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popeye the sailor

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  1. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from SkerryAmp in Gothenborg by Popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:100 scale   
    thanks Andy.......very happy to provide an update!   I was going to wait,  but then again........that's all YOU guys were doing    I want to get into the rigging......like the rest of you are doing.   your busy with it..........Sjors is busy with it.............Augie's almost done with it.....every one's playing with string!
    I want to play with string
    to rig up everything
    every bingle and bangle
    oh,  so not to tangle
    I want to get busy with string
    I want to play with line
    from thick,  down to fine
    I look on with druther.......
    at the riggings of my brothers
    and now,  I want to do mine  
    at masts both tall and short
    they're screaming for support
    the yards be strung
    and supported,  well hung
    this....... I shall not abort  
    ..............................just for you Andy.........
  2. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from SkerryAmp in Gothenborg by Popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:100 scale   
    other things I have been looking at......there are two bow spirit yards........not one,  as seen in the kit.  I will add in the extra yard.........Hee.....Hee........go the extra yard..........the longest yard........don't mind me,  I'm just senile .   but I also noticed that there are no provision for cross trees in the kit.   the ship has them, and so shall mine.   I toyed around with the construction of them,  since taking the masts apart isn't an option for me.......no going backwards.   the idea here is to simply encase the cap with the frame.......I thought about tucking the cross parts unde the cap,  and the lengthwise parts on top,  but there are too many concerns with it..........so I'll make the frame and do the encasement.  I began with the main mast.


    I made up a jig to put inside for the fit.   while this was drying,  I drilled the rest of the holes for the fore mast cap dead eyes,  and cemented them in place.

    I'm adding a piece of square stock to give me a little more room to play with.   the holes were not drilled correctly........if there was not enough spacing for the 3.5 dead eyes.......how did they think I was going to put in the 5mm dead eyes supplied in the kit?  it also gives enough room for the railings {that were not envisioned in the kit either}.   when the cross tree frame was dry,  it was dry fitted in place....there is more to do to it before it is cemented in place.



    once this was to my liking.......it was shaped and holes for the upper shroud dead eyes were drilled


    the same was done for the fore mast.......but smaller sized square stock was used.


    I did a few other things as well.........some eye bolts at the stern were cemented in.......and looking into a couple of other aspects I would like to put into her.   I did the top extensions for all of the tops.....or I wouldn't be able to install the number of dead eyes,  as seen in the kit......there are 5 for the fore mast, 6 for the main mast,  and 4 for the mizzen mast.   it's good to be working on her again.......it was like wandering the river bank,  looking for the best place to jump in.   now that my feet are wet again,  I'm going swimming! 
  3. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from SkerryAmp in Gothenborg by Popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:100 scale   
    OK.......so in my head,  I've been playing around with blocks.   I know I don't have enough double blocks to do what I need to.  instead of waiting for 'em like I did with the dead eyes {which is a breath of fresh air, now that I have them}......I'm looking at making them.   I think that the bottom fore and main yard should have triple blocks,  rather than the double blocks,  as supplied in the kit.   the double blocks in the kit are 5mm.......as are the single blocks.   I have a bunch of 7.5mm triple blocks

    I think I can size them down a little.   these are also the same size as the ones used in the AmericA build, and that was at 1:72 scale.   this build is 1:100 scale........so perhaps a bit thinner and a bit less in length, might be just what the doctor ordered.   then I fashioned out a double block,  to see if this was something I could do.   I think after a bit of refinement,  it will look fine,  but I don't think I should use the kit supplied ones........they might look odd.


    I'm sitll looking at the possibilities........but it's nice to know that the option is there

  4. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from SkerryAmp in Gothenborg by Popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:100 scale   
    5 - 18 - 2012
    another session.......more assorted add ons......more fittings were added to the deck.

  5. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from SkerryAmp in Gothenborg by Popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:100 scale   
    8 - 25 - 2012
    in this session,  I did a host of different aspects.   I'll lable them as I go.
    bow spirit:

    deck add ons:

    mast assembly and paint:

    then the masts were painted:

  6. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from SkerryAmp in Gothenborg by Popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:100 scale   
    it's not too bad Mario......my focus is on two builds at the moment......but every once in a while,  I'll think of something for one of the other builds,  and then I'll work on that.   but,  if I just get my butt in gear......I probably can get these two out of the way sooner.   thanks for the good word! 
    I'll work on putting a bit more up here......and then I'll do some building 
    8 - 12 - 2011
    I did more work on the balcony:

    then I finished the windows when I did the balcony face.

