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Everything posted by pete48

  1. Hi Tom, no it does not say to do that in the instructions, It just easier for me to work on the model if the building board represents L.W.L (level water line)
  2. originally I was going to do this one stock out of the box, and do a smashed version next, so I decided to just do a few mod's, starting with the Interior of the cabin and the center board trunk, and cabin hatch
  3. This is my first Build log, and I am excited to be able to add my Boat to the Lobster Smack Regatta. Here is a Brief History : The Muscongus Bay Sloop was the forerunner of the renowned Friendship Sloop. This early version was a centerboarder with jib and mainsail and its hull was most commonly lapstrake planked and wall-sided. According to Howard Chapelle, the clipper bow, counter stern and strong sheer of the sloop indicates the boat was developed during the Civil War period, and built most prominently in Bremen, Maine. Most of these sloops had fish wells and were between 16 and 26 feet in length. They were used extensively in the lobster fishery and sometimes for hand lining. The boats traditionally did not have shrouds, and the gaff was hoisted by a single halyard. The centerboard Muscongus remained popular into the early 1890s and was then rapidly replaced by the keel model. The shift to the keel is believed to have been done in the interest of safety as the boats went further offshore. (Chapelle, Howard I. American Small Sailing Craft, 1951)
  4. Hi Patrick, I was skimming thru one of my old sailing books and found this photo Best Regards, Pete
  5. Hi Andrew, Thank you for the tips it looks fantastic I never thought about using Interlux ( I have used it on full size boats) I would like to get that kind of finish on the lobster smack I am about to start. Best Regards, Pete
  6. One word "unbelivable" I think I would go blind trying to see that small. I am going to agree with John E. it is a Gift you have. S&S Has a great reputation of elegance and speed. How many cup defenders did they pen I can't remember. anyway Beautiful boat I can't wait to see it completed Best Regards, Pete
  7. Great Job Pete, Hats off Best Regards, Pete
  8. Wow Tom, That looks fantastic, great photos of your build, the paint scheme is Awesome Best Regards, Pete
  9. Thank you, avsjerome2003 Best Regards, Pete
  10. HI Tom, Very nice build looks great very impressive Best Regards, Pete
  11. Thank you Chris, I do have the Herreshoff Sensible Crusing Designs book, with the lines and offset table for the 12 1/2 and thought that the kit may be quicker than lofting and getting scantlings together. It is kinda what I thought, that I would have to do a scratch build to get it right. I also thought BJ would have better plans and instructions (I have not built a BJ kit) So I thank you again for this valuable insight. Best Regards, Pete
  12. Hello all, I am intrested in building the Bluejacket Herreshoff 12 1/2 as a future build,and was wondering if anyone on M.S.W. has built one, I would like to know how well the kit is made ( I know Bluejacket has a good reputation) Any insight would be helpful Thank you, Pete
  13. Hey thanks cdogg, ok I see what your talking about thank you for that I will pay close attention when I get to that stage of the build Best Regards, Pete
  14. Thanks Richard, I greatly appreciate it, I am going to watch your build it looks Great Best Regards, Pete
  15. looks good, I have always liked Americas Cup boats , Do they make kits for the modern 12 meter Boats ? ( Ive been looking and have not found any other than plastic ones) thought about buying plans and doing a scatch build, I saw some model plans for the America3 boats (just to new of a boat) Best Regards, Pete
  16. Thanks B.E., I would appreciate that. I have never seen them before your build looks amazing. Great detail work Best Reagrds, Pete
  17. Right on cdogg, I was looking at the instructions and the parts, I was curious do you have photos of the weird balsa section ? is it the bow pieces? it looks strange how that goes together Best Regards, Pete
  18. Wow Dan, I have to say you did an Amazing job. the information and how you explained the entire process is completly educational and gave me inspiration for my next build. Hats off Best Regards, Pete
  19. looks good cdogg, Great idea for the windows, I was actually looking for brass porthole's but all I could find are round one's and I like the oval opening's so I will probably use your Idea. I will be starting my Lobster smack soon. Great job Best Regards, Pete
  20. Excellent job the Hull looks Fantastic, Very Inspiring I plan to Build a Smack next so I may borrow a few of your Ideas. Hats off to a great looking Boat Best Regards, Pete
  21. Awesome Pete, I look forward to seeing it, you are doing a great job on this one, Did you run into any problems with the parts not lining up properly ? I am excited to start mine so that I may add it to the Lobster Smack Regatta ( its fun to see all the other people who have done the same boat) I have seen alot of great detail I was thinking of adding working Navagation lights ( they have them that flicker to give you that oil lamp look) Have you seen them ? I figured I could put all the wiring and battery in the fish wells. Small 3 volt system. I will be following your Build Looks really good. Best Regards, Pete
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