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Posts posted by Glenn-UK

  1. Nearly time for lunch. My youngest son is flying out to Florida next week for a two week holiday with his girlfriend.


    I went to the states on business a couple of time last year to Columbus (Ohio), and had some down time on way back to sightsee New York a couple of times which I enjoyed.


    Normally takes 2 to 4 days for items to arrive from CMB, but as I'm based in the UK that not too bad. It took a couple for weeks for the goods to arrived ordered from micro mart.


    I sure once I get in my stride I will get a better handle on the copper tiles timings. I will use either evostick or super phatic, I'm tending more toward evostick as I think the super phatic will not grab to well initially, as normally tales a minute or two to get really tacky.

  2. All being well I should complete the 16mm linings tonight, just 7 top linings to fit which should take about 30 minutes.


    I have painted the black lines on the hull so I will just need a some touch up work tonight also.


    I must be honest I'm not totally happy with my 16mm linings, this is due mainly to an gun port alignment issue with the inner bulwarks which has created additional work to correct. However when painted up and fitted with the cannons they look OK, but would not pass muster from a close up inspection, and thankfully the quarter deck (when fitted) will also hide some of my sins.


    All being well I will start the coppering tomorrow.


    2500 tiles x 3 minutes to fit each tile = 7500 minutes / 125 hours. Working 2 hours per night = approx. 60 days to complete.

    Given some tiles will not take 3 minutes to fit but other will take longer to cut and shape and also I probably will be not able to spend 2 hours per day I think 2 months is a reasonable estimate for the time it will take, 1 month per side.

  3. Completed port side gun port linings and painted the black strips.


    I used Tamiya model masking tape in order to get good clear lines between the yellow and black paint, or so I thought!


    As you will see I suffered bleed through which is a tad frustrating.


    I will have to sort this out at another time, as I want to complete the starboard side over the next few days.


    Taped and painted




    Tape off, but not good clean lines between the yellow and black paint!





  4. Hi Jerry

    I had the back breaking task of breaking up 14 fence panels so I could fit in my car and take to the tip, in multiple trips.


    I then had to remove some of the lawn as I wanted to reshape some of the flower beds. Then took some time to trim and the feed the lawn.


    Finally I was able to get the sun chairs out and doze as I soaked up the rays.


    Thankfully it's not so sunny today as I'm back at work!!!

  5. With the very warm sunny weather over the weekend; so time on the boat has been restricted whilst I spend time in the garden enjoying the sun. I have spent some time cleaning and painting the hull and I also starting installing the 16mm gun port linings.


    I expect to have this work completed within the next couple of weeks, which then means it time to start the copper tiling.



    Can you spot the damage to the gun port lining strip on this photo, look top left middle gun port. I can effect a simple repair.



    Poor colour without flash



    It will not be long before I add the black lines, I have some Tamiya masking tape ready!




  6. Hi Jerry

    It's been hard not going to the build every evening after work but we've been looking after the grandkids  in the evenings which is equally hard work and just as enjoyable. But normal ship build service returns next week, keep up the good work with your rigging. I hope I will find the coppering enjoyable as well, as I know it will be very Labour intensive.

  7. A great set of photos once again.


    Just when you think you can see the light at the end of the tunnel something switches it off!, hope the damage to the pointy thing is not too bad and can be repaired (again) without too much disruption.


    My time in the build area has been limited just recently and it will be Thursday probably before I can get back to work on it when I should complete the 6mm linings, as I only have 4 gun ports left to complete.

  8. Good morning

    Today I thought I would share my gun port lining procedure, it may not work for others but it does work well for me and is based on a gun port without a balsa seat fitted.


    I took the decision early on in the build to fit balsa seat to the gun port strips prior to their installation. This has saved some time and also did create a few minor problems with the installation on the gun deck. In some instances I did not pre-fit a balsa seat due to the limited space, and in some cases the balsa seats become detached during the installation of other items.


    Gun port lining ready to be lined but has no balsa seat to aid the installation.



    Using a special tool to hold the balsa seat; a small amount of ca glue is be applied to the balsa seat.



    The seat can then be positioned using the tool which is removed after a few seconds.




    Balsa seat after installation, this one will need to be trimmed.



    Seat after installation and trimming.



    The painted 6mm lining strip is then measured and cut to size.



    After the cut a dry fit is carried out.



    The lining strip is then coated with super phatic glue and positioned in the gun port, using a special tool to ensure it is set back 1mm.



    That concludes my procedure, it may not be the best and I think it is very important to find a method that works well for you.

  9. Just a quick update, still working on lining the gun ports. All 6mm linings on port side are complete and 50% of 6mm linings on starboard side are complete which I expect to complete in the next 2 or 3 sessions. I will then add the 16mm linings to the upper gun deck gun ports.


    I will then give the hull a very good clean and repaint as necessary, including adding the black lines before I start fitting the dreaded copper tiles.

  10. Hello Jerry

    Many thanks for your kind words. I would not be adding the fine touches or be so self critical of my build if wasn't for the excellent builds and sound advice by all the other HMS Victory modellers, such as your good self. The more I get into the build the more I check the other build logs for idea's on how I can improve my build and modelling skills.


    Thank you.

  11. Not spent much time on the build over the last couple of days; being a bank holiday weekend in the UK.


    I did complete the port side 6mm lining of the lower and middle gun ports on Saturday morning.


    I was not very happy with the finish of the yellow paint, even a light sand and second coat of paint did not appease me. The paint was showing too many imperfections so I took the decision to sand out as necessary. I'm sure it will be look much better when I start to apply the paint again.


    I also was not happy with the way the starboard waterline looked so I removed the styrene strip and redraw the line and fitted a new strip. It now looks much better.






  12. Hello David and Lawrence

    Many thanks for taking the time to visit my log.


    I have done a bit of dust removal using a brush as I don't have the luxury of an air line.


    The 6mm strip is painted red prior to trimming and I have found the cutting tool supplied with the plank bender makes short work on cutting the linings


    It will soon be time for another session on the ship build.

  13. Installed all missing seats on starboard side lowest gun ports. This means I'm now moving forward on fitting the gun port linings at a reasonable pace, takes about 15 minutes per gun port to cut and glue the linings. I have now completed lining 9 gun ports on the starboard side.


    I have been checking gun port openings are wide enough for the gun port lids as I progress, that's for the advice David.


    I was really not looking forward to this task but now I'm quite enjoying it as the two hand made tools have really helped.

  14. Not been able to spend much time on the ship today, made a simple tool to check gun port linings are set back 1mm. Seems to be taking about 30 minutes per gun port to fit the linings and additional balsa seats, which I'm fitting with another homemade tool, a bent bit of copper wire which is inserted in the basla seat which can be removed once the super glue has dried leaving the seat in position. I painted the 6mm strip before the installation.


    I attached a 1mm styrene strip to a wooden handle to check position of lining. The yellow paint is not shown very well as no flash used.



    Using the super phatic glue allows time to adjust the position of the lining until I'm happy.



    First three lining complete; the close up picture makes it look worse than it really looks, will need to remove dust from within the gun port.


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