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Everything posted by Engelmann

  1. Congratulations for reaching this milestone. She really looks great. I'm also looking forward to the rigging stage.
  2. Hi Pete They are really coming on nicely. And with 2 you could hold your own regattas Cheers Deon
  3. Mike, Ken and Tom, make yourselves at home. Plenty of open chairs still available. The popcorn machine is there in the back of the room, help yerselves. This build might be going slow for a while. I'm still waiting for a lot of materials, wood etc. Also I got a shed load of work on Monday morning. I'm a software developer focusing on systems integration. We were given a small budget for starting to develop some IoT (Internet of Things) ideas. We did come up with a concept and build a prototype (sorry, still top secret so can't say much about it) The prototype was still in breadboard stage when it was shown to management last week. They spoke to sales and... we were told on Monday morning that we have to demo it to a client on Friday. As one of my other hobbies is messing around with 3D printing, I got the task to design an enclosure for it. I have to draw it up in 3D cad, have the design approved, print it and finish it up all by Wednesday COB. Thursday we have to fit it all in the casing and make sure it still works. So a very crazy week so far. Added 3 photos. One of parts printing as I type this, a photo of the software controlling the printer and an over view of my computer station. Cheers Deon
  4. Hi A small update. I have started on my Cheerful First off joined the two false keel pieces taking care to get everything as straight as I could. I used yellow wood glue. After leaving it for a couple of hours for the glue to cure, I cleaned up the joint and did a test fit of the bulkheads. I've made some cutouts in the false keel between bulkheads 6 and 14 and in bulkheads 8, 10 and 12 to make some space for the command cabin and the gun room. The command cabin is under the skylight and the gun room is under the companionway. I want to build my companionway with it's doors and top hatch open. I'm not sure how much will be visible through the skylight and companionway so it might just be a planked deck or there might be some extra details, will still decide on it. Cheers Deon
  5. Thanx Erik and Pete, also for all the likes. I'm now busy re-reading the first chapters of Chucks monologue and build log before doing anything on her. Pete, the start of this build does not mean that I forgot about the BB14. I'm ordering some extra wood for the BB14 with my Cheerful wood order. I'm just waiting for the final DHL quote from Jason at Crown Timberyard then my wood will be on their way. Regards Deon
  6. She's got beautiful lines, also a very fine entry. Would guess that she was fairly easy to row. I also like that you are building her in 1:48. It is something that I have decided for all my possible future builds, I want to build all my models in 1:48. That way one can get a good comparison and idea of relative size etc. between them. I will be following this build with interest. Regards Deon
  7. Good news. I received my first order from Chuck today, after our postal service (wonder if you could actually call it a service?) took 42 days to deliver. I have re-ordered some of the parts in Swiss Pear as I described in a earlier post but at least I can now start with the build. For those that might be interested, the NMM drafts for the Cheerful can be order from the following link: http://prints.rmg.co.uk/index.cfm?subSearchString=surly&event=catalogue.qsearch&searchString=cheerful+1806+plan It shows all six drawings that is available Cheers Deon
  8. Hi I've got a question on fairing the hull (bulkhead and false keel) What is the pros and cons of fairing before attaching the keel and stem to the framework vs fairing after attaching them (as seems the normal thing to do) It seems to me that fairing after might be more difficult as you can't sand past the keel/stem where if you fair first you can easily sand up to the rabbit strip. Also there is no risk of damaging the keel/stem if you attach them after fairing. Or am I missing something obvious? Regards Deon
  9. Hi Chuck I've just been thinking, those two videos that you posted in this log regarding the planking technique that you used on the Cheerful, you should put links to them on your web page next to the chapters of the Cheerful build. Just a thought. Cheers Deon
  10. :D I enjoyed that one :D Pete, she is coming along nicely. So when do we take her for a sail? Deon
