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Posts posted by Glenn-UK

  1. I have been fitting the 5mm edging copper plating this morning, about 10 to 15 more plates to fit but now taking a short break to watch todays start of the Tour de France which is from York this morning which is just a stones throw away from where I live. Fantastic footage yesterday from the Yorkshire Dales.


    It will be strange not having to cut and glue copper plates as its seems to have been part of my daily routine for some time now. I do know I will have to copper plate the rudder later on in the build.


     I can now move on the upper gun deck fixtures and fittings









  2. Hi Rich

    I tried a few different tools before I started and found it best using a good pair of scissors which cut the plates easily. Some plates required a bit of filing after the cut. I wasted a few tiles by not getting the plate cut right, but I did manage to reuse some of these plates when off-cuts were need for infill's.


    I haven't decided on the varnish as yet, but probably find a suitable matt varnish in B&Q

  3. Yesterday I managed to complete the stern copper plating, and today I have managed to finish the Stern copper plating.


    Just need to complete the infill amidships, which will probably require a couple boat build session to complete. After that I will copper plate the stern post and keelson, so I'm confident all this work will be completed by next weekend.


    Once plating is complete I will need to add some copper paint to cover up the white undercoat which is showing between the few of the plates. This will be followed by a good clean and polish before finally applying a couple coats of matt varnish.








  4. Managed 3 hours of copper plating tonight which has moved the progress along quite a bit.


    I'm not having any problems with the fumes, The window is open in the workshop area and I tend to limit my plating time to 1 hour sessions, although it was a 2 hour session followed by an 1 hour session after a 30 minute break tonight.


    Soon be time to start thinking about the mass production of 30 cannons.









  5. Work has now commenced on the port side of the hull with the seemingly never ending task of installing the copper plating. Slow progress as I have been making sure the platingfollows the same lines as the starboard side. You can see the pencil marks on the first photo where I'm planning the copper plates to run to. There are similar marks on the stern but not  seem visible of these photos but they are there.






  6. Hi Nick

    Thanks for the comment


    I have hotel in Fareham booked for the Friday night so all systems go for HMS Victory on Saturday. I should be Ok with the transport as I have the car, satnav and a fading memory from my times down there in the 80's, but I really appreciate you kind offer. Also hotel booked for Saturday night in London (plus a West End show) as we prepare for the long drive back to Scarborough on the Sunday.

  7. Finally complete the starboard side copper plating. I felt this was a major milestone until I realised I have it all to do again on the port side and then have to plate the stern post and keelson.


    My plating may not be up to the standard of some of the more accomplished builders but it looks OK, and as was commented on yesterday by my eldest son the plating looks 100% better in real life.









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