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Everything posted by kiwiron

  1. Hi Popeye,on my camera in the menu you can rotate the pix but It normally sets them like that automatically.
  2. Thanks Slog and Popeye.If my Endeavour is anywhere near as good as yours Slog i will be very happy.Popeye the photos i copy from in my pictures file are the right way up so don't know why they come out sideways.May be try to turn them on the camera b4 i load them onto the computer.
  3. Haha thanks Frank,don't worry you finnished well before me it's just my crew mutineered and are living happily ever after on a beautifull pacific island.
  4. Thanks a lot Alistair it's been good,i'm just no good at fairing.It looks 100 years old already and ready for the breakers yard,should be able to save the ships bell.The Occre Endeavour is next i like the Occre instructions.Being in NZ we haveto do this at some stage.ron.
  5. Hi Jud yup the hatch covers were about 5mm wider than they were supposed to be but i put short ropes on them so they won't diappear down the hold on firing.I guess the first thing you learn is don't stand behind a moveable object.I bet your experiance was very noisy.
  6. Hi Just recently having a problem getting my photos taken with the camera vertically to load onto my log the right way up.The photo's in pictures on the computer are the right way up.The only change now is i am using windows 8.thx,ron.
  7. Thanks Brian,Banyans Endeavour is fantastic alright how he can get things so perfect is beyond me.
  8. Hi Doug,Slog,Popeye and Augie,thanks a lot men for your comments they mean a lot to me.Doug check out Dan Vads gallery of his finnished Supply totally differant class to my attempt.Next one Augie is the Occre Endeavour when i am allowed to start it,i got a hard time building the Supply.The Endeavour was the one i have been practicing for,i hope i can do a decent job.Half as good as Slogs i will be happy.I got it through e-bay usa texas.de website which is actually a german site sending a spanish model to my brother in Montana who then shipped it to me because i could'nt get it shipped direct to NZ.So she has had a few voyages already.
  9. Well nearly all done now,just a display stand to do.One year three months.I enjoyed most of it.Thanks to Frank and Doug for their photo's and everyone's advice without them it would be a rotting hull somewhere.Pretty happy how it turned out for my first sailing ship.
  10. I've given up on re-glueing and paint touch ups until it's finnised.You will have 2 violin blocks spare.I like your wooden display base,where did you get that from?Any photo's of mine that can help you please let me know,mine has got a few deviations to the plans but in 100 years who will know.
  11. She looks great Doug,i like your bowsprit chain.One more stage done there's plenty left alright.Good time to count up how many more blocks you need going by the plans plus a few extra,i needed more 3 and 5mm single blocks and ran out of .5mm natural thread.I wish i attached the gaff a lot later but it is pretty tough.I'm just re working the ships boat stand i kept leaning on it and breaking it.My hands are still tied in knots after the last session.Good luck.
  12. Great job on your half moon Popeye,looks a bit differant to the Goth you are supposed to be doing.My school report card must be like yours easily side tracked.Must try some spinach myself might get something done then.
  13. We have come a long way but my skill level is way below yours.You would agree if you saw it in person,my biggest hurdle is fairing the hull i like rigging etc.
  14. Augie she looks fantastic in her new home what a great job you've done.Thanks for teaching me as you have gone along,look forward to the next one.ron.
  15. Thanks a lot for all of your comments gentlemen.I sure have learnt a lot for next time.Scratching my head a lot on plan sheet 6 but think it's right.
  16. Thats right Popeye,The guys who repair the stay sails came with a donkey cart yesterday to pick them up,he was shaking his head at the condition of them so could be a long repair,dragging on and on like the Americas cup.
  17. Frank they look great where they are,the people that will see it and my mistakes won't know it.
  18. Hi Popeye,is the spanker the sail at the back?Do the stay sails go on the bow sprit?If they do i think they are the ones in the repair shop.
  19. Thanks Denis,thats just going by the plan,i read about that somewhere as well.Ron.
  20. Thanks for your comments men.One more major step done.Now for plan sheet 5 and some block threading should be good.
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