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Everything posted by kiwiron

  1. No worries Doug i'll put the details here after work.It's only by looking at a later rigging sheet plan i saw a discrepancy.It's the bowsprit yard.
  2. Hi Doug when you get to the yards one of the yards has the wrong set up on it.
  3. Hi Doug,it's great to see your Supply again.How about your latest photos so i can copy you again.ron.
  4. You're right Tom i would'nt have a clue if it is accurate or not as long as it looks ok and it does'nt get knocked of the shelf and break.
  5. Hi Cpt Slog she's looking great nice job.I want to do the Endeavour sometime,if you have them could you post your early construction photos when you get a chance,it would be great if you can.ron.
  6. Popeye you obviously have winter at the wrong time of year.Who has heard of snow for xmas,thats ridiculous.We have got it right down here,ha ha.Tom you're right there i saw dan vads AL supply kit and Franks Jotika the Jotika looked like better cast parts.Jotika need someone to build it from their instructions and fix up the text and fix the mistakes in them.If it was'nt for Franks photo's i would'nt be able to work it out and probably leave it half done.
  7. Thanks men for your comments they are nice to hear from experts.Into winter now we had 2" of snow the end of may a bit early for that stuff though.
  8. Lower shrouds tied off after i took the pix.Stern chain done.
  9. Hi Garward, you're doing a fantastic job of your Montanes it's one i would like to do in the future.
  10. I finished the gaff boom rigging,it was'nt that hard.
  11. Thanks for your comments guys.Runner 63 it's not good close up looks like she's just arrived in Aussie.Popeye i'll put a temporary rope on the gaff,good idea.Thanks Frank, i've now done one line each side makes sense to keep the mast straight,just waiting for glue to dry on the 3rd shroud,once you get the first one you know how to do it so should be easy now.
  12. Gaff booms done,line then up properly with the rigging later on.Done my first shroud using a tool based on Franks one,i used 3 small nails top and bottom on the tool.It took a few goes to get the shroud glue to hold but got it right now for the others.
  13. Thanks Frank,that sounds great,i'll try a shroud tomorrow or two.Lots of us want you to re-posess your camera.We hope you are fully recovered now.ron.
  14. That's the ones Frank thanks a lot.Just thinking how to make a jig to get the right spacing for the lower shroud deadeye's.
  15. Hi Frank just a query.Just above the cross jack on the foremast are 2 k's 5mm double blocks,they are the ones rigged to the 2 j's or 5mm single blocks on the cross jack.plan sheet 6.Did you tie these to the mast after doing your bottom shrouds and how far up the mast did you attach them to.Thanks Frank.
  16. True Augie it feels like winter already,we should get some snow and it's not to late for a spring dump for you either just after you've taken the snow tires off.
  17. Hey Frank, to ease back into your Supply how about some more photo's, so i can see how you've done things.Did you end up doing parell beads on the top two masts?If it was'nt for your photo's already Frank i don't think i would have got this far,thanks again,ron.
  18. Awesome Popeye,another great model,i love the flags as well.Next job for you is the Goth until it's finished,until it's finished o.k.Put the others away in the cupboard.
  19. Thanks Augie and Popeye.I had to do a dry fit of the yards,i could'nt resist it,looking like a ship now.It's great when you can see some progress.I'll put the yards away for safe keeping now along with the anchors.Done the yardwork inside now for the real yardwork outside Augie.Hope the fish are biting.
  20. More or less done with the yards i'll probably glue the foot ropes to get a better shape.The spirit sail yard was a balls up on the plan.The size,location and number of blocks was wrong only by looking at the last plan sheet could i figure out what i was supposed to do.Lucky i have all of Frank's photo's as back up,i can't thank you enough Frank for doing the Supply.Time now to see if i have the other yards set up o.k.
  21. Thanks a lot men, i must say i'm enjoying it,onto the yards next before the shrouds,gulp.Now where did that 3mm block go.
  22. Finally got a bit more done.I found a 3mm block with no hole in it,wonder if it's a collectors item.I came up with an idea for the deadeyes for attachment to the mast tops,should be ok.Onto the yards next.
  23. Thanks Frank,they are the ones. I had 5mm deadeye strops but no 3.5 ones.I'll have to try and make some.
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