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Everything posted by alross2

  1. This is the fixture that will be included in the kit for bending and drilling the aft railing.
  2. Experimenting with this template. All of the black areas are deck fittings and will be cutouts on the template. The modeler just places the template on the deck and marks the openings with a pencil. This eliminates the tedious measuring of the location of each part from the plans. I'll probably add the part numbers for each on the template, too.
  3. These are the BlueJacket kits. The stem on the ALABAMA is quite straight with a smaller radius at the bottom. The stem on the KEARSARGE has a large radius. The propeller on ALABAMA was in a frame that allowed the prop to be retracted into a well in the hull while the KEARSARGE prop was fixed. The forecastle of the ALABAMA had a relatively fine entry while that of KEARSARGE was more bluff and decked over. ALABAMA KEARSARGE KEARSARGE ALABAMA
  4. As of today, these are the brass and aluminum masters for the fittings specific to the 82' WPB kit.
  5. Just me...🙂
  6. The hulls are quite different between the two. I developed 1/96 scale kits for both using Bocock's reconstruction drawings (based on yard drawings) for ALABAMA and copies of the yard plans for KEARSARGE from NARA. During the ACW, KEARSARGE had only a short forecastle deck and a flush quarter deck. The raised quarter deck and extended forecastle deck were not added until her 1870s refit. I'll see if I can find the lines drawings for each and upload them.
  7. Been working on casting masters for a bit. Have made 20 so far. These are the most recent - boom winch and escape scuttle.
  8. This will provide you with all you need: The Boat that Won the War: An Illustrated History of the Higgins LCVP by Charles C. Roberts | Sep 1, 2017
  9. Put on the windshield frame and gave the pilot house/cabin its first coat of white. It's just sitting on the hull in these photos.
  10. Finally got the windshield frame figured out. There are ten pieces to the frame - two sets of five laminated. The window openings in the back pieces are slightly smaller than those in the front pieces, providing a lip upon which the laser-cut clear windows will sit. Once laminated, the frame will be pieced together with tape on the back, inserted into the pilot house shield, and glued in place. The tape will be removed and any gaps will be filled. The windows won't be attached until everything is painted.
  11. Today is a drawing day. This one shows the steps in attaching the laser-cut pilot house/cabin sides to the resin casting.
  12. Started some of the construction drawings for the kit. Still have more material to add to these two.
  13. The next BJ kit, a 1/192 scale NS SAVANNAH (which I have already started) will also be a solid hull. The bulk of the superstructure will comprise lifts, so essentially it will be solid, as well.
  14. Alistair, I recently completed the development of the OREGON kit for BlueJacket. Same scale and format as MAINE and OLYMPIA,
  15. Was not happy with the first cabin, so I revised the master, made a new mould, recast the base and am assembling it. Paint is still wet in this shot. Also redid the master for the life raft cannisters and made new ones for the throttle body and the binnacle.
  16. Deck has first coat of gray. Some of the casting masters to date: From top right - blue light, radar base, flag staff, 55 gallon drum, life raft cannister.
  17. Today, made up several casting masters including a 55-gallon drum, flagstaff, radar base, and the front section of the mast. The mast is soldered 1/16" brass and needs a bit of cleanup. Painted the hull and superstructure white, as well.
  18. Inset the bow lights, finished the bulwarks, and added the half-round mouldings. Like Comment Share
  19. Today was rather productive. Put together the revised superstructure, made the vents, and assembled the reel. Tomorrow, I'll make the recessed bow lights and glue on the aft bulwarks. Like Comment Share Lasered vents. Upper vent has flange glued in place. Small holes on the reel need to be moved inboard just a bit., Superstructure placed on but not glued to the deck.
  20. Started fitting the initial laser-cut parts to the superstructure. They need some adjustment but are generally a good fit. I'll modify them and Shane will cut me another round to apply.
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