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Everything posted by kiwiron

  1. All the ratlines done,easy just takes a while and shrouds tight worked well as Frank suggested.Put the shroud cleats on that i had 1 short but i can add that later if i need more parts from Cornwall.Last photo is weather forecast for Augie,terrible winters day.
  2. Thanks a lot Frank and Popeye,tied all of the ratlines now just tidy them up a bit and onto the shroud cleats.Once you get into the rythim the ratlines are ok not sure if i would like to take on the Victory ones though.Frank now i know about HMAT and i can sound clever.
  3. Hi Slog,you are doing a beautiful job of your Endeavour very nice detail work.I hope mine will come out as good if i ever finnish my Supply.
  4. Thanks Anja,Popeye and Frank another one down and closer to the day i can retire and spend more time on my ships.The cake is the highlight these days.Frank it's easy enough to cut the wrong line at the best of times.I was given some calico by Denis in Auckland so i would like to copy what you did a lot later on.
  5. Thanks Augie and Mark,thats good to hear it looks right.I got the advice from Frank to get the shrouds tight then it's easy.
  6. Fantastic job Mark she looks great,it'll be a big day when you take her off the jig,Happy retirement and b/day,wish i could as well but not yet for me.Ron.
  7. Here's my first ratlines using a copy of the plan sheet as a template,worked out to be an easy way to do it.I used .25 black thread they say to use natural thread and indian ink a bit messy you would think.They sell the black thread so don't know why they did'nt put it in the kit.One section done seven to go and this has only two masts.
  8. Augie you've got to be proud of yourself you have built a beautiful ship.Now get the chair out and just look at your fine job for an hour or two.Well done.Ron.
  9. Hi Denis you have done an amazing job of your S.O.S,she is a beautiful ship alright.
  10. Hi Mick nice job.This will be my next build when i finnish the supply.I am very interested to see how you go.Ron.
  11. Fantastic Augie,what a great job.We all know how much effort you put in very gratifying to sit back and look at her.nice,nice,nice.
  12. You're right there Frank,i'm only up to plan sheet 3 out of 6.Plenty left for me.
  13. Thanks men,it's good to get to the next stage i guess sooner or later you run out of things to do.
  14. Top shrouds done now to make a template for the ratlines and get into it.Looking forward to it after going cross eyed trying to thread 3.5 mm deadeyes.
  15. Thanks men,the top deadeyes are too far apart but in 100 years who will know,they are tensioned up now.Frank not much chance of me finishing first.Looking forward to the ratlines,at the moment anyway.Hope i've got some spare 3.5mm deadeyes,where did that last one end up?
  16. Thanks,just hanging the rope for the upper shrouds deadeyes.Just finnished doing some odd rigging off the mast while i can get to them easily.It was good to get the futtocks done putting some more tension on the shrouds to make the rats easier.
  17. Just a small bit of progress but took a while.Next onto the upper shrouds.
  18. Very nice Popeye,a great looking model,you want a bigger one calm down the Goth is next.
  19. Hi Doug for the bowsprit it was only by doing a trial fit of the spirit yard that i could see one block won't work because thats where you fit it to the bowsprit.I was putting a hole in the center for a 1mm brass rod for later attachment.On the bowsprit as well you have 2 blocks one each side for the center 2 blocks of the sprit yard.
  20. Hi Doug,ok now i've got the sheets beside me.You're right,on the spiritsail yard they have the blocks on the outside as J's they should be H's,(single 3 mm blocks) as in sheet #5 and in the centre there should be 2 x J's not one.For the direction the blocks face on the yards look at later sheets to see which direction the rigging comes into the block from and where it goes after the block. The 4 blocks on the spiritsail its self face forward. On the bowsprit it's not clear how many O 5mm deadeyes you should use.It should be 3 one thread goes to port,one to starboard and one to the stem.Hope this helps,surely they should have checked these instructions before releasing the kit.The spiritsail yard is the 3rd one down in the photo.Ron.Good luck.
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