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Posts posted by Tigerdvr

  1. I am working on the masts. Keeping the flat surfaces square is a challenge. I am following the instruction manual sequence for the most part. I masked the rings on the foremast to paint the "iron" rings. I am not sure if that was worth the time. The masts are just resting on the ship not secured. I am painting the tops now, blocks and deadeyes come next.






  2. This afternoon I was working on the starboard hammock netting. Everything was going smoothly, I was in the groove. A happy time. Then I reached for the glue bottle and as I brought the bottle past the Syren's bow with my eyes on the target rather where my hand was moving, my hand caught the bow below the figure head. The ship launched out of the construction cradle and flipped away from me landing upside down about eight inches away. All my shocked little eyes could see was copper plates.

    Fortunately my heart surgeon did a great job last year so I was alright. I took a deep breath and gently returned the brig to the construction cradle. After checking everything, the only damage was the port side stern chaser had broken loose, an easy fix.

    All the other details are intact, thank goodness. I guess the little brig is built strong.

    I will definitely be more careful in the future.


    Cheers, Harley


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