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Everything posted by puckotred

  1. I sent you a PM.
  2. Thank you Nils, The interior is included with the kit. Hopefully it will look cozy with the lightning.
  3. Planking of cafeteria: The original floor is darker but I only varnished the planks so there will be some contrast against the tables and chairs. And here is some tables: The ply for the tables and chairs is 0.5 mm and extremely bristle. brushing the ply with sanding sealer gave it enough strength for assembling. On to glue 30 chairs....
  4. Hello, Work continuing slowly. Planking fore deck: Then on to details of the cafeteria in the aft: Staircase: Planking underway: The cafeteria part looks nothing like the real thing. Not even the measurements. I was thinking of adding some small detail (like pictures on the wall, wallpaper etc) but to get it accurate I'd have to rebuild the whole interior. And I don't feel like doing that. So it will have to be a stylized version of "Bohuslän". As you can see the painting is quite sloppy, but it will be dimly lit and not show (I hope). The guy who paints the interior is not very accurate when he mixes new colours so it differs quite a bit on the original as well. After this build I'll stick to building sailing ships. "Modern" ships isn't really that fun...
  5. Some more of the cafeteria. The ship has not been at it's usual place for 3 days now. trying to get some pics of her interior colour scheme.
  6. Small update. Doing some interior. Building up the cafe in the rear. Dry fitting Parts are curved. When I soak them they straighten out, but curve again when they dry. Even when I clamp them. Some parts I can straighten by gluing them together and the others are hopefully not too visible when painted and enclosed by roof etc.
  7. Thanks again for the feedback. The model will never see water, the procedure is solely for hiding any traces of planking. I have ordered this stuff: http://www.deluxematerials.com/boatezekote.html They say it's easy to sand. (And I hope that's not a lie because I'm quite fed up sanding now... )
  8. Thanks for the feedback Nigel. I'll have to go with the resin only as it would get complicated with the windows on top of the hull. How is gluing stuff to resin? Or should I attach the wales and window decorations first? And will the resin hide the plank edges? (or should I just paint the god damn thing and hope no-one sees the planks....?) ((I used some "sanding filler" I ordered from the U.K. that filled the pores of the wood nicely at least. The stuff is based on cellulose and I'm stoned just by opening the lid. I apply it to the hull outdoors and I see lots of lovely colours even though I'm colourblind!))
  9. That sounds like a perfect solution Brian!! I'll do that in about 10 days when I get my "Eze-Kote". Thank you
  10. (Sanding, filling, sealing and sanding on...)
  11. I'd vote for all of them....
  12. Welcome VonHoldinghausen... more frames and stiffer planking would be nice... cristikc: The model is made in Turkey by Türkmodel on behalf of Nordic Atlast, so it's not really Swedish. The kit cost me about €280 including the LED lightning. For comparison: here in Sweden the "Granado" by Amati costs €451. So when or if I finish this it will be a lot of ship for the money.
  13. Hi all, Still sanding and filling the hull. It seems as summer has settled here in Göteborg so perhaps now I will have some time on the kit. yesterday I told the kids what I'd do with the kit if it didn't behave soon and got carried away. Broke of a piece of the bow and have to do some more sanding etc.... Kids NOT impressed! I also have a lot of yards and stuff for a couple of other builds to run through my lathe before winter is back. (have to do this outside) Hopefully I cans start planking the deck soon....
  14. Thanks all for the input. The cloth I am thinking of is 25 g/m². I believe that is pretty thin... Piet, a most interesting build. I'll try another couple of filler/sanding cycles before I venture into fiberglass and "Deluxe Materials Eze-Kote" that seems perfect for the job.
  15. Hello Mike, A late Happy Midsummer's Eve to you as well. The build is on hold for the time being. Having problems with the planking showing through on the hull. Sanded and used filler 6 times now on entire hull. Still looks like a planked ship... Thinking of using fiber glass cloth and resin, but if the planking still shows I'll scrap the model. Also some of the thin plywood is horribly bristle.... breaks if you stare at it too hard....
  16. Hi all, I'm struggling with the hull of "Bohuslän". Planked model but the original is metal. Have sanded and used filler 5 times over and still the planks are visible. My question: Will glass fiber cloth and resin hide the planking?
  17. I'll repeat what I wrote in a different thread. My experience is : I bought a partly built kit by Corel. Previous owner/builder left a note in the box saying that some strips of "flexible" planks where missing at purchase. I sent a e-mail to Corel, explaining this was a "second hand" kit and what the previous owner said. The next day They awnsered my e-mail and the parts arrived in my mailbox after a week or so. Excellent service
  18. That explains a lot. (But I still believe it's way overpriced*) * Is this an English word?
  19. Well, this is what's in the box: This and a little line in the instructions put me off: The decks – main 22, quarter deck 25, the upper quarter deck 29, the poop deck 38 and parts 32, 33, 34, 37 are built from 2mm. plywood; this can be ruled/ marked with a bradawl to imitate planking... No strips for deck planking?
  20. I feel the same. To me all those pretty words translates to: "Less than minimum material to almost finish a (very) basic model." I almost bought the Il Pinco Genovese but discovered that the pictures of the finished model had little to do with what you could build from what they supplied in the box. The beautiful stern decoration was actually a thin printed ply.
  21. Sorry, I was trying to give a link to a threader like in the first post. Seems like the site only jumps to front page. Please ignore. (It's under "Fly Tying Tools", page 7, Stonefly Bobbin threader)
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