagine, so is Findex. I couldn't find anything on them, just that E Bay has the Refrigerator car listed too. both of the kits has the instructions......the refrigerator car seems to be missing the outer shell.......it is laid over a wood plug. unlike the B& M snow plow, the kit has the trucks and couplers. in my building what I've done on the snow plow, I bought parts for the couplers.........been a while since I was in the box I have it all in. it ended up in a closet and it's been there ever since. I'll start a log and show you what I've got so far as for the Keystone Loco works....there are several kits that make up this facility. what I have is the power house and boiler house. the instructions even give suggestions, if one plans to detail the interior. I'll show that kit as well in the log. the Skiff appears to be complete.......the contents don't look as if they were ever touched. painting the plane wasn't a big issue.......it's touching it up that is chaotic....this is why I mentioned the pigment. I couldn't touch it up right away..... the paint was becoming active and blending was occurring {I was getting the pink}. with a near empty bottle of white {red isn't the problem}, I'm allowing it to separate, so I can utilize the 'full strength' pigments, without the suspension additives. I'm hoping to be able to touch up most of the 'bleeds'. at the moment, I'm cementing in the windows and working on the turrets. the goal for this step is to get the fuselage together. thanks for the likes and kind comments!
  24. she's look'in real nice........very nice detail work glad to see your back working on her!
  25. I am such a weakling...........I couldn't stave off such an impulse. id didn't help much that my two older grand sons quizzed me about what I have been working on. I had been lax in sending them pictures of the recent planes........I made up for it that early evening when we got home from their house. I told them about the assembly plane.......I also told Chase {the oldest} about the KG 200 book. he doesn't know, but I'm going to get him a copy, since there is a lot of history involved with it. so I cobbled together these two pictures {minus the blue tape}..... the wing span is about 18 1/2 ".........makes for a fair size model. my son gave me three more kits.......a MidWest kit of a Skiff, an HO kit of a 40 foot refrigerator car, and an HO building, which is part of the Keystone Locomotive works facility. the works is located in Pulteney, New York......it's an actual place........I looked on google map. strange though that there are no train tracks anywhere in the area {just what I need, another rabbit hole}. the Refrigerator car is produced by Findex Systems INC. , Milwaukee......kit looks old. might be missing a few parts......I will research it and see what I can find out about it.......cool.
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