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Everything posted by pete48

  1. The Kit Build is just about ready to paint the deck, and install the bowsprit, The scratch build is on a first coat of grey bottom paint ( I like how it turned out on the kit build) With all the time waiting between sanding and painting I had started a third (2nd scratch) Lobster smack, its more of a prototype before I do the Chapelle version that way I can try things out . The Chapelle version will have a working centerboard (wich should be challenging) here is the results from today
  2. looks good Tom. She's comming right along
  3. Here is where I am at: on the kit build, I made a new cockpit seat then I stained it to give it a teak look. I then masked off the water line and painted the bottom a Gloss Grey. On the scratch build alot of sanding and fairing . here are the results.
  4. Thank's Richard , I am just getting set to do the bottom paint (gloss grey) then get back to the scratch build Best Regards, Pete
  5. Hi Casey, Looks really good I like the Blue ( what kind of blue is that?) I can't wait to see the sails this has always been the hard part for me. ( I am no sailmaker) Best Regards, Pete
  6. Thanks Casey and Tom, What I used was 3 coats of minwax polyurathane then I wet sanded starting with 800 grit working my way up to 1500 grit. Then I used testors gloss white 4 coats then left it alone for a few days. I have to say that I was impressed with the minwax it was nice to work with . The key is giving at least 8 hours inbetween coats, and letting the boat sit a few days after primer and paint so that it gets a full cure ( I put my boat in the closet where the furnace is, so thatI had consitent heat) Pete in Portland, I bought a can of gesso before I got started on this project, then decided to try the minwax, ( I like it) so I have not tried the gesso yet Best Regards, Pete
  7. I am starting to get things finished up top side,The hatch boards and rails have been fitted, then the cabin top was painted a gloss white . Here are the results
  8. Hi Richard, The planking looks beautiful , Nice job on the stern Best Regards, Pete
  9. Thank you Harvey, I appreciate that . I am thinking that I may do a scratch build on this one, Then I can keep the scale at 1/2 " = 1'-0" ( this is the scale of my Lobster Smack Best Regards, Pete
  10. Now for the fun part , The finish work. I started with the work on the cabin. I got the work on the Companion way hatch done and then restained. The scratch build is still being faired and is comming out nicely. Here are the results
  11. Here is where I am at on the Builds, The kit build has 4 coats of Gloss White , and is ready to have the top side finished . The scratch build is being faired (allot of sanding) almost ready for a sealer. here are some photos of the two boats
  12. The Kit build has Its first of 4 coats of paint (gloss white) I may have a few pics later today. On the scratch build I cut out the cockpit/cabin coaming and have installed them. next will be alot of sanding to get the hull faired out
  13. Hi Bob, as a matter of fact making the tools has been more fun in some aspects. ( no plans) and the clamp vise has been so useful that I have not had time to stain and varnish it. Best Regards, Pete
  14. Hey Hexnut The cockpit floor on the Kit is correct, The Key To this build is to get the transom correct if you do that along with fairing all the frames before planking the cockpit floor will come out correct, I did get the cockpit floor to lay on the Balsa planking
  15. Thanks Richard , We have not had the greatest weather around here latley, So made the saw horses and then I made a clamp vice . I took an old 1 3/4 " c clamp and made a bench around it here is what it looks like
  16. It's been a few days since I updated the Kit Build , The Hull has been wet sanded up to 1500 grit and the cabin top has been installed. With some good weather I will be ready to paint the hull. On the scatch build its been mostly sanding and fairing. wich has me thinking about a real scratch build, then the boat will fair more properly(giving correct shape) So I think I am going to Buil one next with a log in the scatch builds. Any way here are the results from today
  17. Awesome Richard, shes starting to take shape. Looks fantastic
  18. got back to work on the kit build and decided to replace the stock cabin/cockpit coaming with a birch plywood . I also thought to enclose the bench seat base .I also have the masting near complete ( the gaff jaw took a while ) I also decided to take the time to make a decent cradle, here are the results from today
  19. Thanks Tom, you got to have a set of saw horses when you are boat building.( I made them in between coats of minwax)oh there's a ladder too
  20. Here is an update on the kit build and the scratch build, The kit build now has 3 brushed on coats of minwax polyurethane. The reason I use a minwax clear as my primer, is that I scribe the waterline on the bare wood . I will let it cure for a day then wet sand with 1500 grit then any shiny spots will be low spots and need to be filled. On the scatch build I decided to plank to right around to the water line I used 1/4" X 1/16" basswood strips left them full size at the bow and faired them aft, it will then look right for finishing later.( gloss white.) Next I am going to finish the top side on the Kit build and start masting and rigging . Here are the current photo's
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