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Posts posted by Glenn-UK

  1. I have been reading your build log with great interest and it looks like you have been making a first job of this build. I have just about completed my first ever model boat build which was the AL Scottish Maid. This was very much used as a learning exercise as I really wanted to build HMS Victory. The model has turned out Ok, not bad for a first attempt but could be better. The AL kit did have quite a missing parts such as the outer hull planks, boom jaws, etc. and some of the plans and instructions did not aid the build process.


    After much research I decided the Caldercraft HMS Victory was the best kit; I am now waiting with baited breath for the kit to arrive from CNB in the next few days. Given it is nearing Xmas, I hope to make a start in earnest in the new year and will use any free time to test build some ideas, such as different methods for deck planning/caulking effects. I plan to start a build log to keep you all updated with my progress and to seek advise as necessary as it seems I can learn a lot from the forum members.


    Are there any recommended books on model making or HMS Victory?

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