  7. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from SkerryAmp in Gothenborg by Popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:100 scale   
    I did come across another picture of a finished build....this is from the box itself.

    the first one

    box art

  8. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from SkerryAmp in Gothenborg by Popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:100 scale   
    hello Augie......I saw Sjors......but sadly,  not you........but I see you now!  I was wondering how I can see postings while I am in process......I see how I can do it now....so cool!  this is really not a big build,  at 1:100 scale,  it's kinda small,  compared to your build.  I'm still going to cram in as much as I can.  thanks for the good word.
    as you saw in that photo.......they added in the rack as well.   makes me wonder why the kit doesn't include it.......it also shows that the Gothenborg has only one set of side windows.   this also makes me wonder why the kit shows two sets.  there are other small oddities in here as well....I correct them as I see them.
         for this though,  I am too late.......the discrepancy is done.
    7 - 22 - 2011
    this bit of progress shows some of the hull detail and molding that I added.   I still have more to do with the stern......I still haven't gotten to it yet.

    then I got some paint on her

    I saw the rudder sock in the pictures and I thought it would be a good bit of detail to add in.  I made a tube from some sail material,  and cemented it in place.

    for the balcony cap,  I thought to assemble it to the lower face of the stern and cement it on as a whole.

    before the cap can be cemented in place though,  the window cello needs to be installed first.

    the bow.......all pieced back together and stained

    I added more surface to the aft deck as well........the reason for this,  is due to the alterations I made to the stern section.

  9. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from SkerryAmp in Gothenborg by Popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:100 scale   
    7 - 19 - 2011
    here is the repair I did on the bow stem.   it doesn't show how I did it,  but just that it was repaired and the cosmedic assembly of it.

    hello Sjors........yes,  I'm almost at the mid point of what I've done on this build.   she's not finished,  still a ways to go yet.   this poor girl.......thanks for looking in......the progress continues. 
    before the bow was repaired......I had shown what the kit build looks like.  note the stern quarter windows,  and how they are blinded off.......I hate that

    I have a couple of other pictures of finished builds......none of them show these windows opened up,  so this build will be unique.


  10. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from zoly99sask in Gothenborg by Popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:100 scale   
    here are pictures,  laying the new keel.

    I also started the progress for the rack concept.

    I had done some work to the stern......but the progress was mixed with the second planking that I had started to do.......I will show this bit first.

    quite a bit of work was done to get the stern to look like this.  it was on to the second planking.
  11. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from zoly99sask in Gothenborg by Popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:100 scale   
    with the second planking,  I needed to add to the keel.  I did not go all of the way up at the bow.....I started about half way dwon and back to the stern stem

    I did more with the stern quarters,  painting and fleshing out the outer walls.  I had to have this done,  before the second planking could be done.

    I put the lower quarter outer wall on with a dab of cement to see what this will look like.  I like how open it looks inside.

    to make the side walls was a task as well.  with how I did the alteration,  I had to add wood to them and shape them to fit


  12. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from SkerryAmp in Gothenborg by Popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:100 scale   
    Thanks Joshukr,  but I think that's too much credit.......compared to other ships seen here......I am but an novice as well.  all I can say is:  to do a good job,  you have to truly enjoy the hobby......to laugh at your mistakes.......and strive to do it better than the plans your working from.
  13. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from augie in San Ildefonso by Sjors - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70   
    of course gentlemen......we've only seen a side view.   now to wonder what the balcony looks like with the face on
    ........more pictures Sjors! 
  14. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to trippwj in San Ildefonso by Sjors - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70   
    Sjors -
    I found this while I was walking along the shore this evening in New Hampshire and thought it may have been dislodged from your SI...

    Hope all is going well - how are you making out on the metal work?  Seeing the rest of your success on this beauty I have no doubt you will overcome this obstacle as well!
    EDIT:  I just noticed - 12 more posts and you will have the distinction of becoming the first non-Moderator Commodore!  A worthy rank for a mariner of your stature with your fleet of mighty cottonball carrying warships nearing completion!!!
  15. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from dafi in Gothenborg by Popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:100 scale   
    OK.......so in my head,  I've been playing around with blocks.   I know I don't have enough double blocks to do what I need to.  instead of waiting for 'em like I did with the dead eyes {which is a breath of fresh air, now that I have them}......I'm looking at making them.   I think that the bottom fore and main yard should have triple blocks,  rather than the double blocks,  as supplied in the kit.   the double blocks in the kit are 5mm.......as are the single blocks.   I have a bunch of 7.5mm triple blocks

    I think I can size them down a little.   these are also the same size as the ones used in the AmericA build, and that was at 1:72 scale.   this build is 1:100 scale........so perhaps a bit thinner and a bit less in length, might be just what the doctor ordered.   then I fashioned out a double block,  to see if this was something I could do.   I think after a bit of refinement,  it will look fine,  but I don't think I should use the kit supplied ones........they might look odd.


