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    Aussie048 reacted to Cannon Fodder in Swift 1805 by Cannon Fodder - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - Scale 1:50 - Second ship built   
    Fan Template use in pictures. This is for the benefit of Mike who on his bounty in struggling with how to figure out plank tapering. I was going to do a video but got cold feet. And I was actually was going to wing my tapering instead of measuring.
    Starting at the fifth bulkhead I measured it off.

    I took the slip of paper I was using and marked off 5mm wide planks and transferred that back to the fifth and fourth bulkhead which happened to be imperceptibly smaller.

    I took this same measurement to the planking fan and found where the 5mm ticks matched up with the lines if the fan and the distance between them. I marked this as my starting point and drew in my own edge of my planks.

    I then went back to the model and measured the third bulkhead.

    Taking this new measurement to the fan, I slid it to the left of my starting point until it fit top to bottom from my edges and then marked the new width of my planks at that bulkhead as determine by this fan. And transferred this to the bulkhead on the model.

    Rinse and repeat for the second and first bulkheads and bow.

    And the result, plank widths marked on my bulkheads to which I can taper my planks to.

  2. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to Cannon Fodder in Swift 1805 by Cannon Fodder - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - Scale 1:50 - Second ship built   
    I'd rather not replace the kit wood despite its quality. I'm learning how to deal with wood. I imagine I'll run into a great degree of variation on quality of wood over the coming years. At the same time I am not thinking about that step yet.
    And that filling method worked perfectly there.
    Thanks Gabe,
    Here is an update, with a couple more strakes in place. Because I left my garboard go so far forward I have crowding at the front. I plan on dropping the next plank near the bow.

  3. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to greatgalleons in Niagara by greatgalleons - FINISHED - Model Shipways   
    making some rope for the small boat

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  5. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to greatgalleons in Niagara by greatgalleons - FINISHED - Model Shipways   
    the corel victory section was a good kit to play with

  6. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to greatgalleons in Niagara by greatgalleons - FINISHED - Model Shipways   
    hey brian , my second and third builds were intermediate level kits by mamoli, not too expensive and not too large either.  I chose the golden hind and rattlesnake just for the practice I needed for advance level kits like the wasa by corel. I really needed the practice too. here are the actual builds in the pics.
    my third build the rattlesnake I chose to practice using different wood and scratched built some parts in wood which were cast in metal.  I really spent a lot of time bashing that kit , just for fun.
    after that I practiced on Artesania Sanfransico II, Santa Maria, Mamoli HMS Beagle, and the corel Half Moon all intermediate level
    you can try the half moon by corel its an easy build also , not too large. 
    as far as kits go today I choose them on the quality of the wood supplied.  I think corel, mantua, constructo and artesania have some nice wood and better castings than mamoli. After so many builds I also try to choose smaller builds no larger than 28  to 30 inches long.

  7. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to glbarlow in HMS Vanguard by gbarlow - FINISHED - Amati/Victory Models - 1:72   
    It's been a while since I've had an update, and this isn't much of one except to celebrate a small victory, not the big HMS Victory, but a small HMS Vanguard related victory.  I've finally managed to complete the coppering...of the starboard side...

    I was fortunate to have enough plates to finish, earlier in is this log I noted I ripped off 5 rows at the bow to do it over, glad there were enough extra in the kit to allow for mistakes like this.
    I'm not excited about turning it over to see the bare port side I now have to do, so I procrastinated by completing the rudder.  Interestingly the brass straps provide in the kit do not appear to be designed to fit over a coppered rudder, the folding points for the two 90 degree turns to wrap around either side are 5 mm wide, the width of the wood, but not with two copper plates attached to the sides.  Doesn't matter for me anyway as I always choose to use thick black paper, easier to do and frankly for me it looks better once I glue it on and finish it with water based poly painted lightly on to harden and season it a bit.
    Ok, off to the port side.  Until this is done I can't get back to the wood working part I like to do.  I have to admit though, as big a pain as it is to do it does look pretty nice on the ship.

  8. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Hi All..
    Just a quick Photo Update to catch things up ..
    Gun Ports are filed out properly (almost that is) bit more to go there as 2 on each side have to be cut to meet the Capping Rail, the Transom decoration is in place, and I.ve got the 1st coat on the bulwarks.
    More work required on the black paintwork (another coat) and remember it isn't finished at the lower part, I need to get the waterline in first !
    Just about Deck Time Folks.. I've decided to give myself a load of work and go with Joggling the Deck planks into a Margin and all the fun that that involves (have to say I do like the effect !.. lets see if I'm still saying this later!!    ) 
    Ok Photo Time..
    All The Best Folks

  9. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to RGL in HMB Endeavour by RGL -FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    Port side anchors (sans Bouys for the moment). I've included a few angles to show why the bumpkin stays would need to be unslung when the anchor is used (If the plans are correct, but all a bit late for the that).

