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Everything posted by puckotred

  1. At last the October parts have arrived! This is what I got: Stern parts and support for the dummy barrels... Only 3 decorations this time, The only instructions are for the little statue. The ring I have done earlier But the frame for the cherubs will have to wait until later when DeAgostini will give instructions. Not much for €25. Guess there is about 2,5 to 3 hours of fun here, including time for the glue to dry! I'll be back!
  2. Ah, yes. I understand. My mistake. I'm tired and can't even explain what I was thinking.... Just disregard my comment. Not the looking great bit though...
  3. Looking great! I think I used more of the 3x3 on the inside than said in the manual and also had a lot of wood left over. do you mean the thickness of the gunports? Because that's not unrealistic as they where as thick as the hull of the ship. But a lot of people think that they look too thick (and thats no biggie as one should do as one feels is pleasant to the eye). Not being critical, just a note... ;-)
  4. Looking great! I enjoyed building this a lot and hope you will have the same experience!
  5. Bryan, Bob, I think that you take the measurements on table and benches from the plans? Table size from top drawing and bench height and length from side drawing. Width of benches are two planks... if my memory's not totally blown. (As it might be)
  6. I thank you all for the painting tips. Unfortunately it's throwing pearls before swine in my case since I'm colorblind and everything with a hint of green or red in it is a muddy mess in my eyes. Don't forget that the knights face is only 3 mm. As for all the figures on the Vasa they are originally wood carved figures painted in the early 1600's and actually quite "primitive" in their coloring. I used gun metal for the armor, even that is over the top since it should be plain black. But I like the shine of gun metal. I like building ships since the coloring was simple, mostly red ochre, black, yellow ochre and sometimes a little blue. More than that I'm lost. So this build will be only the simplest of coloring. My approach is like paint by numbers if the instructions says brown, I pick the bottle that says brown
  7. Thanks E.J. I tried it on the first knight. After a few tries he ended up looking a little terrified. Think I'll skip the eyes on the knights...
  8. Thanks, only a couple of hundred figures to go...
  9. Update, finished the decorations. (Almost) The Golem or demon or whatever: Harp-player: Knight #2: Still haven't decided if I should do the eyes or not on the knights. Could be a lot of extra work repainting if I don't get it right... And where all the stuff goes so far: The knights have the same body in the kit to keep cost down I guess. No I have to wait about 2 weeks for the next shipment...
  10. Der Frau (almost) never complains... Just gives you that look full of pity...
  11. The Vasa will also be in that state. Planks first, then keel and stem etc. But I thought I'd fit something temporary to hold the hull. We shall see if I can come up with something by then...
  12. Bob: The slip is great, but big and heavy. Best suited for a stationary work desk and not the kitchen table that I have. But once we get rid of the kids I'll have a hobby room for my self. daddyrabbit: I just tested the plank bender and it works like a charm. Not too expensive either... Robin: You should have heard Der Frau and how "excited" she was today....
  13. Sjors: Thank you. I think they fired 3 pounds of cast iron? And I think they shot them at the Polish mostly... A parcel from Hobbyzone in Poland came today! In it was: A building slip: Sorry for bad photo, hard to get the whole thing in one shot. (1 meter long) There's a build log here. A painting table: And finally a plank bender: and now back to painting...
  14. Ok, Got the answer from Fred Hocker himself. The wheels were black.
  15. Thanks bob and Jan, Large indeed. May have to try and sell her when she's finished. (If I don't make a mess of it) Really have no room for a ship of this size. Still waiting for any feedback from DeAgostini on my complaint on the frames...
  16. Update All the frames I received so far are mounted. And there IS mistake from the manufacturer. The reinforcement for the cannondeck does not fit at all. Look here: Somehow they have altered the piece somewhere along the way. Instructions show this: And I got this: We'll see what turns up in the next shipment. maybe one can just glue the parts together anyway... This is how she looks now: 71 cm long so far: Also finished the lions heads. Unfortunately this is the best I can do in this scale. It's just too small for my sight and shaky hands: And a frightened knight. He's really not that shiny. Blame the Iphone: And one cannon:
  17. Hi all, As the carriages on Vasa are black and not red, I wonder about the wheels? Are they also black?
  18. Haven't played that since I bought an Imac. Must try again. problem is that the Macmouse is worthless playing games with. and I'd rather use my money on modeling stuff than on a new mouse....
  19. Robin: It will be Christmas every month now... Per: Thank you Doctor! Jörgen, good to have you back. I don't understand how you can wait for the stuff to come... I can hardly wait until later that day I get the parts...
  20. Jan: One more frame to go in October. The stern is built like a box and can't really be called frames. I was wrong about frames 9 and 10! If you look at part D3 ("deck") here you'll see that the slot fits with the width of frame 9 and 10. So DeAgostini has some meaning with the "bulge" by frame 9. Now bedtime for me!
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