    I'm sitll looking at the possibilities........but it's nice to know that the option is there

  16. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from dafi in Gothenborg by Popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:100 scale   
    other things I have been looking at......there are two bow spirit yards........not one,  as seen in the kit.  I will add in the extra yard.........Hee.....Hee........go the extra yard..........the longest yard........don't mind me,  I'm just senile .   but I also noticed that there are no provision for cross trees in the kit.   the ship has them, and so shall mine.   I toyed around with the construction of them,  since taking the masts apart isn't an option for me.......no going backwards.   the idea here is to simply encase the cap with the frame.......I thought about tucking the cross parts unde the cap,  and the lengthwise parts on top,  but there are too many concerns with it..........so I'll make the frame and do the encasement.  I began with the main mast.


    I made up a jig to put inside for the fit.   while this was drying,  I drilled the rest of the holes for the fore mast cap dead eyes,  and cemented them in place.

    I'm adding a piece of square stock to give me a little more room to play with.   the holes were not drilled correctly........if there was not enough spacing for the 3.5 dead eyes.......how did they think I was going to put in the 5mm dead eyes supplied in the kit?  it also gives enough room for the railings {that were not envisioned in the kit either}.   when the cross tree frame was dry,  it was dry fitted in place....there is more to do to it before it is cemented in place.



    once this was to my liking.......it was shaped and holes for the upper shroud dead eyes were drilled


    the same was done for the fore mast.......but smaller sized square stock was used.