  10. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to gjdale in HMS Victory by gjdale - FINISHED - Mamoli - Scale 1:90   
    Well, I managed to finish off the Mizzen yards as planned today.  I've attached a few pics to give the overall impression, but I'm afraid the photographer is not very good!    I tried placing a large cutting mat as the background so that the lighter running rigging could be seen instead of disappearing into the white wall behind.
    Here they are anyway;




    Okay, next up Driver Boom and Gaff.  That may have to wait a little while as we're off to Sydney again next weekend  ...... although I've been promised another visit to Carbatec where I've got my eye on a 10" bandsaw..........    
  11. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to Mike Dowling in Bounty by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - OcCre - 1/45   
    Some more progress ? pictures.

    The lowest strake here isn't glued yet - just moulding!!


    The extra bit of wood is moulding again.

  12. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to Mike Dowling in Bounty by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - OcCre - 1/45   
    Hey everybody!! I though, just for a change, that you might like to see my bottom!!!
    Before it gets covered up!

  13. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to Mike Dowling in Bounty by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - OcCre - 1/45   
    Here are my first bits of planking basically the same both sides so I won't bore everybody.
    What I would  like is some advice now. Do I keep working downwards for a while or start again at the false keel and work upwards?
    Goodness only knows how I am to bend this incredibly tough wood (2mm x 5mm lime) around the stern end and get it to stay put when glued.

  14. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to DORIS in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Doris - 1:40 - CARD   
    Hello dear friends,
    Thank you all very much for your kind words a comments, your support means a lot for me and I appreciate it. I am really pleased you like my work.
    Thank you for these beautiful pics, dear Dražen. I know Mile Bijelić models and admire his artistry a lot. I have already downloaded all pics of his Royal Caroline and HMS Prince into my computer for inspiration. I am looking forward to his new project of RC, so if possible, please, send me some pics here: doris.obrucova@seznam.cz
    I am going to make other members and place them on the board, at this scale it is possible to create better details and paintings of faces and clothes.
    Yesterday I finished eight tiny pieces of satyr´s heads - these are scuppers for draining the main deck:



    Enjoy the pics and have a great time.
    Kind regards
  15. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to DORIS in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Doris - 1:40 - CARD   
    Other pics at daylight:


  16. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to DORIS in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Doris - 1:40 - CARD   
    Hello dear friends,

    thank you very much for you kind words, comments and support, that is a great honor and pleasure for me.

    It is also a challenge for me to keep up my work to be worthy of your praise. I believe that it is always possible to make things better. For example I have improved some details on the figures (I adapted the feet or changed the shape of officer´s hat .....).
    The crew is hand made from clay/sculpey by my own, all figures are made exactly and in a scale, how I need.
    Wow,  only 300 men? Oh, I understand - the others will be hidden inside of the ship, right?
    During the weekend I finished another seaman and also tackles at one of the cannons. I tried to capture the moment, when both seamen are waiting to the lieutenant command to manipulate the cannon.
    Here are some pics so please enjoy them.


    Kind regards
  17. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to NMBROOK in MORDAUNT 1681 by NMBROOK - Euromodel - 1:60 - Beyond Bashed   
    Ok something in a way of an update.The infill has been faired although the final touches will be applied after fitting the false deck and bow/stern blocks.The deck stringers have been fitted.The two scrap pieces screwed down provide temporary clamping due to the sheer on these stringers.Next job is finishing the deck edge supports from amidships to bow and the bow/stern filler pieces.Not much more to add that the pics don't explain.
    Kind Regards

  18. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to Capt.Fisher in HMS BOUNTY by Capt.Fisher - Artesania Latina - 1:48   
    you got it right - the pins are used as spacers. As they appeared to be the right size (0.5mm), this was the easiest method I could think of to keep the seams calibrated.
    Caulking was done by filling the seams with brown putty. I use some special one - acrylic or sth similar - which does a great job to me. 

    Then comes sanding...
    That's why I planked all openings - you get better results with sanding this way.
    Here's what I got after first round of sanding

    Next came drilling holes for the "nails". 

    .... and 'nails'themselves.....

