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Posts posted by kiwiron

  1. Hi Doug,ok now i've got the sheets beside me.You're right,on the spiritsail yard they have the blocks on the outside as J's they should be H's,(single 3 mm blocks) as in sheet #5 and in the centre there should be 2 x J's not one.For the direction the blocks face on the yards look at later sheets to see which direction the rigging comes into the block from and where it goes after the block. The 4 blocks on the spiritsail its self face forward. On the bowsprit it's not clear how many O 5mm deadeyes you should use.It should be 3 one thread goes to port,one to starboard and one to the stem.Hope this helps,surely they should have checked these instructions before releasing the kit.The spiritsail yard is the 3rd one down in the photo.Ron.Good luck.



  2. Popeye you obviously have winter at the wrong time of year.Who has heard of snow for xmas,thats ridiculous.We have got it right down here,ha ha.Tom you're right there i saw dan vads AL supply kit and Franks Jotika the Jotika looked like better cast parts.Jotika need someone to build it from their instructions and fix up the text and fix the mistakes in them.If it was'nt for Franks photo's i would'nt be able to work it out and probably leave it half done.

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