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Everything posted by kiwiron

  1. Hi Alex i just used a furniture polish as i wanted to keep the wood finnish,it's a linseed oil blend.
  2. Hi Shaz,i made the Occre Palamos fishing boat for my first kit,i was very happy with it and learnt enough to carry on.The colour photo's helped a lot as to how it's supposed to look,you can add other details if you like.I've ordered the Occre endeavour for my 4th ship kit should be a nice one.I'm doing a caldercraft supply but pretty vague instructions but with other builds here of it i can do it.Good luck start of with a small easier one.
  3. Thanks Frank the boat could have come out much better but i never said i was any good.
  4. Hi Mark,Augie,John,thanks for your comments.Augie i'll try and get some winter weather shots for you later on.
  5. Thanks Alistair,i'll be doing some more when i get a chance.
  6. Hi Frank,I'm real happy you're back now i have someone to copy again.Well done.
  7. Hi Augie and Frank,great to see you both as well.Just need to read more posting photo stuff.When i add 10 photo's the last one i upload comes up at the top but the next 9 are in order fine.Last photo boat finnished now for the bowspirit.
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