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Posts posted by kiwiron

  1. Thanks a lot men for your comments they are a great help and good to get other peoples opinions and experiance.Thanks Ollie,so far i have done 2 fishing boats and one sailing ship.I thought i would try the hull as a jig a lot more accurate than anything i could have done on the table.Hi Steve the instructions say to fit the wales later.I thought if i put the wales on now i would'nt have to re-do the lines.Also it will be easier to line up the top and bottom planks against the wale.When i glue the wales on they will be higher at the stern on the line in the second photo.All trial and error.Hi Greg i will be doing a thinner plank at the top of the wale which has three planks.I painted the edges of the top and bottom wales like on Augies great build,i love that ship.Hi Popeye i will be using a 1mm top wale plank then three 2mm planks.The second planking layer is 0.6mm limewood for the top and sapelli below the wales. 

  2. Thanks for the advice Tom,i can do what i like to it as he gave it to me just see what people think is the best.The rest of the bowsprit is included and a few more blocks.Good idea with the sails and photo's.I would like to remove the deck to see how it is constructed underneath and who knows maybe a date of build.To do that i would possibly need to remove the cap rails.I have had a look under one of the cabins aft end the deck is quarter inch solid wood and looks like the hull is carved out of a solid piece of wood like a dug out canoe.We'll see.ron.

  3. I have just been given this old yacht or coastal trader by a guy at work in his 60's,his dad used to play with this model as a young boy.It will be a slow restoration there is some good work on it,brass and some plastic.It looks like it's carved out of solid timber.It's about 1 metre long.The name on it is from a steamship that used to call into Lyttelton.I may strip all the paint off wait and see the deck is 10mm solid wood,the strip at the bottom is lead.Any info or advice to it's restoration will be greatly appreciated thanks ron.











  4. Thanks for your comments men,off into another year i hope everyone has a good ,healthy one.Might even get the house fixed this year ha,ha,ha.Alistair i will be using balsa for the bow and ply for the aft end.I'll haveto watch the stern flow shape, the bow is straight forward with the 0.6mm 2nd planking.Denis i use clamps on some planks that are to far out but can easily sand the rest to come out ok.Just watching the flow of the planks from all angles on this ship,ok so far.ron.

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