  11. Yup, that is what I was trying to say when Jim Lad referred to her as a dingy, at 1409lbs and a lead keel definitely not a dingy but a small yacht and a very elegant one at that. There is just something about the Herreshoff boats that links straight into your soul and bypass any attempt at rational description, they talk directly to ones emotions. They are some of the most graceful yachts out there regardless of their size. Joel really managed to keep the original character of the 12 1/2, not that he changed that much to her top sides. I believe that he increased her beam slightly to compensate for the reduction in draft and kept most everything else the same Regards Deon PS. Pete, that is exactly the same set of lines that I have for the Haven 12 1/2
  12. Michael, it does look very familiar doesn't it, You think they might have the same parentage? :10_1_10: Pete, we almost expect to see little 12" people to walk around there and start working on her Cheers Deon
  13. Not quite a dingy at 1409lbs displacement but I agree a very pretty boat She is coming along nicely Pete Regards Deon
  14. Druxey, Steven, thanks for the kind words. Thanks everybody for all the likes as well
  15. Hi While still patiently waiting for our postal service to deliver my orders from Chuck I decided to start making some of the tools that I might need in the future of this build The first one is a rope hook to be used when rigging. It was made using 5" needle and a custom made handle. The handle was made from some nicely spalted dowel, got no idea what tipe of wood it is. The needle is epoxied into a hole drilled an inch deep with a #61 drill. Because of the damage to my thumb (the ligament was torn out in a motorcycle accident and I have nearly no movement in my thumb) I had to make the handle just.. so.. so that it would be easy for me to use it. Finally the eye was cut open with an abrasive disc in the dremmel and the sharp edges was softened with some emery paper. The next tool to be made will be a very sharp awl, again from a 2" needle and a custom handle. Cheers till next time Deon
  16. This is getting quite Cheerful here on this build. Congratz with the laying of the keel (even if it is the false one) Deon
  17. I'll pull up a chair as well if you don't mind. I'm still waiting for my packages from Chuck. Our postal services are natoriously slow here in RSA. Chuck shipped them within hours after I placed the orders, AMAZING service from Chuck. Wish you all of the best with your build, and Yes, do get the white towel. I will be getting one as well :D Deon
  18. Count me in, I'll definitely be watching this one. (Gets a brusky and popcorn, then pulls up a chair)
  19. I think I'm going to look into it. Just need to find my lines for it and start to work out all the scantlings etc. for 1:48. Since I'm waiting for plans and materials for the Cheerful to come I can just as well prep for this. Oh well, here we go again..... :stunned:
  20. I'm starting to get this crazy idea. I wonder how this will look in 1/4" scale (1:48). The hull will be just under 11cm (109.5mm). Should I worry about the MIW (Men In Whitecoats) :piratetongueor4: :piratetongueor4:
  21. Hi I have used canopy glue in a lot of my RC aircraft models. I never had any canopies that came off as a result of glue failure. I'm not sure if it is waterproof as I never sailed any of them I also used it to glue any and all clear plastic parts in the 1:24 car models that I built, never had any issues there either Regards Deon
  22. I wish you all a Happy New Year. May the Lord bless this new year for you and yours. May His blessings rest on all your endeavours in this new year. Deon
  23. Thanks everybody for all the likes, and I've not even made any dust yet :o Hope you all had a Blessed Christmas. Feels like I'm waiting for Christmas all over again as I wait for the parts to arrive. @Chuck, If you ever read this. I'm currently reading through your build article on the Syren. I want to build the companion way open as you did on her. So I'm already starting to think about how to modify the ships skeleton for a sub or hidden deck as in the photo below (got it from the build article on the Syren). Could you maybe give some ideas on which bulkheads would be affected? And what the distance from the upper deck to the lower deck was? I will also need to start thinking of my wood list for this build. What I should order in Pear, Boxwood and Holly. Regards Deon Engelmann
  24. Hi Christian I have been following your log. It is good news that you have started the actual build. We would like to see some photos of your build as well Merry Christmas Deon
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