    I did a few other things as well.........some eye bolts at the stern were cemented in.......and looking into a couple of other aspects I would like to put into her.   I did the top extensions for all of the tops.....or I wouldn't be able to install the number of dead eyes,  as seen in the kit......there are 5 for the fore mast, 6 for the main mast,  and 4 for the mizzen mast.   it's good to be working on her again.......it was like wandering the river bank,  looking for the best place to jump in.   now that my feet are wet again,  I'm going swimming! 
  17. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from SkerryAmp in Mayflower by SkerryAmp - Model Shipways - 5/32" = 1'   
    sweet!!!  the only suggestion I can make,  is to try and keep the doors square to the deck.   your creativity level is over the top....so we'll just keep this between you and me ...LOL!   big thumbs up from me
  18. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from SkerryAmp in Mayflower by SkerryAmp - Model Shipways - 5/32" = 1'   
    my main tool for simulated calking was crayon.   while on a later build,  I had a conversation with John  {jim lad} about the use of archive pens.   the one that I bought,  you can find in any craft store......but to be honest,  the secret is in the type of ink.   regular markers contain ingredients that allow the marker to do just what it does.....seep into whatever you apply it to.   this and you have to remember....wood,  especially the type we use......is porous.   the archive pen that I have is a non fillable pen,  that is filled with india ink.  India ink is a condensed ink......containing little to no ingredient as such........it will seep into whatevery you apply it to,  but will not leech out to the other side.... {paper, or light material}.   I use a med to fine tip.   still,  it is an ink,  not something you want to dottle on......you have to move the pen over the edge without stopping.......but it will seep in if your too slow.  try a couple test pieces to get a feel for it.....careful on the ends,  because it will seep in quick,  due to the cut of the wood.  also,  you do have to wait a minute or two,  so the ink will dry to some degree.
  19. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from realworkingsailor in Gothenborg by Popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:100 scale   
    thanks Andy.......very happy to provide an update!   I was going to wait,  but then again........that's all YOU guys were doing    I want to get into the rigging......like the rest of you are doing.   your busy with it..........Sjors is busy with it.............Augie's almost done with it.....every one's playing with string!
    I want to play with string
    to rig up everything
    every bingle and bangle
    oh,  so not to tangle
    I want to get busy with string
    I want to play with line
    from thick,  down to fine
    I look on with druther.......
    at the riggings of my brothers
    and now,  I want to do mine  
    at masts both tall and short
    they're screaming for support
    the yards be strung
    and supported,  well hung
    this....... I shall not abort  
    ..............................just for you Andy.........
  20. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from riverboat in Cutty Sark by Sailcat - FINISHED - Revell - 1/96 - PLASTIC - Rescue kit bash morphed to Dame Tisane   
    a rather dismal developement Kats........the same sort of thing seemed to follow my best friend..    he would go to school to learn a trade,  only to come out of it with no job to go to...they would all dry up.   do they know of what your doing?   if not,  I think it's time you brought it to their attention.   you never know,  in their restructuring....they might even factor in a spot for her.......or they may even have a place for her in their home.
    from the circular file,  that would have been landfill........till what you have before you now........you have done what many would have considered spare parts.   I wonder what the person who originally threw it away,  would say.   you can laugh when you tell them that possession is 9/10 of the law..........one man's trash,  is another man's treasure.........and you can glare at them and tell them that they lack vision.
    but,  it is time to get her disposition in order.   your so close to the end of the build,  that you probably can forego the last few ideas you've been playing with in your head,  and put the finish on her.   {I would have used the word abandon,  but I know you won't do that....it's not in you}   I think it's time you started a journey for yourself.....your more than ready for it
    ......and don't pick no small build either.........don't cheat yourself!  find a build that you can use all of what you've learned,  and then some.   you have a beautiful build here!
  21. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from mtaylor in San Ildefonso by Sjors - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70   
    in other words....Sjors is saying that he hasn't gotten 'round to it yet 
  22. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from augie in Gothenborg by Popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:100 scale   
    thanks Augie and Sjors.........always willing to try something new.   besides.......I'm not stopping any more for stupid reasons.   I'm using basswood for the moment.......I might have some other woods handy....I have to look.   thanks for the good word! 
  23. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from NenadM in Cutty Sark by Sailcat - FINISHED - Revell - 1/96 - PLASTIC - Rescue kit bash morphed to Dame Tisane   
    a rather dismal developement Kats........the same sort of thing seemed to follow my best friend..    he would go to school to learn a trade,  only to come out of it with no job to go to...they would all dry up.   do they know of what your doing?   if not,  I think it's time you brought it to their attention.   you never know,  in their restructuring....they might even factor in a spot for her.......or they may even have a place for her in their home.
    from the circular file,  that would have been landfill........till what you have before you now........you have done what many would have considered spare parts.   I wonder what the person who originally threw it away,  would say.   you can laugh when you tell them that possession is 9/10 of the law..........one man's trash,  is another man's treasure.........and you can glare at them and tell them that they lack vision.
    but,  it is time to get her disposition in order.   your so close to the end of the build,  that you probably can forego the last few ideas you've been playing with in your head,  and put the finish on her.   {I would have used the word abandon,  but I know you won't do that....it's not in you}   I think it's time you started a journey for yourself.....your more than ready for it
    ......and don't pick no small build either.........don't cheat yourself!  find a build that you can use all of what you've learned,  and then some.   you have a beautiful build here!
  24. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from realworkingsailor in Gothenborg by Popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:100 scale   
    other things I have been looking at......there are two bow spirit yards........not one,  as seen in the kit.  I will add in the extra yard.........Hee.....Hee........go the extra yard..........the longest yard........don't mind me,  I'm just senile .   but I also noticed that there are no provision for cross trees in the kit.   the ship has them, and so shall mine.   I toyed around with the construction of them,  since taking the masts apart isn't an option for me.......no going backwards.   the idea here is to simply encase the cap with the frame.......I thought about tucking the cross parts unde the cap,  and the lengthwise parts on top,  but there are too many concerns with it..........so I'll make the frame and do the encasement.  I began with the main mast.


    I made up a jig to put inside for the fit.   while this was drying,  I drilled the rest of the holes for the fore mast cap dead eyes,  and cemented them in place.

    I'm adding a piece of square stock to give me a little more room to play with.   the holes were not drilled correctly........if there was not enough spacing for the 3.5 dead eyes.......how did they think I was going to put in the 5mm dead eyes supplied in the kit?  it also gives enough room for the railings {that were not envisioned in the kit either}.   when the cross tree frame was dry,  it was dry fitted in place....there is more to do to it before it is cemented in place.



    once this was to my liking.......it was shaped and holes for the upper shroud dead eyes were drilled


    the same was done for the fore mast.......but smaller sized square stock was used.


    I did a few other things as well.........some eye bolts at the stern were cemented in.......and looking into a couple of other aspects I would like to put into her.   I did the top extensions for all of the tops.....or I wouldn't be able to install the number of dead eyes,  as seen in the kit......there are 5 for the fore mast, 6 for the main mast,  and 4 for the mizzen mast.   it's good to be working on her again.......it was like wandering the river bank,  looking for the best place to jump in.   now that my feet are wet again,  I'm going swimming! 
  25. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to gjdale in San Ildefonso by Sjors - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70   
    What sort of glue are you using for the metal parts?
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