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Everything posted by pete48

  1. Today on the Kit Build, alot of fitting out The fairleads and trail boards have been installed . I used 1/32 Birch Plywood for the trailboards. Most of the work was done in the masting shop I made up some better looking cleats for the mast and boom (I am starting to get better at making them) I also started making new blocks ( I dont care for the wire method that wrap around the blocks) I am using Black thread instead here are the results I will now probably get the boat finished next week ( I thought I could get it done this weekend)
  2. This Is my Second Build log ,( First scratch ) . The plan is to build a Muscongus bay sloop with working rudder and retractable centerboard. This may take 2 boats to get me there. I will be starting this build with Keel #3 . There was a lot of research and comparison"s made to the Midwest kit That I built. Keel # 1 & 2 are on the Kit build log (although keel #2 was built just to get the hull planking correct ) . Keel #3 will also have a planked deck (possibly sprung)
  3. Today all the work was done on the kit build. Starting with making the oar locks, I then decided that the cotter pins supplied with the kit are just too big,so I replaced them with "Earing bead landing" wich have nice small loops . On the sampson post I used a medium size paper clip instead of the brass wire and used a black sharpie . I also felt that the trim pieces were to small so I replaced them with 1/16 " square stock (that way theres some room to give it shape)here are the results
  4. Awesome Shawn . Looks good And I have to agree with Russ take the time to fair all the frames (it will save you down the line) Pete 48
  5. Thank you Daneil, I agree with you, I enjoy building the boats I would like to own or ones I have sailed on Best regards, Pete
  6. Thank's Casey, If you would like to know how I did any of the mods, Please feel free to ask , I will be happy to share any info Best Regards, Pete
  7. Most of the work today was done on Scratch 1 ( or Keel #1). At first, I was just going to do the standard kit version of the companoin way hatch. Then since I plan on starting a "Official scratch log" (Hopefully this weekend ) It would be best to build the companion way hatch correctly. I also did the cockpit area in a teak look. Here are the results on keel #1
  8. Today On the Kit build I have nearly completed the cockpit ( I just don't know about the fish hatches ) I have also installed the Bowsprit and cleat ( this is the best one I have made so far). I think the rudder will need one more coat of Grey. The boat is almost ready to go to the Masting shop. Here are the results
  9. Thank you Russ, I should be able to show more cleats ,as I should have the cockpit finished on the kit build today Best Regards, Pete
  10. Today I got alot of work done on Scratch 1, I have brushed 3 coats of varnish on the hull ( it will probably take 2 more). I painted the cabin/cockpit coaming a flat white. I also made a new cockpit floor . On the Kit build I put 3 coats of varnish on the tiller and installed it. I also installed one of the cleats I made ( I used a gold leafing pen to get the color) Here are the resuilts
  11. Hi Pete in Portland I am making them out of 3/32 X 1/8 woodstock then shaping them to size. On the kit Build the Deck has been painted with 3 coats of sand color Badger Paint. All the other hardware and pieces have been painted or stained, so I can start finalizing this build. On the Scratch build, I was not happy with the water line so I repainted it. Here are the results
  12. First of all Thank you , Shawn , Cap'n'Bob ,Richard , Russ and Harvey for your kind words I am having alot of fun building these . Today on the kit build, I got the second coat of paint on the rudder and started making new cleats ( I dont care for the ones supplied with the kit) and on scratch build 1 I got the water line painted. In the meantime I took over an abandon ceramic building my wife Had, and it is now being used as a Masting area. Here are the results
  13. On the kit Build, the rudder has beed installed and is ready to paint. On scratch 1 the bottom paint is done and on scratch 2 the hull has been planked and started fairing . I was happy with how the planking turned out . I am now ready to start framing the deck. here are the highlights from todays progress
  14. Thank you Mark and Harvey I plan on doing a build log (scratch build) I am very excited about this build Best Regards, Pete
  15. I am still painting so not much to see. I did make a new rudder out of 3/32 stock so that it will have some shape to it. I have just about finished planking the third smack. Here is what it looks like
  16. Awesome Casey, It should be alot of fun to build
  17. Thank you, Russ I greatly appreciate it, Richard, Yes I like The lobster smack, it is a beautiful boat with very gracefull lines, Casey, The hatch completly opens and the hatch boards lift out as well Best Regards, Pete
  18. Looks great Bob, She's really taking shape, nice detail work
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