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Everything posted by ziled68

  1. Yuri, It is beautiful. Do not worry about the progress. Little here, a little there and soon your ship will be complete.
  2. Hola Mija, It's good to see that you are back in business. Señorita, it has been a while since I've looked in on your progress and it looks great. I can't wait to see what you come up with in regards to the masts and the rigging of them.
  3. Hey Chris, I am glad that you did not give up on your Corsair. As for your President, I believe that you should start a log anyway and help people that have come to that same point and need other people's ideas to help them along. It's just a thought. Anyway, enjoy both builds and Happy Father's Day.
  4. Hello Chris, I was starting to get worried you did not want to finish your build. I must admit that you have a few techniques I may use in the future. Your Corsair is starting to come along very nicely. I can't wait to see more progress on your build.
  5. Good morning Christian, The case is approximately 9" wide, 19" long, and 33" tall. If you are going to build a case for your full build, the only dimension you would have to change is the 9" to whatever dimension you need.
  6. Thanks Mark, I really appreciate the fact that you've enjoyed my take on the Triton. I currently have the New Bedford Whaleboat which I am getting ready to look over and go over the plans in order to see what SNAFU I may come across. I guess this one would go in the "Kit Build Logs" wouldn't it?
  7. Greetings to all, Well like the old adage says, “All good things must come to an end”, I am here to report that after four fun months of working on my H.M.S. Triton, I have finally completed her. Today I have placed my Triton in her permanent home as the following pictures will show. Please enjoy (as much as I do) and I sincerely hope that a few of my fellow model ship builders will be able to take something away from my experience on my Triton. I would like to thank everyone who has looked in on my progress and have given me words of encouragement and or likes and I would also like to thank the nay-sayers who have graciously kept their comments to themselves.
  8. Hey Buddy, I thought you were down for the count and taking a break. Now that I know the Admiral gave a command, it is quite understandable. Speaking of Admirals, mine just gave the command that we are going shopping this weekend. Please pray for us sinners. LOL.
  9. Greetings Christian, Thanks for your words of inspiration and the fact that you like my interpretation of the Triton. I thought it would be nice to cross section with a mast section. I have not decided if I want to give the full build a try yet. I have been thinking of another cross section, such as the USF Essex.
  10. Greetings to all, I’ve finally completed the standing and running rigging for my Triton. I added the truss pendant, nave line, and another pin rail on the QD rail and the top’s rail. I still have to dress up the lines a bit. I also have to add the other components together in order to say my build is complete. These items include, ballast, barrels, ½ boat, crates, spare timber, and lines. Upon completion of my Triton I’ll move ahead and construct a display case for it. The following photos will show you how she looks so far.
  11. Greetings to all, Mark, I did not know there was an option for "rigging spiders". They sound very exotic. LOL. Hey Al, Just a suggestion, but did you consider only rigging the main mast and main yard only up to the tressle tree and top. I saw a picture of it over on MSB and it looked pretty sharp. It had just enough detail to make her very interesting. Christian, I've used nothing but bass wood for my build with the exception of poplar dowels for the mast.
  12. Hello Yuri, I do not believe that you will disapoint me my friend. So far it seems that you have a very good understanding on building ships. I can not wait to see your finished build.
  13. Greetings to all, Tim, No spiders Buddy unless you mean me going at it like a Spider-Monkey on a banana. Actually, Woody and I are tag teaming the heck out of the ratlines. Al, I have to keep you on your toes Buddy now that you’ve literally brought out the “Big Guns”. LOL. Joking aside, from the very beginning of this build I had planned on making a cross section with mast and sails but I like the aspect of her without the sails. What do you think? To All, Now that I’ve completed all the shrouds (to include all of the ratlines) I turned my attention to the main yard. I first added the stirrups ensuring that they were ¾” from the spar and proceeded to add the footropes. As I was looking at the spar with footropes, I placed it upon the mast and visualized how it would be held in place via blocks and secured to the belaying pin when it finally slapped me in the face. I had the belaying pin rack but it was not drilled to accommodate the belaying pins. So I had a quick Pow-Wow with Woody and he suggested I use a drill bit on an Xacto and carefully twist the new hand powered drill until all the holes were made for the belaying pins. It worked like charm. I then worked on the triple blocks that are attached to the hooks on the head just above the top but below the cap. I then added the double blocks to the spar and also added the truss pendants. The following pictures will show you how she looks thus far.
  14. Hey Al, I hope you are having a great Memrial Day Weekend Buddy. Is there a word that means more than WOW!!!! to describe how your cannons are looking. I mean they are super looking to the point I want to add powder and a shot just to fire it. Keep up the great work Buddy.