    Strange, but I do not have a pic of the main deck ready. Maybe because I still have not made the final sanding and shaping of the openings. Rough idea of what is looks like you can get on that pic, showing the beginning of planking

  19. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to Capt.Fisher in HMS BOUNTY by Capt.Fisher - Artesania Latina - 1:48   
    Ha-ha! Al, you made me smile! 
    I could be anything but FAST!
    Maybe you didn't read carefully my first post - I started this project beg.October. I started this log only now and decided to start posting pics from the very beginning.
    The truth is that I an in a great shortage of free time.. I spend maybe 3-5 hours a week in my wonderful shipyard. I wish I could make them 3-5 hours per day, but I'm afraid this would crash my family wellbeing     
    So, here are some more pics, and very very soon I am catching up and start posting them in real time. And as you will see - this will be slow!




  20. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to Capt.Fisher in HMS BOUNTY by Capt.Fisher - Artesania Latina - 1:48   
    We go upstairs, to the Middledeck



  21. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to Capt.Fisher in HMS BOUNTY by Capt.Fisher - Artesania Latina - 1:48   
    Which means that you can see the picture! Great so far!
    Here we go further then:

    Keel was layed on Nov.3rd 2013  
    Champain for all!
    Then we go to the lower decks


    Maybe you wonder what's that?
    Its my first experiment for caulking and nailing. What I did was leave 0.5 mm between the planks, drill 0.5 mm holes, then fill it with fine grouting mortar of anthracite color. I was aiming at a double effect - imitating nails and caulks plus staining the wood and bringing some aging effect.
    So here's the result after sanding:

    By my own estimation this experiment lead to average result. Decided not to repeat it on the upper decks.
    Final looks of the lower decks in place:

  22. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to Spiderpig in HMS Prince 1670 by Spiderpig - FINISHED - Constructo - Scale 1:61   
    Ok so as promised here are the ratlines. I'm am so happy with results of changing my masts to Walnut. Looks much more realistic.




    And I found a solution to the angle of the upper sections of ratlines at the foremast, and main mast. Seen as my birds nests were circular I could only fix these two masts. Mizzen, and bowspirit masts had to remain as they were, due to the nests being too small.
    I simply drilled new holes as far to the outer edge of the nest as I could to create more of an angle on the shroud rigging.

    Sorry about the darkness of the photos. It was late in the evening and my lighting wasn't that great for photography. Perhaps I should do a study course on photography to create better photos. I have seen some great shots on another post of a Victory scaled 1:600. It was so cute! Fits in the palm of your hand! The builder superimposed his model on an ocean backdrop. Looked great!
    Photoshop or something similar will be able to create that right?
    Anyway I'm getting off topic. 
    Cheers for watching
  23. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to Spiderpig in HMS Prince 1670 by Spiderpig - FINISHED - Constructo - Scale 1:61   
    Thanks for the compliments guys!
    Rigging has begun! The ratlines are complete on starboard side.


    And now a question on attaching the shrouds to the lookout nests.
    Do I need to attach them closer to the outer edge of the lookout nests? Or are they OK as they are in the below photos?


    Any input would be appreciated.
  24. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to Spiderpig in HMS Prince 1670 by Spiderpig - FINISHED - Constructo - Scale 1:61   
    More updates for this week. I am slowly working towards the bow of the ship adding all the decor as I progress along each deck.




    The sections at mid ship still need a few parts added. And a coat of varnish. And there is a row of cannons to add to port side.
  25. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to Spiderpig in HMS Prince 1670 by Spiderpig - FINISHED - Constructo - Scale 1:61   
    Thanks guys for the kind comments!
    I have now moved onto decorating the decks of the ship. Starting from the top deck at the stern:

    I'm still yet to varnish the ladder. But this section of the deck is mostly complete. There is a flag pole holder to be added in the middle, at the back of the deck later.
    I did alter the door slightly. The instructions indicate to use 4mm x 1.5mm x 17mm African Walnut, but I decided to trim each section down to about 3mm wide. I then added a small beveled edge to the inner sections of the door to give it some added realism.

    I then moved onto the next level on the deck. I still haven't quite completed it yet, as each level gets more detail as you work towards the bow.

    I have also added a few cannons to the deck. Although the instructions don't indicate to rig them up, I decided it would look a bit nicer with some rigging. This is my first time rigging cannons, so I'm not sure if this is the authentic way of doing it. I found this method from a You Tube video of this model done by a Russian man. He rigged his cannons in the same manner.

    And finally some deck decorations that I have been working on. I have completed the gratings, but rather than installing them yet, I am waiting until I get to the section of deck they are attached to. The other parts are spiral staircases, that will be added to the edges of each deck level. Again they are complete yet, and I do want to give them a coat of varnish prior to installation. And also a couple of cannons that are nearly ready for installment. I still need to build 10 more which I can do a bit later on.
    Thanks for watching
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