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Everything posted by Adrieke

  1. to lay the fishbone pattern i drew some lines on the deck to make sure i kept it straight. to cut all the planks to the same length (50mm) i made a liitle gig third error the holes for the big smoke stacks dont line up the last picture is the little jig i used to caulk the edges of the planks with a black pencil
  2. pictures of the assmebly and planking of the hull at this time i had found out i didnt have enough to plank the whole hull due to the fact that the planks are only 5 mm wide and not 6 mm . the first of the errors i encountered also the assembly of the boiler and engine room on the first deck. second error here is that the slots to fit the boiler room in the first deck or not positioned correctly. soem people made the room a bit longer i chose to just cut the front bit off and cover that hole as moaking th eroom longer meant the top wouldnt line up with the second deck was also working on the stateroom of the second deck. i have undone all things i have done to it as i have decided to add led lights to it so i wil need to scratch build windows and doors
  3. good to see you have recreated this build log too will keep following it
  4. hi andy good to see your build log back up will keep following it
  5. wow Sjors you have worked quickly to get your log back
  6. I wil ltry and rebuild the log as much as i can over the next days. lets start off with the contents of the box
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