  15. Greetings to all, During this Memorial Day weekend I’ve been working on my Triton and enjoying the heck out of it. This past Friday I finally received the blocks and deadeyes I’d ordered and decided to tackle the dead eyes. I have successfully added the deadeyes and installed the main mast shrouds with ratlines tying clove hitches every 5/16” to represent 15” in height. Upon completing the main shrouds I went ahead and installed the top shrouds with the exception of tying the ratlines due to the fact that my butt was starting to hurt from all the sitting. After I rest awhile, I’ll tackle the top shroud ratlines followed by the topgallant shrouds. The following photos will show you what I have thus far.
  16. Bravo Mija, Your dragon looks great. It is a shame that your doors weren't functional the way you wanted but I must confess that the finished result is outstanding. I truly look forward to seeing more updates, Tu Amigo, Raymond
  17. Good morning Al, WOW !!!! You're carriages have been executed flawlessly. At this scale, you have been able to give them a lot of details and character. I must confess that I can barely wait to see how you go about slapping everything together on your Triton. :im Not Worthy:
  18. Greetings to all, Wouter, Thanks for your comment about liking the way My Triton is coming along. Hopefully soon I’ll be on the sidelines admiring your Triton. Tim, I really appreciate your words. Out of everyone that has “Liked” and/or made comments on my forum, you are by far the most motivated person who actually looks forward to my updates. Once again, thank you. Bindy, I totally agree with you in that the mast and spars have significantly changed my Triton’s overall appearance. With the base I’ve made for her today, she stands at 29” high (736.6 mm). As for Woody, what can I say other than he wants to take our act out on the road. LOL. To All, While I was waiting for my deadeyes and blocks to arrive, I decided to finish the main topgallant yard which I was avoiding due to the fact that the components were much too small for my hands. Happily I can say that I was able to complete it. I also went ahead and painted the trestle trees and top plus the yards (with the exception of the stuns’l yards) black to give my Triton more personality. The following photos will show you how she looks.
  19. Bienvenidos Mija, It has been a while since last you visited us. The important thing is to feel 100% better and enjoy your build rather than be less than 100% and not enjoy what you are doing. Just take your time and remember that we will all wait patiently for your return. Tu amigo, Raymond
  20. Greetings to all, Many thanks to everyone who’s looked in on my build and have given me inspiration to constantly push myself into this great hobby. Here’s a quick update on my Triton in order to keep everyone abreast on what is going on in my neck of the woods. When last I posted, I had incorporated the lower main mast with trestle tree and top. I have since then added the following items and I’ll tell you that this beast is getting quite large. I’ve added the top and topgallant mast along with its trestle tree; the main, topsail, and topgallant yards; and I’ve also incorporated the stud sail booms for each yard. I’ve lashed the main and topsail yards temporarily to the mast until the blocks and deadeyes I’ve ordered come in. Once they arrive I’ll start permanently lashing and securing items to its perspective area.
  21. Hello Yuri, I just found your log and I must say that you are doing an excellent job. I look forward to seeing more of your work. "Прощай, мой друг"
  22. Al, Outstanding Sir. Simply amazing. My carriages didn't come out as well due to the fact that its a much smaller scale than yours, hence having to paint them red to cover up some of the flaws. Hopefully one day I may have the opportunity to work on a CNC that will give me half the results as yours did. Fair winds to you and yours Buddy.
  23. Chris, The rabbet line came out great. I like the fact that you were able to use the french curves and straight edge as a safety measure against ruining your keel. "Bravo Maestro" to you sir.
  24. Good Morning Chris, That is indeed an item that will keep everything within arms length. Now it keeping the Admiral happy is just a bonus. Happy wife; happy life.
  25. Greetings to all, Since I started on the main mast, I had to go about making the trestle trees and top for the mast. The trestle tree wasn’t really rocket science but the top was a different matter due to the fact that I had to make rabbet joints where the boards met. I’ve already mentioned that I have huge mitts for certain aspects of the build that makes me feel like I’m all thumbs and I don’t have a Byrnes table saw that most people already have. So what I did was cut 1/32” basswood down to size and overlapped the corners of the top. Once dry, I came back and added more strips to fill in the gaps between the overlaps. Upon completion of the top I gave it its shape, added the battens and ring, and finally added the top’s rail. I must point out that on the mast itself; I’ve also added wooldings on every other painter’s tape simulated iron hoop. The following photos will show how my Triton is coming along.
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